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Is personality unique to humans?

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I "Liked" your post but I'm not sure about that love stuff.


haha. gut feeling is right... until the mind kicks in and starts labeling.


love=unconditional love, feeling compassion towards another being

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basically animals have the same feelings as humans. so how can you say that animal is just an animal and does not have any personality/individuality. even such traits as submissive/dominant, angry, sad, cheerful, active, passive these all vary between animals of the same species. if you take a slaugherhouse animal he will never have a happy personality. same as humans. which humans are happy to hear their death sentence? none.

so if animals exhibit the same spectrum of emotions and feelings, even behaviour, this is discrimination to say they have less worth than any other life form.

so when i said that you can see more when you dont judge, i was implying that its best to experience animals in real. try to connect with them and feel them,
instead of pointing to an endless stream of internet videos (i already posted the video which was posted before by someone else)

watching a video and reading theories about animal behaviour is not the same thing as experiencing it in the moment.

if i would have to name the biggest difference between humans and other animals, then i would have to say that humans are the furthest away from their nature and being, dissonant creatures, who live in a mind-absorbed world. the only creature that has separated itself from nature, the creature that has the strongest fake reality identicator, which is the egoic "I"

so if this species called humans fail to even understand themselves, how can you expect them to understand others ?

And sometimes when we imagine we see more than there really is.

Marblehead, i didnt know you are the daydreamer type ! :lol:

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basically animals have the same feelings as humans. so how can you say that animal is just an animal and does not have any personality/individuality. even such traits as submissive/dominant, angry, sad, cheerful, active, passive these all vary between animals of the same species. if you take a slaugherhouse animal he will never have a happy personality. same as humans. which humans are happy to hear their death sentence? none.


so if animals exhibit the same spectrum of emotions and feelings, even behaviour, this is discrimination to say they have less worth than any other life form.


so when i said that you can see more when you dont judge, i was implying that its best to experience animals in real. try to connect with them and feel them,

instead of pointing to an endless stream of internet videos (i already posted the video which was posted before by someone else)


watching a video and reading theories about animal behaviour is not the same thing as experiencing it in the moment.


if i would have to name the biggest difference between humans and other animals, then i would have to say that humans are the furthest away from their nature and being, dissonant creatures, who live in a mind-absorbed world. the only creature that has separated itself from nature, the creature that has the strongest fake reality identicator, which is the egoic "I"


so if this species called humans fail to even understand themselves, how can you expect them to understand others ?



Marblehead, i didnt know you are the daydreamer type ! :lol:

Actually I mentioned earlier , uncontested that the activities of Shanlungs bird , can easily be seen as an indicator of imagination and preconscious. Since its the preconscious which folks are wrongly calling ego , the bird is not free of this trait either.  It will know if it is treated poorly , and that indicates its 'ego' includes an 'I'. 

A person can SAY that they have no more worth than another life form , but realistically , if I was given a choice between saving your life or that of my cat , I would have to pick you. AND you would agree I made the right choice about which was worth more. If I had picked my cat , you would deem me a crazed villain. 

As a member of the human race, there are some privileges , perks , you are entitled to , and one of these is the basic assumption that you are more important than a rat. 

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Actually I mentioned earlier , uncontested that the activities of Shanlungs bird , can easily be seen as an indicator of imagination and preconscious. Since its the preconscious which folks are wrongly calling ego , the bird is not free of this trait either.  It will know if it is treated poorly , and that indicates its 'ego' includes an 'I'. 

A person can SAY that they have no more worth than another life form , but realistically , if I was given a choice between saving your life or that of my cat , I would have to pick you. AND you would agree I made the right choice about which was worth more. If I had picked my cat , you would deem me a crazed villain. 

As a member of the human race, there are some privileges , perks , you are entitled to , and one of these is the basic assumption that you are more important than a rat. 


no every is equal. such scenarios of who save who is only seen in holiwood drama films.


you must feel the being. if not you are only judging it and the situation.

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Marblehead, i didnt know you are the daydreamer type ! :lol:

I'm not but I have been around lots of those type of people. 

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... if I was given a choice between saving your life or that of my cat , I would have to pick you. AND you would agree I made the right choice about which was worth more. If I had picked my cat , ...

I would opt for saving the cat.


If I saved the cat and he did not survive there would be no ramifications.

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Well, for better or ill, I think the man is my responsibility foremost. I love my cat, and dont know Lth at all but I couldnt put her ahead of a person. Such choices might be hollywood, but if the real world was that clear I would shoulder the karma, and hope I didnt f up.

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Well, since hollywoodesque situations are the big thing now i propose another immaginary extreme:

if someone human were to try to kick a cat and you had the possibility to stop this by punching them in the face, would you hurt another human and possibly hurt them seriously (might fall to the ground, fracture their skull etc etc) for the sake of a cat?

Edited by Rocky Lionmouth

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I'm not but I have been around lots of those type of people. 


and you judged them... !



I would opt for saving the cat.


If I saved the cat and he did not survive there would be no ramifications.


very good



Well, for better or ill, I think the man is my responsibility foremost. I love my cat, and dont know Lth at all but I couldnt put her ahead of a person. Such choices might be hollywood, but if the real world was that clear I would shoulder the karma, and hope I didnt f up.


you have an honest cause, but


putting so much weight on your shoulders might slow you down



Well, since hollywoodesque situations are the big thing now i propose another immaginary extreme:

if someone human were to try to kick a cat and you had the possibility to stop this by punching them in the face, would you hurt another human and possibly hurt them seriously (might fall to the ground, fracture their skull etc etc) for the sake of a cat?


one who opposes force with force has not yet grasped the nature of dao.


neutralizing the situation without harm would be true mastery


yes, someone who is inflicting harm on an animal, his intentions are vile. it is not any different whether the harm is done to a person or an animal. the intention fueling the action is the same


another case would be a person working in an animal slaughterhouse. such a person has either killed his ability to feel, or he manage to supress his feelings to such a degree where he becomes distant with himself or anything around him, then he can carry out the murder


same action, different intent. result is hurt, pain, and death


human mind labels the first intention as wrong, just hurting the cat,


while the slaughter one is completely okay according to the mind of a human animal :)


you could take the most predatory animal in the world, and you would not see such dissonance as exhibited by people


maybe we are talking about a human "personality" here :)

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I said:  I'm not but I have been around lots of those type of people.

and you judged them... !



But yes, I do judge.  I have never denied that.  In fact, I have a number of times suggested that we all judge in varying degrees.



And yes, Hollywood life is a lot more predictable than real life is.

Edited by Marblehead
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Well, since hollywoodesque situations are the big thing now i propose another immaginary extreme:

if someone human were to try to kick a cat and you had the possibility to stop this by punching them in the face, would you hurt another human and possibly hurt them seriously (might fall to the ground, fracture their skull etc etc) for the sake of a cat?

:) im starting to get confused, are we staying hollywood,or gettin real? Theres a good chance I might punch. But if my choice was to say ,clobber them with a section of pipe, I would withold. Whats your play ?
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I think you guys get yourself into some moral dilemma if you dont prioritize in favor of the human.

I perhaps wrongly or unfairly,, think that you would , and do, already, discern people as having the higher status. You dont perceive the regular butcher shop, same as if it were cannibal style.

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I think you guys get yourself into some moral dilemma if you dont prioritize in favor of the human. I perhaps wrongly or unfairly,, think that you would , and do, already, discern people as having the higher status. You dont perceive the regular butcher shop, same as if it were cannibal style.


actually you do, when normal senses kick in after not eating animal products for a while


crazy world :)

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actually you do, when normal senses kick in after not eating animal products for a while

crazy world :)

well I will have to take your word for it. My blood chemistry really dictates that I need to eat a meat and dairy diet. Yes its unusual, maybe six people in all the US match me in two of my blood factors in But for me its a reality, and I need certain kinds of food. Yes I diverge from that perscription but physically I pay a price.

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I think what differentiates us from animals is our outlook that we are somehow different from them and i believe that our continuos and cruel disrespect towards animals and their feelings will change from matter of opinion to hard truth, but i am vegetarian because of the food industry, because they treat animals like bags of sand.

But i'm also an urbanized comfort junkie so i havent gone all "self sufficient farmer hippie" for the sake of principle so yeah, errr, you get the picture,


Also i entertain the idea that my cats are two of my closest friends ever that consciously not only look to me for help and shelter but also offer support and trust, so i'm very biased towards a solidary stance on treating all life with respect and compassion.


I believe almost any living creature has personality, but it's really not so important wether they do or not, it how we treat those we come into contact with that matters the most in my not so humble opinion.

All Hollywood scenarios set aside there's a lot to be said and done about humans, flora and fauna and how they all interact.

Also, im convinced that since we claim to know better than "them", we should act accordingly and not use the difficulty of discerning sentience and the like as a shield for behaving like sociopathic children on a sugar high.


Also, since im just making a statement i also sense that im done and you're tired of my blabeitblabla so i shall now retire for a spell :)

Edited by Rocky Lionmouth
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well I will have to take your word for it. My blood chemistry really dictates that I need to eat a meat and dairy diet. Yes its unusual, maybe six people in all the US match me in two of my blood factors in But for me its a reality, and I need certain kinds of food. Yes I diverge from that perscription but physically I pay a price.


hmm its hard to answer. what i know is that there is a chemical addiction to animal protein. especially meat there is an substance called hypoxanthine in the blood cells of an animal. when you get it it makes you crave more of it, similar to drugs. so most likely this substance is there so predators would actually want to eat the meat, because they eat their pray raw, that is obviously different from cooked meat. but even in cooked meat, in lower quantities this substance remains.


what i also know is its been proven human digestive system is not fit for consuming meat. compared to other predatory animals humans have a diferent digestive system which prefers fast metabolising foods, rather than staying in stomach foods stay longer in the intestine, which does not fit for digesting meat, as meat needs to stay longer in the stomach to be broken down properly.


whereas predatory animals have 10 times stronger stomach acid than human and all the food they eat remain in stomach most of the time.


so thats why with eating meat all sorts of problems arise in people. animal protein and cholesterol is basically linked to almost every modern disease people develop today


but so i did not know this information when i was still consuming meat. it came by inner guidance. i just tried other foods. it came to me just like that. it was also a question of how to eat cheap at the time. because where i lived then meat wasnt cheap. so it happened that i was busy, forgot about it completely for a month or so, and then started seeing changes.


it happens to be that you need all this time because these substances are already accumulated in yourself from long time of consuming and so it takes time for body to get rid of them. when body is clean again then you regain your senses and see meat in a different way, for what it is


so basically meat is like a drug, with very minimum nutrition

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The human diet is a very complicated thing. There was a time when I didnt think so. Ive read many statements and suggestions,most unproven, and contradictory. I find it odd and troubling,that such a basic thingie we really really need to understand well,, is not. You and I have had different information related to us, maybe all of it has been correct but context is variable.

To me, it seems we are designed to exploit-eat just about anything. Its our "big talent". Specialist animals may be more efficient at some things, like digesting bones, but we specialize in being generalists. Our ambulatory modes get us almost anywhere, our metabolism lets us fuel on almost anything with enough calorie density, our liver lets us remove many toxins, for our size we are fuel efficient, we can mobilize when it is both hot or cold or dark or bright or wet or dry. And for all the situations we cant bodily adapt to , we have the big brain and opposable thumbs. These let us cook and smash bones prepare for seasonal or temporary opportunity or shortage.

So thats how this soft slow clawless crazy creature ,makes its way. Our variable personalities habits mores and traditions slot us into all those niches. The minds of cats likewise ,helps them make their way.

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The human diet is a very complicated thing. There was a time when I didnt think so. Ive read many statements and suggestions,most unproven, and contradictory. I find it odd and troubling,that such a basic thingie we really really need to understand well,, is not. You and I have had different information related to us, maybe all of it has been correct but context is variable. To me, it seems we are designed to exploit-eat just about anything. Its our "big talent". Specialist animals may be more efficient at some things, like digesting bones, but we specialize in being generalists. Our ambulatory modes get us almost anywhere, our metabolism lets us fuel on almost anything with enough calorie density, our liver lets us remove many toxins, for our size we are fuel efficient, we can mobilize when it is both hot or cold or dark or bright or wet or dry. And for all the situations we cant bodily adapt to , we have the big brain and opposable thumbs. These let us cook and smash bones prepare for seasonal or temporary opportunity or shortage. So thats how this soft slow clawless crazy creature ,makes its way. Our variable personalities habits mores and traditions slot us into all those niches. The minds of cats likewise ,helps them make their way.


amazing isnt it. i saw a video once of a person only eating rocks and sand. he doesnt look very well, but hey, he's alive

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amazing isnt it. i saw a video once of a person only eating rocks and sand. he doesnt look very well, but hey, he's alive

and you believed it matter-of-factly... 

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and you believed it matter-of-factly... 


well yeah its pretty evident that he eats it. im not sure about the brick part, how he swallow it, but the coarser parts, like the mud, gravel, seems reasonable


the media labels it as an eating disorder ^_^


animals i know that swallow rocks are birds and reptilians,


as such you may call him as having a reptilian personality :D

Edited by Lth

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well yeah its pretty evident that he eats it. im not sure about the brick part, how he swallow it, but the coarser parts, like the mud, gravel, seems reasonable


the media labels it as an eating disorder ^_^


animals i know that swallow rocks are birds and reptilians,


as such you may call him as having a reptilian personality :D

Its entirely plausible that some (beings) have odd eating habits, but qualifying the statement with 'only' seems a bit far-fetched which explains the comment, otherwise, hey, eat away...  ^_^

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Its entirely plausible that some (beings) have odd eating habits, but qualifying the statement with 'only' seems a bit far-fetched which explains the comment, otherwise, hey, eat away...  ^_^


only mostly


you can only go as far as taking his word for that, but it seems he likes his brick

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only mostly


you can only go as far as taking his word for that, but it seems he likes his brick


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Some folks eat clay, it can neutralize acids, correct bowel issues, but im thinking that calorically eating inorganic material would represent a net loss, and not be feasible as a diet. A diet of pure protein is similar for humans , beyond about 1500 calories per day.

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