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I took a qigong seminar a few years back.  I don't recall there being any mention at all of breath.  It seemed to be all about movement, particular movement.   I have subsequently, in my studies, read that it is all about breath, or 'no-breath' awareness, as you say.  Perhaps the instructor over a long period of time would have integrated the breath aspect into it.


I do not do qigong.  I didn't stick with it.  But I do go outside barefoot on a nice day and do a form of earth ballet, as I like to call it.  I honor the movements my body wants to make - very slowly, nice stretch.   I like to do it to a nice Native American CD - Sacred Spirit or one like that. Effortless breath is the essence of it.  I so appreciate and kind of understand at an almost imperceptible level what you are talking about.  I've never heard it explained better.


(As you can see, my legendary technical skills have once more come to the fore...)

Edited by manitou
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The first phase of Awakening is a very clear shift from what I call noise.


It is an unequivocal shift and in the original words of myself and many others that I have come upon who have had this experience - they have also used these same words - it is the experience of "you" falling away.


It can happen very suddenly and it can happen in large chunks day after day after day - I have had both experiences.


Noise in this sense is All position - political and other wise, all stance, all mind looping, defense of thought and idea, All position of good and bad, evil and angelic, nearly all general media in all forms, nearly all interaction and conversation. If it is not noise it is generally the fuel of noise - and this then includes the diets and dietary intakes that propagate the sleep within noise. Those physical intakes of food and drink in addition to the much larger intake of media and position enhancing mind looping support frequencies.


We are so encompassed within the shell of our mental looping and noise that it is inconceivable to understand what Awakenng will in fact be like because it is impossible for anyone who has not awakened to hear but the faintest slightest smell of it.


It is not something you come to understand - it IS something that when it occurs you see so incredibly clearly how incapable words are when employed in trying to describe what it is like.


There are endless levels in this new setting of awareness - but for a time - the time of Initial Awakening - typically extending out several years - massive portions of the former you have fallen away and there seems little left. And you begin to acclimate to this new awareness - it is both very easy and yet a new skill is budding - the skill of comfort in free fall - one in which the "controlling you" is not there and the steering wheel is gone - not lost or misplaced - it is unnecessary (this is where words become so paltry).


In this explaination so far you may be worried that worldly care and understanding of the crucial problems of the world have left in Awakening - and now the person has moved into some waking zombie bliss state of - "I" am no longer - and by inference - there is no "i" to care any longer - it appears this way because words are inadequate. And because it is partially true and for a short time very true - but much more in a different sense. More in the sense of someone just hit by a car and in the intensive care unit - for a time - they really do not need to be involved or conscious of the outside world - they are in a critical new space in which these things are of no importance in the now. And like the person that has been hit by a car - as they move out of intensive care - their entire world view has changed.


The difference with the Awakened person is that it is not an intellectual shift or a profound new resolve to change ones priorities, not is it the effect of epiphany and deep new insight - it is an unwrapped awareness free of an entire matrix of patterned glued positioned personality. (This is not to say no fragment of which remains - but we can address that later)


In this critical period of initial Awakeneing - it is difficult to feel ones way - yet it is also an incredibly nimble peaceful unconsumed awareness dwelling. It is not difficult not to talk - yet talking is what used to happen frequently. It is not difficult to not engage in position and noise of all types - yet engaging with position and noise is what our lives mainly consisted of. It is not difficult to be un-swept-up in work - yet it may have been our entire passion and life prior.


In Awakening one is in stillness, no inertia - a non-juggling state. Whole portions of "us" that were formerly asleep in buzz - don't buzz - "they" have not been silenced - "they" are no longer. One is now acclimating to life in this way - the world is still the same but everything has changed. All of our relationships have changed - our relationship to All - the facade has fallen away - a pre-occupation is gone, planning is gone, contriving is gone - it is all laid to rest - not in a way in which it is to be taken up later - it is gone and if taken up in any form again - it will be from an entirely fresh now ness - and not as something one dusts off and becomes re-established in.


The racing mind is gone - the looping repetition is gone - the timed life is gone and the timers are gone. Priorities have gone.

And they have gone because one is present - closing ones eyes and just sitting at this time is often the only real "priority" - it simply is encompassing - whatever is taking place it is taking place in this.


And so for several years this transition to an Awakened awareness state, an ever Enlightening life takes place - and in and along this many powerful and explosive changes may/will continue and challenges that still linger but were thought gone are hopefully seen and met with due diligence. But in this initial phase one can revert.


However blissful some may find it and however deep and still one finds it - one is thoroughly un-prepared for it - completely and utterly. That is not to say you sit there with your jaw open and a feeling of what am I supposed to do now. You sit there in awareness and all the screaming and yelling and mold makings of the mind are silent and you have a feeling of incredible now ness and gratitude - not a gratitude "to" any "thing" - it is a sort of gratitude that sobs through your space and drips from your eyes. It is all gratitude - and you for the first time begin to know the light of love.


The world outside of you still exists - it is rushed along in sleep and time and space - cubified and noisy - banging all around you - people, things, timetables rely on "you" but they are in relation to "the old you" which for a time may be as remote to you as if a fortune teller was to tell you you had a past life as a sheep herder. Most of us do not have the option of walking over to a cave and just sitting - but we do have "caves" of another sort and park benches - it is just that - particularly in the West - we have no language and definitely no recognition of what this so called Awakening stuff is and what it entails and what to make of it - our surrounding world is now not connected to us in an interactive association of the same frequency - it is in the future and the past and in a sweaty globe of hands grasping at the sides - and yet you (awareness) are interacting with it - more connected than ever - but disengaged with the noise which is animating it. And the animating is there ready to pressure you and involve you and re-integrate you.


Your wife and three kids are handing you the dish towel and expecting you to do the dishes and take out the trash and go over what they will be doing tomorrow and how their past day went and who called and needs an answer and ..................................

You are not "in" that and yet you are - you are completely and utterly NOT "in that" and yet you are.

Edited by Spotless
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"Be in the world but not of the world. Like a withered tree on a cliff"-something like that by someone

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The following is taken from another post regarding some questions someone had in choosing what to do and where to go and this was my response. He/She stated a wish to lead a completely virtuous life and obtain self mastery:


The idea of the completely virtuous life - one tends to think of it as an application of virtuous behavior until it is ingrained - this is an incorrect view. We think in terms of the application of ethics and morality - this is false thinking. We think in terms of doing to ourselves when undoing is what is your actual intent.


Self mastery is not overcoming our shortcomings and organizing ourselves along guidelines - from an un-awakened standpoint this is the reference - the idea that we "do" - and from a theoretical un-awakened standpoint of not-doing we are still radically cemented to our fear and conceptualizations.


It is practice that unfolds us from within - wherein we come to leading a virtuous life. In the Awakened state one sees correct thinking.

It is not ethical nor moral - it is in the Now - past and future bend and distort relative xperience - this is why all sorts of ethics and morals are attached to the inculcations we recieve from birth.


"Correct thinking" is incredibly powerful and almost completely misunderstood - when correct thinking is reached one has attained Awakening - but until that step - correct thinking is spoken of throughout all of the teachings.


We are always "doing" in the future and gauging ourselves on the past - this creates inner termoil and a disparity between us and our bodies and all and everything. We are always judging which creates puffery and veils our view of light and love and supports the view that we are our identifications and what we are judging is other. Correct thinking moves beyond concept - it is fostering the habit that will be embodied at once in Awakening.


Learning not to be in the future with our minds - not to allow futures to loop in our head - noticing judgement and allowing it to cease - learning neutrality and stillness in meditation - constantly breaking unnatural emerging patterning in our energetic systems - constantly refining (not by "doing"') our lighter bodies - and constantly increasingly finding embodiment - fostering non-trance embodiment.


When we have reached Awakening we move swiftly to correct thinking and we are more or less in a constant state of OKness - this is mistranslated as Bliss - but it is a oneness with the universe and Now.


This is one first gigantic sustained step - and it does not mean we necessarily exude "correct action" all the time - we will still have a residual of patterns from our former identified personality patterns and these can be fairly pesky though they tend to fade during the following years.


It is in your pre-awakened state that your intent in practice can be enormously helpful in that not habituating to volatile extremes and willfulness will greatly enhance the ability to carry greatly expanded energetic embodiment then and later.

Edited by Spotless
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Regarding Visualization:


In general visualization is an extremely useful tool - for coming to understand that what you see and think has substance. It has substance or brings substance - and or it can create the tuning fork tone that will attract it.


Thought forms float around most everyone - many from very far in the past - they are conceptualizations/visualizations typically with some compaction.


Visualization is an important tool and the precursor to "knowing" in a sense.

It can be utilized in energy manipulation but it already is at all times - we are simply unaware of what the seeing of our thoughts create and what they entail.


Energy manipulation per se as something we learn in a class when learning visualization can be very good and it can also be very dangerous in the sense that good intentions do not make up for the fact that often we have no idea what we are really doing. Often specific energetic exercises and manipulations within our personal energetic systems are far to focused for the abilities we have and the knowledge - and if it is on others - it certainly should only be done with their permission - for the most part this should only be done with considerable training under a good teacher.


Our thoughts stay with us and our thought forms attract that vibration - if you really really resist something - you will attract it again and again and again until you are no longer attracting it because you no longer resist it - it is called "being beneath the wheel". You attract the wheel that is grinding you.


This then is not to say - "only think of daisies and rainbows" nor is it to say "hide your eyes from the horrors of humanity" and it is certainly not to give you impetus to beat yourself up for bringing things upon yourself - that is what you signed up for - few things are more heroic than to sign up for a Human life.


But learning to be free of resistance - to own neutrality, patience and compassion - you cannot be fully compassionate in resistance.


Visualization moves to seeing and knowing - it is what you already do but do not recognize it - and as you come to understand this the effort in effort diminishes to nothing - but you cannot skip to this step and own it, know it (trance won't take you to this level as an owner of it - it may appear to).


Practice will - conscious in-body practice.

Edited by Spotless
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There was this teacher I knew who would be outside the exam room while the students were waiting to sit the test. They were all nervous and there was nothing he could do so he would walk down the line and give them all a 'Telepathic Boost'. This involved going up to them and giving them each a double fist bump (this is where you gently punch each others fists) while saying 'Telepathic Boost'. I'm not exactly sure how this works - but Manitou I'd like to give you a 'Telepathic Boost'! 

Edited by Miffymog
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There was this teacher I knew who would be outside the exam room while the students were waiting to sit the test. They were all nervous and there was nothing he could do so he would walk down the line and give them all a 'Telepathic Boost'. This involved going up to them and giving them each a double fist bump (this is where you gently punch each others fists) while saying 'Telepathic Boost'. I'm not exactly sure how this works - but Manitou I'd like to give you a 'Telepathic Boost'! 


I'll take it.

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As long as you are "trying" to swim under water and go deep you will not - at any moment you can be deep - BE very everywhere. The buoy that you have grasp onto and that holds you here in illusion is noise - your noise, the noise you believe in, it is "your past", "your futures" and all you are identified with - it is "your story". Nothing else is required to Awaken - zero - no meditation is required - nada.


Drop the addiction to "your noise".

Edited by Spotless
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Celibacy / Abstaining - vasectomy and Awakening


The following was in response to someone (a father of three) asking about whether to have a vasectomy or not and also the notion of becoming celibate and in part of that discussion they also included the following statement:


"For me spiritual practice is all about developing the capacity to contain energy"



My response is posted here as well as in that forum as follows:


There is a difference between Abstaining and Celibacy - the traditional definition of Celibacy is not just not having sex, but not having a partner (it is the single life and one without sex). Since Awakening I am what I consider Celibate though I have a wife and 9 year old son. But my wife and I have no sex of any kind - and we do not engage in any "play".


Upon Awakening it took some time to re-establish what our relationship was - had we not had a young son we may very well have parted our ways - though that is not clear at all. Awakening often results in fairly epic changes in ones daily relations - at least at the outset nearly every tie one has has fallen away. The relationship to my wife, business, "my" positions, "my" politics, "my" best strategies - it all fell away. The relationship to my son was generally always in the present and he was definitely in the present - so it did not change except for the better.


I had always been oversexed - but in awakening it was not that I lost my sexual urges - it was that they were a distraction at least initially and far far removed from where my awareness was. I had to establish as gently as possible that touch and advances were not something I wanted to engage in - at least not for awhile. It took some time to let her know how our relationship in a certain sense had - ended - though I did not frame it that way - I let her know that after Awakening it was like being in a house that was not mine with a family I was not attached to, with a business that had my name on it but with which I had no attachment nor any interest in.


I was lucky that my business orders were easily simply fulfilled - all other activities such as new product development (which normally excited me and which I I enjoyed designing and bringing to market) simply ended completely. My home life of parenting consisted mainly of showing up at the various places for driving our son here and there and shopping for food. At home being with him was a joy and being with my wife was not a problem - she could certainly feel that a certain "edge" was gone from me and I was much more easy going.


In Awakening - the initial stages - it is like sitting in an unknown abyss - but an abyss of OKness.


It has now been several years since this sustained Awakening occurred and a great deal continues to happen every week or two and has since it happened - it is astonishing. My relationship with my wife has deepened and as a parent I am certainly better for it. The family relationship has been excellent for my continued practice as it has been a clear reminder here and there of what still needed to fall away - residual patterns that remained. Since Awakening my practice intensity did not really change much but I went from lots of sitting meditation to lots of moving Qi Gong - a superb practice for further work on letting residual patterns fall away.


All of this is not to digress from this thread but to set up some basis from which to talk since it is germain to the subject of abstaining / celibacy - ( and eventually vasectomy ).


Since I have undertaken Qi Gong, Awakened and become Celibate - a relatively uncommon package - here are some points that have taken place:


For the most part sexual desire has dropped dramatically - but it has on occasion popped up out of no where and makes clear the deep seated response we have to visuals as well as pheromones. Also, from practice not associated with doing anything in particular - at times "breathing" through ones penis and the entirely incredible light in the souther regions comes out of no where as well and it is not associated with a sexual drive but none the less one may have a raging exhibit of it - and for a time that can lean over into desire - not nessisarily to copulate with another - but definitely with ideas regarding release - and dreams can be very vivid in this regard but oddly I have not had a misfire there.


Over time urges dissipate but on the other hand the energy of the genitals does not - they are in light constantly and often suprizingly so - though by comparison to what else is going on they are generally not in the spotlight. I have never considered Celibacy with any high regard for "retention" and still do not. Retention has only to me been just a temporary tool for adjusting completely out of control rampant lust and over the top self gratification. This Celibacy that I am engaged in now is very different - it became me at about the same time dropping alcohol and meat did - though I dropped alcohol prior - they are in a sense "downers" to my current energy.


Obviously sex is not a product or what is typically thought of as food taken into ones system - it is a relational activity and even divine activity - but it is also highly animal though it certainly does not have to be. My relationship with my wife sexually was certainly spiritual but we were not from a ritualistic sexual background nor tantric - however I might like to sugar coat the experience - I like to fuck. After Awakening the energy of "fucking my brains out and her's as well" was not repugnant, but it was simply base and the lightness of being changed as I participated in "going there".


We choose the frequency in which we are - the karma - upon Awakening the choice is not one of being torn between choices - for the most part the way is clear - though we may override it here and there - but it becomes exceedingly obvious to those who did at least a modicum of prior practice - that overriding is what you always used to do prior to awakening and that patterning and looping is now gone.


It is this last thought that brought me to choose the quote above - the idea that "spiritual practice is all about the capacity to contain energy" - it is perhaps the opposite of this.


Our patterning acts as a net - it collects and blocks the flow through our entirety - like a spiders web it grabs onto things and thoughtforms we prize and devour again and again - we become the web and defend the web - it is "our" web - stay the hell away!


The dissipation of our capacities is not helped by an increase in containment - we are dissipated by the patterns and mind looping and constant inertia from them. Containment becomes just an additional blocking in our net - possibly with the idea that at a certain point it will expunge certain blocks or that at a certain point it will bring us to a point of energetic capacity to activate formerly unavailable possibilities - but this is not how it really works - not in the general picture. Certainly it can help out here and there - but as a tool only.


Look at it more like this - light is moving through everything - it is everything.

Most living forms live in this light - flow in the stream of light - are present to it.


We have webbed the flow and live in the heat of its constraints - like a poor conductor sitting in the middle of a raging and wonderful flow of light. We run all over the place working to engineer a better structure - and if we get in our minds that our structure is false and an illusion we are perfectly assured that we must remove the structure with a non-structure that is structured in accordance with the great teachers who are practically yelling to us that this is incorrect thinking and we shake our heads and say we understand but then ask why - because we never heard them in the first place.


We are not replacing structure - not even with non-structure. We are either being worn down to no-structure - no "in the way ness" or we are intentionally suffering Practice in order to free ourselves of the bonds we contain ourselves within. The actual amount of energy available to usnat all times is beyond measure - the amount we can "have" is related to just how poorly or not so poorly we can transmit light through our awareness.


The word "clarity" is often associated with Awakening - and most of us think it is because "wow - now I see everything and know everything" but that is not so much the case as "wow - I now realize I know nothing and have never known anything and do not need to worry about pegging everything into its proper place because that was a ridiculous fantasy I got all webbed up into and oh my god this universe is incredible and perfect and beautiful and I am that/this/all"


Practice is not even about letting go - it is about the process of enabling falling away - if for one moment the web is dropped - we Awaken.




I cannot say whether I would or would not recommend vasectomy - Spilling my sperm at nearly every opportunity did not seem to effect my ability to progress though I am not "proud" of my lack of discipline or more aptly my total indulgence. It is certainly the case that in general a woman at ease regarding the implications of sex is a woman that is much more fun in bed and around men in general. I know of no evidence to support the notion that a woman who has had three children would in any way think less of a partner that has had a vasectomy - even on a subtle nature - I think the opposite is true - if it makes them feel safer and freer then they will be more attracted than ever - and sex will take on a "fun" level that it never completely had before.


In general I do not think a vasectomy would be detrimental to Awakening - containment has never been the issue - though it is something the engineers absolutely love to believe - it is far more a change of frequency (vibration) and that can take place and will take place regardless of a vasectomy. However, if a fear is in place - that becomes part of the web, part of the heated gluing matrix obscuring the light. At a certain frequency - like that of a voice that breaks glass - the frequency drops the web - at least large chunks of it.

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As long as you are "trying" to swim under water and go deep you will not - at any moment you can be deep - BE very everywhere. The buoy that you have grasp onto and that holds you here in illusion is noise - your noise, the noise you believe in, it is "your past", "your futures" and all you are identified with - it is "your story". Nothing else is required to Awaken - zero - no meditation is required - nada.


Drop the addiction to "your noise".



This agrees with the nature of reality to the limit of my ability to 'know' it. 


Unlimited Love,


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In my last post I mention a change of frequency and it occurred to me that some may assume that would mean to a "higher" frequency. It might in fact be to "no frequency".

Just a thought because higher (more rapid) vibration can often be a problem and so the metaphor is not a perfect one.

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I think that there are people who erroneously think that they've opened their third eyes... maybe they feel some tingling sensation, a little light from time to time...


...but the real opening of the third eye is something entirely different and it's something that can be practically verified by the gift of prophecy.

Read the story of Blessed Anne Marie Taigi, a catholic saint who practised some sort of meditation and achieved the real thing.


"Among other gifts the most remarkable was that for a space of forty-seven years she saw a kind of sun in whose light she descried things at hand and things afar off foresaw future events, scrutinized the secrets of hearts and the most hidden and most inward impulses." Suddenly, then, in her humble home, Anna saw a little above her head, as it were a blazing sun crowned by a circle of thorns; two long thorns clasped it round; in the centre was the Eternal Wisdom (presumably), represented by a young woman seated in contempla­tion. Films of cloud dimmed the dazzling light, but an interior voice told her that the clouds would disappear according to the increasing measure of her purification. In this light she was to see, until her death, not only everything that might conduce her to perfection, but also everything that could help win others for God and allow her to help the Church militant or suffering.




"For forty-seven years, day and night, at home, at church, in the. street, she saw in this sun, which became increasingly brilliant, all things on this earth both physical and moral; she penetrated to the depths and rose up to heaven, where she saw the eternal lot of the dead. She saw the most secret thoughts of persons nearby or far off; events and personages of bygone days ....She had only to think of a thing and it presented itself in a clear and, complete manner .... A mere glance at this mystic sun and she entered at will into the most secret council-rooms of kings.

Edited by Cheshire Cat
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we are tuned into "noise" - it is our frequency - it can be elegant, crude, disarming, quiet, big, unassuming, vibrant - none the less - we are addicted to it, positioned in it and absolutely glued to it - until in a moment we are not.


Everything in and about practice is to get to the point that the enlightened masters speak of - release from suffering/grasping/futures/pasts. This begins with the falling away of the noise - and all of our tentacles that we believe are orchestrating that noise and know what is best for that noise "if only others" could see it according to "my" noise - these tentacles are always immediately in the past and we are always trying to stop the future so that our pastness can jam a few square pegs into round holes to give some proof we are controlling something large enough to feel big about or at least rip apart those we regard as less fortunate.


This is our frequency -


The frequency can be that of the universe - which is us - the unborn.


Generally it takes exhaustion to get us to drop for a moment our noise - sometimes it simply falls away out of the blue and sometimes it falls away in the happenings of practice.

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Yinja, on 19 Jun 2016 - 8:00 PM, said:

My partner wants to know whether or not one can be "happy" (lets call it the absence of discomfort/suffering?) without having other human beings in your life.


What is our need of company after being awakened and before?



Thanks again wise bums









My response reposted here and attending to "what is our need for company after being Awakened?"


Immediately after Awakening and for a fair amount of time no company is "needed" nor is most company "wanted" - at least not company that talks. And the other forms of human noise (humans for some time are very noisy - all wrapped up in pasts and futures and fuss) such as media - you can pick up the media one day - skip it for 5 months and the buzz is the same - the stories the same the strife the same the killing the same. It is not some jaded view - it is now a foreign buzz which we are not a part of anymore - it is a buzz that does not exist in its sense, its insistence. It is a buzz that can stir remaining residual parts of what has to a great extent fallen away - and if you imbibe again in it and allow positions and polarities again to form - suddenly you are back in the sleep walking.


You will have some positions and polarities - but you don't reside in them - and dependent upon your various understandings - you will find them dissipating as you go along either proactively or in the course of unfolding. Or you may stick with certain shortcomings and simply stay there without regressing. In other words - Awakening is a first step - gigantic - but it is certainly not the end all with the exception that you are no longer seeking and a thousand veils have fallen away.


You will still have buttons and anger will come and go - but it is very very very different - it is not associated with - it happens but has no grip. An "anger" can arise and fall away in minutes and be completely gone - without the added mind looping and positioning and justifications - and you can watch it and go "wow".


If you continue practice you can proactively continue to work on removing residual patterning - at a much greater scale than before.

Entire sections of hate toward someone or victim hood towards some event(s) can vanish here and there - often you do not know they have vanished and then something comes up that reminds you of them and there is nothing - no anger, no victim and very possibly the complete opposite - complete clarity and love.


For some time one is acclimating to the very sudden change - it can be for some too sudden and too drastic and too quiet - it can be an uneasy transition from mind to intuition - from the illusion of control to flow. An odd free fall of sorts - with an odd OKness - but the OKness is very very strong - also translated as bliss on many levels. This OKness pervades because we are no longer in futures and pasts and it is necessary to be at peace with this for a good amount of time or we will revert and residuals stir and we go back to the sleeping comfort of position and restraint (restrain from the inertia of our positions).


Then as "time has passed" our way begins to come to us and slowly we feel our way in this "new" Awakened and ever enlightening life. And certain portions of us which are deeply our true USness emerge and or re-emerge - such as if we were always good as a writer - we may again find writing. If we were adept at music we may find music emerging. The spectrum that we emit from the light flowing through us still reflects a certain USness - one tilted toward humor will still be tilted there - one somewhat harsh will still have some harshness - the very friendly types will still be very friendly and the somewhat closed and soft spoken will still be somewhat closed and soft spoken.


Those fairly heady types will remain somewhat heady and those fairly heart based will remain somewhat heart based and those that have been very physically oriented will remain as such - but generally very much expanded/expanding.


Relationships with other people change for the most part completely - they are asleep - radically asleep - dedicated to sleep - fortifying their beds in nearly every moment. So it is easy to be alone for a number of reasons - for one thing - upon Awakening the illusion that one is alone is dispelled - one is never alone - but the noise is gone - the notion that one is one is gone - replaced by an awareness that we are all - that we is one.


Our relationship with others is completely changed - and in the beginning it is a stretch - we are full of light and stillness and can no more relate what is going on to our best of friends than the man in the moon. We can come into a place like this right here and it is not possible to find words - we have not exercised the capacity to talk about what has happened - and we also encounter hostility that is both understandable and yet so walled off - so drenched in position. It is disheartening to realize how hardened and dedicated we once were and how difficult it is to convey this light - and it is also raging clear how utterly far off we were in understanding what was trying to be conveyed by the great Enlightening Beings prior to Awakening - we had such perfect rigid ideas and notions - such absurdly stiff platitudes - such implausible concoctions and requirements.


In Unity consciousness - the rug is alive - a plastic plant is alive - and tears flow for no reason what so ever but pure gratitude - gratitude not to something or for someone or thing - just overwhelming gratitude - a heart expanding in light.

Edited by Spotless
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I think that there are people who erroneously think that they've opened their third eyes... maybe they feel some tingling sensation, a little light from time to time...


...but the real opening of the third eye is something entirely different and it's something that can be practically verified by the gift of prophecy.

Read the story of Blessed Anne Marie Taigi, a catholic saint who practised some sort of meditation and achieved the real thing.


"Among other gifts the most remarkable was that for a space of forty-seven years she saw a kind of sun in whose light she descried things at hand and things afar off foresaw future events, scrutinized the secrets of hearts and the most hidden and most inward impulses." Suddenly, then, in her humble home, Anna saw a little above her head, as it were a blazing sun crowned by a circle of thorns; two long thorns clasped it round; in the centre was the Eternal Wisdom (presumably), represented by a young woman seated in contempla­tion. Films of cloud dimmed the dazzling light, but an interior voice told her that the clouds would disappear according to the increasing measure of her purification. In this light she was to see, until her death, not only everything that might conduce her to perfection, but also everything that could help win others for God and allow her to help the Church militant or suffering.




"For forty-seven years, day and night, at home, at church, in the. street, she saw in this sun, which became increasingly brilliant, all things on this earth both physical and moral; she penetrated to the depths and rose up to heaven, where she saw the eternal lot of the dead. She saw the most secret thoughts of persons nearby or far off; events and personages of bygone days ....She had only to think of a thing and it presented itself in a clear and, complete manner .... A mere glance at this mystic sun and she entered at will into the most secret council-rooms of kings.

thank you for sharing "she saw a kind of sun in whose light she descried things at hand and things afar off foresaw future events, scrutinized the secrets of hearts and the most hidden and most inward impulses."


things related to this I think are accurate, I read through the link I found her relationship with "God" hm bizarre. I wonder at the possibility of outside influences sidetracking her psychic development to it's own ends, requiring submission to it etc? Though she appears happy to pursue.




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things related to this I think are accurate, I read through the link I found her relationship with "God" hm bizarre. I wonder at the possibility of outside influences sidetracking her psychic development to it's own ends, requiring submission to it etc? Though she appears happy to pursue.



We should consider that:

  1. these account has been tampered by christians who wanted to "christianize" the phenomenon as much as possible. Catholics are known for this kind of actions: in the rare cases in which we have accounts of the mystic to compare, we often see a different story... for example, in Lourdes the virgin Mary appeared and she allegedly told she's the Immaculate Conception (this is a theological epitome). But the mystic always refers to her as "that thing".
  2. Psychic experiences are always somewhat.... edulcorated by the background of the mystic :P
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Prophecy is a big word that has been pretty contorted by Religion - but "seeing" into pasts, present or futures is certainly part of the turf of opening the third eye.


It can be something used for gain, something that hinders ones progress - or it can simply be what it is and grow from that as an ability the one has and learns from - it is not what people think - it is far more.


Take almost all of what you think is the utility and toss that out the window - do not look at it as a utility. It certainly can be - but it is also a torture to learn from and help to grind down and refine ones being.


Imagine knowing large futures - seeing them unfold as you saw they would from the moment of inception - and allowing the rage against it to rise and coming much later to realize for all your efforts you could barely turn a head - so mesmerized and robotic is the set frequency of the play unfolding. You then see this in yourself time and again - finally finally these patterns become unbearable - it is a great and very compressed lesson but it can get the job done of tiring you of your story and all the other stories.


You see person after person with their story, the positions, mind loops - everyone self contained in their own personal tornado. And you play tornado with them - and then see it and try to extricate yourself from it - over and over and over and over until it is a nausea, angst, exhaustion.


At some point hopefully you may clearly see that this was the prize - the exhaustion - it brings death to the tornado and in this the falling away of what you thought was "I".

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Someone asked:


Spotless, do you find that traditional sitting meditation will be more beneficial than say a standing meditation (zhan zhuang)?






My path started in ernest with yoga (Raja Yoga) over forty years ago. Sitting meditation is what it was mainly comprised of with postures as an adjunct - it bore tremendous fruit (opening of the third eye) though I almost gave up on it.


Much later I Awoke (30+ years) when meditating 3-6 hours at a time daily prior to my child being born and after he was born - I started this in order to speak with him prior to his birth and then for a time after.


After awakening I was drawn to Qi Gong and it has been incredible - I threw myself into it and have been astounded at the results.

It has been instrumental in wearing away residual patterns - many had fallen away in Awakening but many had not. I also had health issues primarily mechanical but many little things all of which are basically cleared up.


Beyond that - Qi Gong has taken this body and spirit combo to levels that are very far beyond words. Yesterday my wife and son and I went for a drive and I had to pull over and have my wife drive - the energies taking place over the past week often make simple walking completely incredible - the energy is simply breathtaking and it is often hard to keep my eyes open while standing.


Most key in my Qi Gong practice was when I finally "heard" the message - BE - in your lower dan Tien - breath into your lower dan Tien (LDT). It was about two years into this practice that I really finally heard this message and began doing it constantly. Within about one year after that a whole array of unfolding came about - the prior experiences had already been incredible - with something pounding through at least every two weeks but as the base was really established the whole setup began to emerge prescisely as the teaching set it out - and I know little of the written teachings of Qi Gong - my teacher speaks no English and I had read no books on it other than a few perusals - I do have one hell of a teacher though and we use our iPhones for translating if I have a question and he also manually corrects my posture here and there. (I teach now)


I found out it was unfolding as it is taught because other students verified many of the things I experienced one after another as what it is said would occur. (One Chinese student)


In my practice of Qi Gong I have done next to no standing meditation - the movements move one through patterns and though I did not know it at the time - that is what I needed. Only very recently I am spontaneously finding myself in standing meditation - because the power is immense and it simply requires being with it in stillness. (I also just sit in a chair frequently for this reason)


I had done so much prior sitting meditation that much of what I would have put into standing meditation in my Qi Gong practice was simply not needed - my teacher never nuged me in that direction but only pointed out that it was the more powerful of the two (sitting vs standing ) and I have no reason not to believe him. I am so acclimated to sitting meditation that it is what I have done when the urge to meditate comes to me - I do it sitting upright in a chair, in half lotus or full lotus - no big difference in those three forms - being un distracted by discomforts and having a good posture is really the only thing important ( my meditation is typically between 1 and 18 hours at a time).







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Prophecy is a big word that has been pretty contorted by Religion - but "seeing" into pasts, present or futures is certainly part of the turf of opening the third eye.


It can be something used for gain, something that hinders ones progress - or it can simply be what it is and grow from that as an ability the one has and learns from - it is not what people think - it is far more.


Take almost all of what you think is the utility and toss that out the window - do not look at it as a utility. It certainly can be - but it is also a torture to learn from and help to grind down and refine ones being.


Imagine knowing large futures - seeing them unfold as you saw they would from the moment of inception - and allowing the rage against it to rise and coming much later to realize for all your efforts you could barely turn a head - so mesmerized and robotic is the set frequency of the play unfolding. You then see this in yourself time and again - finally finally these patterns become unbearable - it is a great and very compressed lesson but it can get the job done of tiring you of your story and all the other stories.


You see person after person with their story, the positions, mind loops - everyone self contained in their own personal tornado. And you play tornado with them - and then see it and try to extricate yourself from it - over and over and over and over until it is a nausea, angst, exhaustion.


At some point hopefully you may clearly see that this was the prize - the exhaustion - it brings death to the tornado and in this the falling away of what you thought was "I".

Isn't a good strategy to "not to see" stories of others? To ignore it or better - to not let our attention be drown into "scaning" others? Not that I know answear for that but seems that there is no use in checking stories of others.

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Isn't a good strategy to "not to see" stories of others? To ignore it or better - to not let our attention be drown into "scaning" others? Not that I know answear for that but seems that there is no use in checking stories of others.

I agree - you have misunderstood me - probably because it was poorly written and far too short.

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