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  1. Past hour
  2. Why were the highest spiritual teachings kept hidden/secret

    Not really
  3. And? Did you have a point?
  4. Levitation

  5. Clockwise x Counter Clockwise Rotations in LDT

    It’s not a controversial thing. It’s quite important actually. It just boggles my mind that people spend loads of time practicing things they aren’t sure about or know the purpose of, especially from random bits of info from the internet.
  6. Today
  7. Wang Liping Contact Rudi taught neigong check this website. Zhou is Rudi's teacher
  8. if I remember correctly Hinduism had (mystical meaning) depictions of both a clockwise and counter-clockwise swastika symbol. (and of course the Nazi's co-opted the symbol)
  9. Stranger things

    China imported 12 million tons of coal from the US in 2024. The coal was delivered on huge oil-burning ships. China burned that coal to make energy to build solar panels. The solar panels were then exported to the US and delivered on huge oil-burning ships. In 1992, a cargo ship container tumbled into the Pacific, dumping 28,000 bath toys, mostly rubber ducks, that were headed from China to the U.S.. Currents took them, and news reports said some have eventually reached Maine and other shores on the Atlantic. In the following years, they showed up all over the world, Seattle to Alaska to Hawaii and back to China and to the Arctic. Pop quiz: how do you think the two stories are connected? Here they are in Chicago River
  10. Software issues.

    Maybe wait till the whole thing finishes rebooting? No idea, just a rough guess. My end is OK, no slowness or connection timeout.
  11. Software issues.

    Almost as bad as before.
  12. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    Emily Dickinson Collected Poems, The Secret Some things that fly there be,— Birds, hours, the bumble-bee: Of these no elegy. Some things that stay there be,— Grief, hills, eternity: Nor this behooveth me. There are, that resting, rise. Can I expound the skies? How still the riddle lies!
  13. New Member

    Hope you find what you are looking for PL. Welcome to the board!
  14. It hardly matters to me whether the directions are thought to be related to planetary motions rather than the DNA geometry.
  15. re: this marrow-washing the spine part (of course there’s a million spine exercises, why is this one cool?) : Consider that various tension & trauma can get all the way to the spine … that results in some chronic ‘holding’ right at the spine, at the root of a nerve plexus .. and how that inhibits healing, perpetuates tension/trauma from the core outward. I’d say, also, that the vulnerable abdomen is a very layered protection system, and there’s a lot of survival strategy holding trauma at various layers, so that it doesn’t go further. Ok, bottom line: spine holding tension. Goal: getting the vertebral joint to let go of that tension and to gently open (just a little). This method avoids recruiting surrounding musculature. Usually, you’re twisting and bending the spine - all cool, healthy … but part of that is that you’re employing muscular tension at *some* angle of the spine. The alternative to this is traction, pulling vertically on the spine, and we often do it by hanging from our hands or feet and there’s stretching and it feels good … but, still, a lot of supportive surrounding musculature is recruited: The vertebra don’t fully relax and let go. The trick in this method is to press down gently enough so that one vertebral joint *might* open, and it opens only with the application of basic alchemical elements: sustained focused attention and breath. 1. tiny bit of vertical traction + 2. sustained focus + 3. breathing = provides the condition where the vertebra “feels safe” and relaxes, opens, on it’s own. It “lets go” of that tension under safe conditions. (It does NOT feel like “pulled open”.) ime, when this happens - the “opening” is small … I’m saying 1-2mm guesstimate - but it is palpable The inter-vertebral joint “let’s go” of the tension, opens, and naturally sucks in essence which pulses the stack of vertebral marrow n’ bouncy pads. It’s a marrow washing practice whose structure (the marrowy vertebral stack w/rubbery pads) naturally supports the pulsing of jing. Naturally refines the jing, you don’t have to “do” anything once the process is triggered. Feels good, heals the nerve plexuses starting at the roots. (If you have trauma stored in layers, expect that it will soothe and loosen and may be painful coming out.) When this first started to happen, especially, I needed to do it before rest/sleep. Significant spinal adjustment, delicate, just needed to be still with it. In general, I think it’s best before bed/resting, though I do mix it up some. re-emphasize to be gentle through this whole process. You’re making adjustments right at the spine level in a open relaxed way: very vulnerable. Don’t rough up through this process, nor use this practice as warmup for more rigorous work. Exercise caution. Trunk
  16. Software issues.

    It’s a lot better now, thanks, but still sometimes very slow here.
  17. obsolete

  18. Is that a controversial thing? But honestly, this is a great question. Now trying to remember I really can't, I feel like I read it from two or three different sources and they all said the same thing so I just believed it. Maybe different Masters will think different, but I learned it this way. It's actually pretty fast to do the rotations. But I get your point, I spend like 5mins in "ending practices" so it's like a short qigong at the end. Yep exactly that's why I used these terms, they're easier to understand and are also the terms used in most books nowadays, I don't get his reaction. Bro calm down. These are just terms most commonly used nowadays to refer to the circular movements. A lot of the most recent books use these. No one is saying they had clocks back then. I get your point but I can't see the problem here. I know you will rage again and laugh at me but ok what can I do, I'm trying to be polite.
  19. Yesterday
  20. Wang Liping Contact

    仙 xian1 does not actually refer to physically not dying (the 8 are mythical); it’s an epitaph for great merit.
  21. Wang Liping Contact

    Who are Master Zhou and Rudi, can you give more details, the names are too general?
  22. What God Looks Like

    I don't know, but i like small horny toads and their bravery, I image you have some big ones In Australia?
  23. What God Looks Like

    What ? God doesn't look like a lizard from the back ? Does he just have a lizard face within a human head ?
  24. Why were the highest spiritual teachings kept hidden/secret

    You do realise the vast majority of this site is about Taoism and esoteric practices?
  25. Software issues.

    Intermittent at best.
  26. Software issues.

    Getting better.
  27. Wang Liping Contact

    i have all these qualities for meditation. Yes i know these pre-requsites. i know most of the Sanxian Gong from his last book, except one or two. the thing is it doesn't go so far in his last book, and we might wait for 1 year and a half or 2 just to get some more practices. Sanxian gong is a must to learn if we need to become immortals
  28. Software issues.

    Not yet. Slow to connect!
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