
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by SheepishLord

  1. Moved the forum again ...

    Sean, I would suggest we have: general taoism taoist alchemy taoist sexuality martial arts and physical training off-topic rants and raves something like that... the idea being to cover all areas but not get too many topics. this kinda' board has been a long time coming, I am glad someone took the initiative. Max and I had discussed the idea in the past but never acted on it.
  2. Moved the forum again ...

    This is one beautiful home. I think we have evolved past the Healing Dao, and like a phoenix emerging from the ashes here we are. I say we stay and take the burden off James. There will be little need to moderate because we can have categories here. For example, we can have a category for "rants and raves." :bounce: -Plato