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    Interesting! Hope you'll share some of those documents with us! Welcome to the board!
  3. Today
  4. Greetings

    Good day friends. Joined to this communit to find answers regarding recently found unknown papers with text written on it (its a lot) with language and symbols which AI can't detect, symbols and figures. Found in my garden. Hope to get some answers via this community.
  5. Jasper Lake Maoshan (Jason Read Daoist Magic)

    What you are talking about is what I have done through inner child work, healing and therapy to grow up parts of the psyche. Some do not do it and prefer spiritual bypassing either consciously or unconsciously.
  6. Hello all and thanks for the help, I am planning to move to Cebu for at least 6 months and possibly longer, flight to Manila April 15, and I have some questions, here is a list: What is a good way to buy beef in large pieces, like a chuck eye roll or full briskets? I am on carnivore/lion diet and it gets expensive Any recommendations for good neighborhoods in Cebu city? I like college towns over business districts. Any good real estate agents? Any Chinese martial arts schools, interested in xing yi, bagua, and other things Filipino martial arts schools Nice parks Feel free to comment below or send a dm. If anyone wants to meet for coffee I would like to do that as well. Thanks
  7. It is true that today IA is far better than the previous web translators but you need to know wenyanwen and neidan in order to check every sentence. It cuts the time but if you can control the process. What you cannot do with IA is have accurate quotes or cross references to other texts. IA keeps generating non existing texts as actual texts and quotes. For real texts, the old search engine or are the best.
  8. What are you listening to?

    These two will be accompanying me throughout my day on loop, playing concurrently.
  9. Haiku Chain

    Memory denied eagle soars no matter what Collected in mind
  10. In the past , it is extremely difficult to translate Taoist alchemical materials into English , however, with the rise of Deepseek , which gets quite good classical Chinese ability , the barrier no longer exists despite some jargon's tuning still requires . Here is an example about women alchemical practice : << 金华直指女功正法 >> " 男兒二八精通,精盈則洩,女子二七經行,經滿則溢,人欲無洩無溢,必須知風知火,火即元神,風即真息,神息相依,由觀而得,法從目中玄竅視入氣穴之內,炁經裹神凝,都由觀而得,法從目中玄竅無竅,休著之內,炁裹神凝,都由大意攝,天然風風,神化。 " Deepseek 's translation of it in 2 seconds ( then few tuning done by me) : " When males reach the age of sixteen (二八), their essence (精) becomes potent; when full, it seeks emission. When females reach fourteen (二七), their menses commence; when full, they overflow. To prevent such emissions and overflows, one must understand Wind (風) and Fire (火). Fire corresponds to the Primordial Spirit (元神), and Wind to the True Breath (真息). Spirit and breath rely on each other, united through focused observation. The method involves gazing from the "Mysterious Aperture" (玄竅) in the eyes into the Qi Cavity (氣穴) within. There, vital energy (炁 / pre-heavenly qi ) envelops and Spirit ( Shen ) condenses, both guided by intent (真意) . Natural Wind and Fire interplay ceaselessly, transmuting essence into qi, qi into Spirit (Shen) , and spirit( Shen ) into form—until a body beyond the physical (身外有身) emerges. " So it at least cuts the time of translation to 1/10 of the originally required .
  11. Hmm. Very interesting.
  12. Forgiveness

    As you will have observed biological creatures take in substances and excrete/exhale what is not wanted. The excretions are then used by other creatures. As below, so above. All the substances of this galaxy have been used many times and therefore are qualified/contaminated by the intelligences that used them. Humans reuse those same substances in their physical, emotional and mental bodies. Thus the human personalities contain energies used/misused many times. Humans have to work hard to escape the galactic karma implicit in their personalities
  13. Forgiveness

    It's possible. I have seen auras of various types, but it is far easier to understand people based on how open or closed they are to experience. Karma is simple: Attachment, aversion and our story about how/what/why that exists. It would be extraordinary to see that, yes, but it isn't that hard to see or understand once you realize what causes it. Karma is created by our constructed story about ourselves, and reality. Reality is just how things are, without our stories about how reality is. Reality is how we experience it. Someone else's stories about reality are not reality. What do you observe? What do you notice about people's behavior, and how they filter reality through their thoughts, beliefs and opinions? Reality is how things are without those thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. Our story is always a distortion - a delusion.
  14. Help with Kidney issues

    Twice I have asked you about seeing a dark cloud behind your back. Is it hard for you to look or perhaps to remember to look? I once spent two days regularly forgetting a particular matter I wanted to post on a forum. Then I got fed up with the dark forces and told them to p off. Immediately I remembered what I wanted to post
  15. Help with Kidney issues

    I wouldn't say I am hard on myself, but bad things happen to me alot so I need to be a capable person or else I will suffer.
  16. Forgiveness

    Yeah, that is reading a person's outward behavior. Body language? Lairg (from his post) seems to actually see the Karmic energy. I do not discount what he believes he sees. I just think it is extra-ordinary to be able to see this Karmic energy. And you are right, one can see tell tale signs of Karma. Some call that body language?? Personally, I have never had extra ordinary experiences. No seeing beings or Goddesses or Guardians. No seeing people's auras. No seeing people's past or future. Although reading a person can be fairly easy to see if they are troubled or open and free. I once met a beautiful girl who said she could see worlds thru the walls. Full blown stories and adventures. And, I told her that she was an amazing person. Quite unique. No judgement. Because judgement would have shut down her story about herself. I liked that she was open enough to talk with me. So, I told her she was fascinating and wish we could talk more. Sorry, I never saw her again.
  17. Vijnana Vedanta

    I've recently come across Swami Medhananda, who has offered a a new school of Vedanta he calls "vijnana vedanta." It is based on the teaching of Ramakrishna, and essentially seems to combine Vedanta and Tantra a la the Tripura Rahasya. I've only listened to a few of his videos, but this vision of Vedanta rejects the oft repeated: jagat mithya, Brahman satyam with Brahman satyam, jagat satyam. His further claim is that, contrary to Swami Sarvapriyananda, is that traditional Shankaran Advaita cannot be pursued by nearly anyone nor may it combined with other practices such as bhakti devotion, etc. because the bhakti practies inherently reinforce duality. According to Swami M, Shankara would prescribe bhakti as a preparation, and then a dropping of it for jnana once one has developed a high level of separation from bodily consciousness. He argues that, contrary to Swami S, the traditional qualifications must be present to an extremely high degree. Ramakrishna, on the other hand, provides a way to integrate practices -- by acknowledging that all manifestations are real. He also claims a lot of monks from the order have retreated from Ramakrishna back to Shankara. It is interesting to see some one advocate for a new school of Vedanta --- he even plans to put forth a Vijnana Vedanta commentary on the Brahma Sutras!
  18. Nice to see you again. :) 



    1. Thrice Daily

      Thrice Daily

      Thanks Cobie, I’ll always be back and forth on here. Best forum online.

  19. Jasper Lake Maoshan (Jason Read Daoist Magic)

    Just for clarity sake - the "self"/ego (as opposed to "Self") isn't transcended, destroyed, regulated, or tamed, it is seen for the illusory construct it always has been. It is a realization and a perspective shift into seeing something that is blatantly obvious and was always the case.
  20. Yesterday
  21. Forgiveness

    Every time you meet someone guarded, or afraid you are seeing the karma on them. People with no karma are open and kind, unafraid of you injuring their "self". It isn't magic.
  22. Seeing Energies with Open Eyes

    After receiving pointing out instructions from a Nyingma teacher (and finally getting it) in the 1990's this was also my practice. A brief glimpse of emptiness so that I recognized it, then using my practice to return to it in as many daily experiences as I could. Just to clarify, we are talking about "awakening" or "non-dual" insight, yes? A sudden experience after which the nature of reality as "non-dual" can never be questioned again? Can you SEE that non-duality in this moment? How does it present? This sounds something like what is commonly termed "kundalini". Speaking for myself "energy" phenomena were not terribly strong in my development. I think these phenomena CAN be a feature of "awakening" but aren't necessary. This is how mine experience with "energy" presented itself, in a modest way... I would add also that it manifested as a localized warmth in the front of my skull. I have not experimented with this, honestly. What I see during the night occurs when I wake up in the night. Generally, I can get up, walk around, and return to my original position and what I see will re-appear in that spot. What I see is dependent on the causes and conditions of the room, and perspective from where I see it. I see a number of "classes" of "beings". Some of what I see are shapeless and vaguely anthropomorphic in nature, and having little or no detail. I see entities that are like yours, strangely shapen with entirely animal, or human/animal hybrid shapes - these can be greatly detailed. I see what I think of as the "dead", beings who are human in shape, some of which are whole, perhaps wanly looking into the distance, but many obviously suffering from sometimes horrific disfigurements or catastrophic injuries, some in great detail. I see monks, looking like your typical Franciscan hooded variety, but with no faces, only darkness in their hoods. They will stand, still and silent in a corner, in groups, or even at my bedside. Twice they have stood by my bed with pale gold swords, as if offering them to me. The monks are more often than not ENTIRELY realistic, colored, shaded, textured. I have reached out to them, but they are always just out of reach. I have also seen gods and angels of various kinds. After doing the Holy Guardian Angel (Thelema) summoning on a whim (thinking it should be possible after I read it) within a week there "it" was, at my bedside in painstaking detail. Some time after that there was a "Michael" with flaming sword (so many swords!), Mary, Jesus, Kali, Durga, and some other Hindu gods I had verify against pictures, but so far no Buddhas, which are, of course, NOT gods. I should mention that my family were not religious... these icons mean nothing in particular to me. In waking life I see dark figures in the distance that follow me in some locations (in the forest for example), "sparkles" for lack of a better word, and many things just on the periphery of my sight. Aside from getting the "chills" or hair standing on my arm when I notice something "paranormal", I am not aware of any other associated phenomena. I generally agree with your assessment. Where "self" is no longer in the way, the fullness of just how much arising and passing of phenomena begins to be more obvious, and the filtering drops out. What we see has always been there, it isn't new. Like you, I became interested in trying to understand what was happening... label and define it... create a story or explanation for it. Before I go further, what is your understanding of time and space in terms of your non-dual insight? What have you learned or observed about it as your insight has deepened? Do you mean "intrinsic existence" of their own? "We" are all one, but that is only the smallest part of the equation. It is only someone who believes in the "self" that could imagine nihilism, or some magical ability of inaction where causes and conditions cover a situation. Doesn't sound like a community with any real wisdom present. Kindness is usually the hallmark of a community or person with understanding. My suggestion would be to circle back and look at the non-dual nature of time and space. What ARE they, if non-duality is nature of reality? I'd be happy to share what I have learned. Message me.
  23. Haiku Chain

    Memory denied Muscle memory takes on bagua stepping
  24. Forgiveness

  25. This is an important stage. Most humans believe but do not know.
  26. Jasper Lake Maoshan (Jason Read Daoist Magic)

    My long term observation is that such situations are part of a more complex and organized agenda. For example I know a woman who as a very young child was anally raped by her brother. When I look at her past lives, anal abuse is a repeated pattern of domination. And the brother appears in various roles in some of those past lives. The rest of her family are complex too, incarnating together, subject to entity capture over many lives. The family has had much political and economic power in the past and the apprenticeship for obtaining that power has typically been practicing upon one's family members. The family grouping, over the centuries has been targeted by entities external to the planet that use the family as instruments in controlling parts of the human race. The external entities are part of a bigger system/empire that has cosmic agendas. It seems that both the human race and this planet are seen as highly desirable possessions. Then there is the matter of karma: personal, group, planetary, systemic, galactic.... Fortunately most humans have a way out: cultivation of the heart
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