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So,I.cleared all my Karma in a SIGIL!.the other week.,everything good enough!

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Would you say you control your 'real self', Nungali!? The crux of Chaos MAGIC,opposed too 'Normal' Spirituality is learning to Control the Self --actualizing/self-realization with my particular chart,I assume (though of course different people experience varying degrees of difficulties with integration -contextually,etc.) - thee same can be said for a lot of Chaos Magicians though, presumably - took,well, hardly any time compared to SOME Magicianss (though the ends of Karmic ties to people etc. are still clearing/rounding out) - but was ESPECIALLY difficult with UNSEEN_F*CKIN' ABILITIESS,C*nt(Aus.lingo/street speak,sorry.T.b.S.-) yelling toooloud down his old Suburbs laneways.-for his own SHORT-TERM good, perhaps.but it's ALL been SOoo intensely COLLECTIVE.,,parts of my real self?!???? "Keep to yourself"-stylee image/path,generally?!!Yess! Sagittarius stellium in 'SOUL CHART'/Draconic Astrology, CAUSINGG PROBLEMS<MOTHERF*CKERRRR!!.,,youth!.bring onA METAL REVOLT.D.L,.style.-stylin'.control..U_A.

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Would you say you control your 'real self', Nungali!? ...


NO, I would not say that. 


But, my real self may be controlling Nungali   . 

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Stay tuned for 'Prowler','Banshee!',- 


You mean one of these ;



Grumman EA-6B Prowler - Banshee






Edited by Nungali
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