
How to unblock stuck energy channels in the chest and throat area?

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I don't think I worded it fairly. A lot (most, actually) people get very good results with the Small Universe meditation.


However, in my particular case, it caused some problems because Master Lin goes into very little detail about the hows and whys, (compared for instance, with Master Chia's MCO, where there is a LOT of explanation and preparation before completing a full cycle of the orbit, etc.)


It turns out I was doing it incorrectly for months and months, since I had little other points of reference, and now I am slowly undoing some bad habits I learned from it.


This does not mean it's bad. It's just a very simplified (IMO, oversimplified) version of the MCO and doesn't account for all the possible problems one could run into while doing it.


You jumped from Lin to Chia and then "all the possible problems one could run into while doing it"...    Do you see the problem here, and you've not share why you are even doing the MCO nor how... can you explain it and where you then also made mistakes?


I did the MCO from a book at first and some other writings and have never had an issue but I continue to see folks post about problems.  Sometimes it is not the practice but the destiny.   You should consider whether this is something you should not be doing at all.


There are some here that could likely unblock your throat, remotely, but would you just go back to the practice that caused it?


I think it would be better to outline the practice, technique, steps, etc... and then some could comment on certain steps of it.

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