Formless Tao

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Everything posted by Formless Tao

  1. The Ultimate Tao, In One Simple Statement

    The point has been missed. Without thinking unidirectional the answer is 16
  2. The Ultimate Tao, In One Simple Statement

    Post 49. Stosh, are you looking from inside the room or outside the room?
  3. The Ultimate Tao, In One Simple Statement

    How many corners does a square room have?
  4. The Ultimate Tao, In One Simple Statement

    Is the glass half full or half empty?
  5. The Ultimate Tao, In One Simple Statement

    "Empty your mind, be formless, shapless, like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend. " Bruce Lee
  6. The Ultimate Tao, In One Simple Statement

    1) Its not daily increase but daily decrease, hack away the unessentials. 2) Using no way as way, having no limitation as limitation. 3) Do not run away, let go. Do not seek, for it will come when least expected. 4) The art of life is simply to simplify. 5) Empty your cup so that it may be filled, become devoid to gain totality. 6) Before I studied the art, a punch to me was just a unch, a kick was just a kick. After I'd studied the art, a punch was no longer a punch, a kick was no longer a kick. Now that I understand the art, a punch is just a punch, a kick is just a kick. 7) Nothingness cannot be defined, the softest thing cannot be snapped. All Bruce Lee
  7. Any movie about daoism ?

    Check out Bruce Lees; The Big Boss, Fist of Fury, The Way Of The Dragon, Game Of Death (Original Footage) and Enter The Dragon, they all have Taoist themes as well as other themes like Confucian, Buddhist and Krishminurti thought. Bruce really used alot of Taoist philosophy in his rare interviews, tv series and of course his posthumous The Tao of Jeet Kune Do...
  8. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    Hypnagog, have a look at the profile of member 'spotless' as he started a great discussion on the same subject recently with good insite, experience and explanations. You should also be able to view it below this page
  9. Is John Chang really that hard to find and train with?

    After reading the Magus of Java I am know reading Opening the Dragon Gate. Whilst reading this later book I have had two dreams that I met the same man in Indonesia who was trying to heal a small boy with his Chi, nei gong. In both dreams his power is so strong that not to hurt the boy he puts the boy in a car and through the car door he starts his nei gong whilst he is standing outside the car. Both times the car door buckles partially under the chi power and then goes into the boy whom seems indifferent. Then the Indonesian man talks to me in Indonesian but I cant seem to make out what he's trying to say to me when I wake up. He doesnt look like John Chang but I wonder if my dream is implying him or not. Plus who is the small sick boy in the car.....?
  10. Is John Chang really that hard to find and train with?

    Whats funny is my wife a couple of years back told me of a story her father told her of a man he knew of in Indonesia that could jump/leap unaided very high, higher than any normal man could (metres high). I scoffed and laughed it off when I heard it saying that it was impossible as it defyed the laws of gravity, but after watching the John Chang Video and videos on Levitation, now im not so sure I was correct. Plus my Indian auntie after I showed her the John Chang video told me of a story of a man she saw with her bare eyes levitating in India. I know dont believe anything is in the Magus of Java Kosta Danaoas touched on levitation briefing with John Chang...
  11. Is John Chang really that hard to find and train with?

    Thanks again and nice video. Does anyone know when this footage was shot? Also are their anymore videos on YouTube with John Chang and Jim McMillan? I agree with the downward pressure like going to the toilet moving the Chi around the body. I believe it would need to be concentrated on a particular area or object in my opinion. After reading a few old posts on John I'm sure he does not need western peoples money. The most important thing in my opinion would be to use his healing abilities to help everyday sick people. I am almost certain that John Chang and/or one of his family, students, friends watches over the conversations on this forum anonymously. If I was John I would, its called intel. Most likely the later... If you are, Apa kabar...
  12. Is John Chang really that hard to find and train with?

    BTW Pythagoreanfulllotus, the youtube clips I saw on Jim McMillan are just voice recordings of interviews with him. Are there actual videos of him with John Chang? Is he on the main video of the youtube clip titled new John Chang footage which is like just over 9 minutes long?
  13. Is John Chang really that hard to find and train with?

    Cheers, yes 2008. I dont know about being superficial training. All I heard was that real shaolin monks are not allowed to leave their temple and perform, unlike the touring shaolin monks who perform country to country for money, bur I may be wrong...
  14. Is John Chang really that hard to find and train with?

    The Shoalin monk then took my pointer finger and pressed on my nail for it felt like a minute or so. He the spoke in mandarin to the family member who translated to Indonesian, which was then translated to English because at the time my Indonesian was still quite ordinary. The monk said that I had a weakness with my left wrist, lower left groin area and my ears. To my astonishment I had had an operation on my left wrist to remove a Ganglean, an operation on my left groin for a hernia and 4 operations on both ears combined to fix ear infections with plastic ear drums. I was absolutely awe struck as he couldn't have known about it because only my wife knew about it and both her and I couldn't speak Mandarin, so we didn't tell him. I believe that he could feel blockages of Chi in these 3 areas that were operated on. Apparently I was advised by family that alot of Chi Kung monks come to Indonesia to do TCM to make money from wealthy Chinese Indonesian families as I stated in my earlier post.
  15. Is John Chang really that hard to find and train with?

    Xiexie Shan Lung. The 2 ex Shoalin monks got the extended family of about 20 people to line up. The elder more advanced monk closed the door got into horse stance, began moving his Chi whilst moving both hands up and down at the same time, then shouted something and flipped on his head against the door with both hands holding him up for balance. The monk then flipped back on to his feet again and started shocking us all one by one with his finger on our necks. One by one each person yelled as they felt the warm Chi zap them. After about four people he came to my wife and then I. The monk put his finger to my neck and instantly I felt the warm zap. I moved uncomfortably and went ahh and the monk stopped and moved onto the next member of the family. (This later reminded me of John Chang in the YouTube video.) He then went to personally work on my wife's Popo as I watched. The monk told us that he could fry an egg on his bare hand with his Chi. I asked what else he could fry through a family member and he said he could also cook a fish on his bare hand. I was amazed and did not ask at that time to see proof because coming from a martial arts background I was more interested in asking him about Dim Mak aka the (death touch). I asked about Dim Mak through the family member again and he did not answer my question of whether he could do it or nor directly but said... I am able with the Chi to kill a chicken, there are good and bad purposes that it could be used for. I was meaning against another human ie the rumours surrounding Bruce Lee's death, but I didn't press any further. I later asked about if the monk could demonstrate the frying of the egg on his hand and the monk said that if he fried an egg on his hand he would lose all of his Chi power as it would drain him and he would need to rest and meditate for a week to regain his Chi power. Then it was my turn for an examination...
  16. Is John Chang really that hard to find and train with?

    Thanks Pythagoreanfulllotus. In 2008 in indonesia I met 2 ex Chinese Shoalin monks who were travelling from island to island trying to heal rich Chinese for money, with their Chi Gong, herbal medicine, acupunture, massage and cupping. What I witnessed was quite amazing and got me even more interested in this topic. Plus they checked me over with their Chi Gong and I was shocked with what was translated to me from Mandarin to Indonesian and then to English...
  17. Is John Chang really that hard to find and train with?

    No I haven't checked out Jim McMillan yet. I will let u all know how I go. U can message if u like. I was advised by da uncle that John Chang does not open his practice anymore, but for family it may be a different story. I will only be able to meet with John Chang if it is my destiny to. To train under him is a completely different story, I would need to be worthy of John Chang and I don't know if I time and money, which are a lot easier...
  18. I don't measure time in seconds, only breaths