Formless Tao

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Posts posted by Formless Tao

  1. Believe what you will. Nobody is trying to change your mind, just state a fact.


    He is not hard to find like I said, but train with is out of the question.


    If what I have said does not interest you then disregard it like you never read it.


    In fact I'm more than happy for the moderator to delete this topic and delete my account.


    I haven't been on TDB as I have found my true Guru. I hope you all also find yours.


    I learnt alot from TDB and met some great people. TDB has served its purpose for me and now I disregard it.


    Peace Yogi

    • Like 1



    I have a funng feeling the doctors here watched the Ring of Fire.


    When watching the above like on the news the patient was able to move his toe after shock stimulation. Sound familiar?


    Plus the room where the patient was in had red lights/lasers/sensors all around him.


    And guess what they called it?


    The Ring of Fire... ;)


    Are these Western Doctors finally opening up to Easten Chi practices by trying to replicate them in the hospital....?


    I only hope so


    Peace FT



    uote name="Yasjua" post="593311" timestamp="1416542799"]While I was living in Portland (Oregon) and looking into attending Chinese medicine school I discovered the National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM), founded(?) by Heiner Fruehauf, a major proponent of CCM (Classical Chinese Medicine). Heiner and others at the University purport to be expounding authentic pre-Mao-Ze-Dongian Chinese medicine. Ironically, the emphatically stated differences Heiner can't help but fart into every sentence he utters, between TCM and CCM, turned me off from attending the University. I'm still curious though, as I might reconsider going to graduate school later in life - - - are the differences between TCM and CCM education in the USA significant? Any graduates or masters here to attest to the contrast?


    It's funny, because although I despise fundamentalism in every possible way, Heiner's words have stuck with me and kind of convinced me that TCM is a watered down allopathic counterfeit of authentic Chinese medicine.


    Hi Yasjua.


    Yes TCM is different to CCM.


    The person on this forum who can answer your question is Grady. We have discussed the subject previously together.


    Grady is a disciple of Jiang Feng.


    Please see some more information on their website above



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  4. I'm looking for informed opinions and advice on dealing with an inguinal hernia. I noticed the lump on my right pubic area about 5 months ago, but it didn't bother me at all, so I didn't do any research or go to the doctor.


    Fast-forward to a month ago - I caught a cold and started coughing a lot. The pubic area started to hurt, so I looked it up and found out I had a hernia. General physician confirmed the diagnosis.


    I'm seeing a purportedly excellent surgeon tomorrow for his professional advice, and will probably have to decide between getting a very simple outpatient surgery or doing nothing about it. I suppose my questions are:


    ^1 - are there any unconventional treatments that I haven't heard about?

    ^2 - has anyone had inguinal hernia repair before? did you experience any complications?

    ^3 - are you familiar with the mesh some surgeons use to repair the stomach wall? will my body recognize this as a foreign substance? will this complicate or compromise my body's long-term health?

    Yasjua I can help you with advice.


    I had an inguinal hernia in 2005. Left and right sides of my stomach split from bad lifting due to being tired during night shift work while at Uni and also being weak from sex before work.


    Only the left side of my stomach came out.


    Surgery was completed with a long cut down my lower stomach/pubic area and it was fixed with mesh. Note that they will shave your pubic hair ;)


    Touch wood I have had no issues since and the steel mesh is stronger than just sowing the stomach together, but be careful lifting heavy or akward objects for life after the operation.


    My suggestion is to have the operation as it hurts the nerves in that area and down the legs if you leave it.


    I couldn't walk for 2 weeks after the operation as I was in pain.


    But you get over it :)


    There are always possible complications to surgery but mine went well and my body did not reject the steel mesh. Also no long term side effects as all the doctors are doing are joining two parts of the stomach together with mesh.


    Good luck as it takes alot of courage to get operated down in that area but its definitely worth it from my experience.


    Peace FT

  5. I dont think its because they have less... one of the main reasons is because the majority believes strongly in karma - this is coupled with the belief that if they adopt a greedy, materialistic attitude in this life, they will have to repay it in future lives.


    They also believe that if they are not living in ideal conditions this life, as long as they do more good, make more offerings and prayers, then the gods & their ancestors will look kindly upon them and grant them a more favourable rebirth. Because of this, they tend to be generally quite contented with their 'now' conditions, knowing - and expecting - that what they do in this present existence in preparation for rebirth critically decides conditions in the next life. So they tend to hanker comparatively less than Westerners (generally speaking).


    The above is true only up to the previous generation of Asians, and not applicable to a sector of Asians who do not hold to the concept of karma. The present generation have already been, to a large extent, greatly influenced by Western materialism and have adopted the carpe diem mantra.


    This is from an Asian perspective.

    I agree with you CT for Cambodia, but Indonesia and East Timor this does not ring true, regarding Karma...

  6. I have personally found this to be true, and seen it in others.


    Also interesting to note how much happier folks in third world countries seem to be than in first world ones. They tend to smile far more and show genuine happiness.


    BKA, I believe you hit the nail on the head with your last point above.


    I can relate to what you are saying. Generally speaking I have found people In third world countries to be happier than in first world countries as well. I have lived and/or done some kind of work with locals in Indonesia, East Timor and Cambodia to experience this.


    The reason for this in my opinion is because they have less than us. In the first world countries again generally speaking, the more we have the more we want.


    Peace FT

    • Like 1

  7. Credit Dustybeijing with this in the 'Intelligence' thread.


    I don't have time to write about it, off to pu kids. But thought it was a pretty good topic. One we chewed on in a while.


    Hi thelearner.


    I believe your question could be written like this; How does one measure success in life?


    For me personally I measure success in terms of happiness, love, peace and being comfortable.





  8. Haha, BD, I was merely stating a fact regarding the politics in both schools that I have witnessed while training in both :)


    How do you know Bruce didn't have 'Internal force generation' when he stopped training Wing Chun?


    What do you think the 'One inch punch' is then?


    I agree with you that scratching the surface/dabbling in many martial arts will not make a person as complete a fighter as a person that masters only one.


    But on the other side of the coin a person that can master more than one martial art will in my opinion be a more complete fighter than a person who only masters one...


    I see where your train of thought is coming from but you only need to look at Georges St Pierre in UFC or Bruce himself to see the benefits of mastering more than one martial art as apposed to learning Wing Chun alone :)

  9. BD, I agree with you partially. JKD, MMA is great for the ring or real life street situations and yes force generation is important mixed with other key attributes.


    You stated that 'the JKD man couldnt use his fancy technique'. Thats funny because JKD does not have fancy techniques, as Bruce was totally against anything that didn't work.


    I also studied at William Cheungs Wing Chun in Melbourne who was a student of Yip Man and who also sparred and trained with Bruce in Hong Kong.


    I have seen both sides of the coin and honestly, there is too much politics between the Wing Chun and JKD schools.





    quote name="Bearded Dragon" post="588482" timestamp="1414379278"]I think jkd is good if you can actually generate a force. It seems like some people just keep learning more techniques to counter the fact that their force generation is poor. This just comes from the "jack of all trades, master of none" thing. Example: Someone came to our wing chun school with over 20 years jkd experience and they couldn't even use their fancy techniques cos they just kept bouncing off.

    Imo the mix stuff is only good for the ring or until you get really good at wing chun. To put it simply, if your internal force generation is good then you just punch someone and they drop. They can't stop it and they can't stand after taking it.



  10. For me Bruce all the way. Tony Jaa to me is the closest I have seen to Bruce but IMO still not on the same level.


    Iko Uwais movies are good. Check out his first Indonesian movie 'Merantau'. The Raid and Rain II are also good.


    In terms of an amazing 'realistic' fight scene I cant go past Bruces' 'The Way of the Dragon' with Chuck Norris...

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  11. Hi UA, I have had the same feeling also. I have studied JKD and still practice parts of it on and off over the last 14 years. The philosophy of Bruce is something that I try and put into practice everyday of my life...

    Hi CT, There are many different Jun Fan JKD/JKD systems out there. I studied JKD under a Shifu in Melbourne, who learnt JKD from Paul Vunak in the states under the PFS JKD umbrella, who learnt from Dan Inosanto, who learnt directly from Bruce.

    This JKD I was taught is what Bruce was up to before he passed away. So, it has many martial arts combined into it. To name a few in the four fighting ranges are; Trapping range: Wing Chun, Muay Thai, Kali/Escrima, Punching Range: Western Boxing, Karate, Fencing, Kicking range: Savate, Tae Kwon Do, Grappling range: Judo and Brazilian Gracie Jiu Jitsu and others.

    I forgot to mention out of all the martial arts I have studied and I have studied many, JKD to me is the most realistic, efficient and effective martial art to use in a street fight.


    Also check out Israeli Krav Maga which has many similarities to JKD :)

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  12. I'm having a hardcore epiphany right now - I've never had an epiphany like this about my training before. Jeet Kune Do is the right style for me...I've come through schools and loved their arts but this is something quite profound - I may have been connected to Master Lee in a past life, because this feels like coming home (for real). I was just out on the Muk Yan Jong (I have a Muk Yan Jong in the shed out the back) and I started realizing The Way of Jeet Kune Do is the art I'm supposed to learn. I wanted to share this profound moment with the Tao Bums.


    Love, Unseen_Abilities.

    Have you come across any schools that teach a hybrid system combining JKD & JiuJitsu?

    Its a pretty efficient style - one learns how to be offensive on the ground too.

    I have heard the Schmelter brothers up in SoCal teaching this style. Iron Circle i think.

    Seen their vids - awesome speed, accuracy and power demo'd.

    Hi UA, I have had the same feeling also. I have studied JKD and still practice parts of it on and off over the last 14 years. The philosophy of Bruce is something that I try and put into practice everyday of my life...


    Hi CT, There are many different Jun Fan JKD/JKD systems out there. I studied JKD under a Shifu in Melbourne, who learnt JKD from Paul Vunak in the states under the PFS JKD umbrella, who learnt from Dan Inosanto, who learnt directly from Bruce.


    This JKD I was taught is what Bruce was up to before he passed away. So, it has many martial arts combined into it. To name a few in the four fighting ranges are; Trapping range: Wing Chun, Muay Thai, Kali/Escrima, Punching Range: Western Boxing, Karate, Fencing, Kicking range: Savate, Tae Kwon Do, Grappling range: Judo and Brazilian Gracie Jiu Jitsu and others.

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  13. V T D T


    I totally agree with you up to your second last line...


    You mean to say Non Sequitur,


    I disagree this thread has not become 'Non Sequitur.'





    I preferred 'Eventual' over 'Inevitable' as it sounds better in the sentence iMO and 'Eventual' also means it is going to happen just like 'Inevitable' does...





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  14. The idea of me thinking about this topic is not original.


    In my opinion a truly new original idea these days is very rare as I believe that most ideas that we think of today have been thought of in the past by someone else.


    These ideas must have an original source...


    For example:


    The chi/fire/electricity throwing characters from Mortal Kombat, Raiden, Sub Zero, Scorpion etc




    Goku from Dragonball Z




    Pyro I think his name was from X-Men...


    The idea of a chi/fire/electricity throwing individual in my opinion cant just be made up.


    There must be some truth behind the original idea.


    It must come from an original source.


    Any constuctive thoughts on the above....?

  15. In the last couple of months we've had members, BlueBird, BlueFire and now BluePhoenix133 all posting on MP related topics...


    Coincidence or not...?


    Next we'll have BlueBottle Miles Per Gallon ;)


    I think I smell something...

  16. Why on earth wold someone post a youtube vid of themselves doing yoga (unless it's a teaching vid), plants or no pants???


    If Meghan teaches Yoga which I havent checked, I would say what a great way to market yourself and your services...teaching Yoga. No pants Yoga at that ;)

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  17. I voted no because the REAL Mo Pai and not (Western MorePie) is closed to westeners :)


    We have:










    We could create a bunker section and slowly move all the Mo Pai/More Pie topics into 'The Bunker.'


    If people still want to discuss Mo Pai/MorePie, discussions should be restricted only to members who for example have been a member for AT LEAST one year.


    In this way it will restrict newbies who just google Mo Pai or John Chang and come to TTB just to start an argument about a real system they know nothing about.


    Once the newbie graduates the one year on TTB they would be free to comment in 'The Bunker'. I would hope they have been around long enough to realise how TTB operate and what is considered acceptable and not acceptable.


    Yes it is similar to 'The Pit' but with a one year TTB membership.


    'The Bunker' can be used solely for Mo Pai/More Pie or other heated topics.


    Its not saying that Mo Pai is not worthy of other systems being in 'The Bunker', its just that with Mo Pai being closed to Westerners and with Western More Pie emerging due to such limited, incomplete real information on the topic which in turn creates grey areas that seem to always turn into arguments, I believe 'The Bunker' may just be the place for these topics...


    What do other TB's think?


    Feel free to use if you find useful, if you find not useful than please disregard what I have said...


    To peace on TTBs :)

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  18. It's far older than the Pentecostalists would have us belinteresting to view .

    They claim to have rediscovered it at the Azusa Street revival at the beginning of the last century


    I've been part of groups speaking in tongues at Catholic charismatic healing masses and Pentecostal Protestant masses. Very interesting to view and be a part of.


    I agree, they may have discovered it for themselves but other groups have been speaking in tongues alot longer than that.