Formless Tao

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Everything posted by Formless Tao

  1. Likewise Taoist Minds

    Hi Roger, Yes one of many favourite quotes of mine from Bruce Lee. I used to train in Wing Chun and Jeet Kune Do, but I preferred the flow of JKD. Bruce Lee and the Tao of Jeet Kune Do started me on my philosophical journey that I love so much. It was my first taste of Taoism, Buddhism and other philosophical concepts and ways Cheers, FT
  2. Likewise Taoist Minds

    Hi Basher, Yes it sounds like a much better idea... Cheers
  3. Likewise Taoist Minds

    Hi Chang, The misunderstanding has been understood, thanks to bubbles. My humblest apologies. Thanks for the welcome. In my opinion, in future, I believe it may be more beneficial to welcome someone to this forum when they actually arrive so that it doesn't cause any future misunderstandings. My 2 cents... The rules have been read also more than once Thanks again for the welcome. Peace, Formless Tao
  4. Likewise Taoist Minds

    Hi Chang Please see below. FT
  5. Likewise Taoist Minds

    Hi KenBrace, take a look at my profile and you can read some of them.
  6. Are there accidents?

    What may seem like an 'Accident' to us humans may be 'The will of, a higher power / God / heaven?
  7. Are there accidents?

    The story can go on and on... I believe the moral of this story is how we see 'Change' or 'Accidents' or 'The Will of Heaven' as this affects how we will respond to them. Just like the farmer who reponded very indifferently as he had no control over the events, I believe that we can strive to be more balanced and indifferent just like the farmer, in our daily lives and let the Tao takes its course...
  8. Are there accidents?

    I found this at work regarding the dual aspects of change, yin and yang and believe so called 'Accidents' or 'The Will of Heaven' could also be ready into this story... Quote "An old Chinese story about a wise farmer illustrates the dual aspects of change. In the story, the farmer's horse runs away and his neigbour comes to offer sympathy, saying 'Too bad about your horse'. The farmer simply replies, 'Maybe'. The next day the farmer's horse comes back leading two wild horses into the stable. This time the neighbour congratulates the farmer, saying 'What a lucky break!' Again the farmer replies, 'Maybe'. The next day the farmer's son breaks his leg trying to tame one of the wild horses and again the neighbour comes over to offer sympathy. 'To bad', says the neighbour. Once again the farmer simply replies, 'Maybe'. The next day the recruitment officer from the king's army comes through the region taking all the young men of fighting age, but since the farmer's son has a broken leg he is left behind.
  9. U.S. funded genocide in Indonesia - new documentary

    Hahaha... I love ur assumptions. Being naive towards the US government or any other government for that matter and by being influenced/brainwashed by the US/any government through marketing/propaganda is no excuse. SEEK THE TRUTH! Arguing for the sake of arguing, I feel pity for you. If you really believe what you are saying, I feel even more sorry for you and you should seek the TRUTH. If you are trying to get the most posts on TTB per day/week/month/year/overall there are no prizes for being top poster, or none that im aware of As I stated in my previous post, I dont try to reason with unreasonable people...
  10. U.S. funded genocide in Indonesia - new documentary

    Hahaha...You will need to take my word for it because I will not assure you any other way. U seem to like arguing for the sake of arguing. I never reason with unreasonable people, thats my motto... Firstly I'm married to an Indonesian Chinese, married in Indonesia. Secondly I worked and lived their for over I year. Thirdly I speak Indonesian. Fourthly I have had conversations with powerful players and normal Indonesians on this subject and others. Fifthly, ive been visiting Indo every year since 2005/2006. Sixthly some nights I would visit old Chinese Indonesian in laws and sit and discuss the Japanese invasion, Sukarno, Suharto etc as they were alive b4 these events. Sevethly ive been arrested by Intelkam and Rescrim through no fault of my own. Finally my father in law are well connected with Indonesian politicians, intelligence, army, police and immigration. How do you think I got out of being arrested in consecutive days without me paying a cent? Its called connected in laws making a call for me when they were on holidays in Singapore whilst I was managing a shop and warehouses in Indonesia. Somehow I believe I know more on this subject than you. Selamat pagi dan apa kabar. Orang yang tidak masuk akal...
  11. U.S. funded genocide in Indonesia - new documentary

    As usual you have no idea what you are talking about...just like in my other USA thread I started. You are very wrong with the above statement, I assure you...
  12. Is Sifu Jenny Lamb a legit healer?

    Funny that you assume as I have spoken with JL before. To answer your question... How is self promotion for the purposes of making money, humble? Take a look at her website and read all the posts that she has started on TTB, self promotion. As I have stated in other threads my mother is a TCM doctor and she only uses word of mouth for her business, no marketing and self promotion. She seems to be doing quite well. Mother is one of the most humble people I know and charges very reasonably. Yes I know that both women specialise in different areas but my point is... What is the main intention of a healer? Is it primarily to help others or is it to make money... I don't have anything against JL, I just wanted to put my observations on this thread
  13. Is Sifu Jenny Lamb a legit healer?

    I have read everything on JL's website and her posts on TTB. All I can say from her posts here from a marketing perspective is that this forum is a great way for her to get new clients and make money, whether she is legit or not. I'm more inclined to believe the former. Most of JL's early posts on TTB are cut and pasted from her website. To me this gives the impression that its all about marketing services and making money. JL seems to be a very direct person in her posts on her website which can come across to me at times as rude. My observations only
  14. This thread is going nowhere and has been for quite some time...
  15. I wonder who forced the Bolivian presidents plane to land in Austria suspecting Edward Snowden was on board...
  16. My apologies Ralis for the negative 'leaker' labels above. They should read as correctly pointed out by Ralis the positive 'whistleblower' label instead
  17. Link to German Chancellor unhappy over joint UK/US spying...
  18. Remove UK from my above list. Add Turkey, South Africa, n Russia questioning the UK regarding the 2009 G20 meeting in UK which im sure the US was in on too. The Germans are now also questioning the UK...
  19. Assange on Snowden having much more intelligence to leak...
  20. It seems these new claims of the US spying on Europe offices is making matters worse for the US. As each day goes by and each extra leak that Edward Snowden releases it seems that more and more countries are asking the US for a full explanation. So far, China, Hong Kong, Russia, South Africa, UK and now the EU. Im sure more will follow. Julian Assange believes that Snowden has more information to leak. If this is the case it seems the US is piling up unhappy enemnies and allies. It seems to me that this leaking is slowly turning the world against the US. Who knows maybe the more Snowden leaks the more it may even help Julian Assanges case in Europe. ..
  21. Is the spirit of Geronimo re-surfacing again I wonder?
  22. Update on the suspicious death of journalist Michael Hastings who was working on CIA story...
  23. I wonder who just killed journalist Michael Hastings.... He was working on a big story regarding US government, He contacts wikileaks hours before his death. He states the FBI is after him. He dies driving a brand new Mercedes Benz. One witness says the car jacknifed. Other witnesses say they heard a massive explosion. Car is burnt to a crisp and Micheal dies. The engine and transmission is found 100 meters away from the car... This is impossible for just a car crash. Michael was killed by a bomb that was planted in his engine bay, there is no other way other than an air strike that the engine and transmission can be found that far away from the car. Any guesses as to who is responsible for Michaels death???
  24. I couldn't agree more with China's current statement above...
  25. Following the Snowden case on the UK guardian website and the US government is an absolute joke. The US government believe that they are 'Above The Law' and I believe that this will be their demise....