Formless Tao

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Posts posted by Formless Tao

  1. The chosen one?


    Like an ant, like a grain of sand on this massive earth?


    Indiana Jones the ark of the covenant?


    Peace FT


    I'm curious to know how or what do you feel about this picture. Like for example, if you saw it on Facebook would you click 'like' or 'share', and if you have an emotional reaction to it, how did it make you feel? Thanks.



  2. I am fond of dog... so usually eat it when in china. Often in china, 'fresh' is much closer to meaning than in the US... if you can pick your animal while it is alive, I call that fresh. Several varieties of slugs including some from the sea. I like this large turtle from one city. Something like a circada. Organs from many animals. Fish eyes and brain. Spicy Duck brain is to die for. Pig intestine, tongue, ear is really good. Donkey meat and genitalia (both sexes, when mixed is called Phoenix and Dragon) is quite good. Pregnant frogs (eating the stomach was interesting). Many things on a 'stick'. Birds so small they look like baby frogs. Small frogs... other insects on a stick.


    Dawei nice going. Your eating habits remind me of my wifes.. very similar :)


    Peace FT

  3. I have found that the travel with at least one other person just isn't going to happen (at least until I hit my first hostel over there that is hehe), so planning for it to just be me. I have tried to entice all my martial arts friends over there though! However also most north americans that I know personally, would not be willing to travel in the same conditions I am (hostels). Yes I have definitely heard that before about an asian woman traveling with a westerner, sometimes they get called some pretty horrible names as well apparently. It is unfortunate. The Cambodia and Vietnam trips must have been awesome :). It is so beautiful over there from all I have been told about it. My fellow hostelers have convinced me that at some point in my life I need to go. I tend towards a backpack (customs just loves this, not lol) and no jewelry for these very reasons :). That scenario is always a little unnerving! LOL When I first went to Mexico, it took me a few days to get used to machine guns everywhere! I do have a photo of myself with a group of Mexican police holding their machine guns and me doing the peace sign thing ;). That sounds amazing :). It is definitely a place I would like to travel to. The magic of the area fascinates me, as do the artifacts. I have some that I bought here about 25 years ago, and they most definitely do have a life to them. This is what first interested me in the area. Now that I know one person who has a house/family over there, and another that lived there for 10 years or so practicing the local martial arts! :) Oh most definitely about a local, I traveled through Albania that way, it was wonderful! I was taken to places tourists would never know about or be able to get to. Him telling people I was Canadian convolute helped at times too ROFL. They actually stopped some road work that would have taken hours to let us drive through hehe. The best part was a castle in the middle of nowhere no one really visited much.. given the keys and allowed to go look around, entire place to ourselves! We took the opportunity to perform a few rituals of course. The caretaker also said that yes we could stay overnight and bring a few other people if we wanted. Sooo tempting for the most awesome retreat ever. I have heard about that aspect of china! I'm guessing some knowledge of the local language is necessary, or no? Probably easier in the larger cities. Definitely the large knife in india thing. I guess it might be handy that I train martial arts. Not 100% failsafe obviously, but helps I'm sure. While staying in an ashram though, damn! I even keep that stuff in mind when traveling to the USA! ;) Aside from dangerous, I also think it's quite rude to wear expensive jewelry in countries where people can barely afford food. I also wear a moneybelt when I travel overseas and keep just a few small bills in the section where I pull money out to give to someone.. Yes it took me awhile to adjust in Egypt to that idea, not sure why it took so long there compared with other places. The funny thing is that quite honestly I experienced more and longer culture shock in TX than I did in Egypt! I'm not joking.. Thank you for the advice and encouragement, and your awesome travel stories, FT :).

    My mum only knew the Chinese herb names, body parts and some very basic Mandarin and she managed. I find that body language and hand gestures work wonders when we dont know the local language :)


    When I went to Vietnam I carried just under $10,000.00 USD for a Korean friend who lived their. I put $5,000.00 in one money belt and gave it to my wife to carry and I carried the other $5,000.00 in a second money belt. After we got through customs I carried it all :)


    On the way back from Vietnam I kept my Swiss army knife in my hand luggage by accident and I got told of by a customs officer. Embarrassing ;p


    Anytime BKA. I love traveling, travel stories, sharing tips, tricks and experiences...I have many more travel stories ;)


    Peace FT

  4. Hi All,


    Amazing and not so amazing animals/foods I have tried on my travels thus far;


    * Australia: Kangaroo, rabbit, jelly fish, birds nest soup and crocodile


    * Cambodia: Tarantula


    * Indonesia;: Frog, sea cucumber, snails and dog (stray)


    I have a Vietnamese friend who said she ate rat and snake in Vietnam...


    I'd love to hear what others have tried on their travels...;)





  5. Hi All. Great topic BKA.


    Every country has dangerous spots and places that are fine, Asia is no different. I have many stories of my travels. I would not tell you not to travel alone but if possible travel with at least one person. if that is not possible than just be careful. ;)


    At 21 i did missionary/social work in Cambodia. Great time even with all of the warnings I had about luggage and jewellry on my first overseas trip.


    Vietnam also has a great time but my wife and I were surrounded in a water park and splashed by about 10 guys until we could hardly breathe. My wife was terrified and jumped on me. I found in most asian countries that ive been to that men would give my asian wife dirty looks because she was travelling with a westener ;)


    Singapore I loved and felt really safe.


    East Timor the first time I crossed the border was scary with army and machine guns everywhere. The next time I crossed over I could feel that the tension had vanished. But in a third world country like this things can change very quickly. Violence has a way of doing this. I also did some social work in an orphanage in East Timor.


    My beloved Indonesia, what can I say. I have travelled their so many times I have lost count. I have travelled from timor to bali to all over java. I have lived for over 1 year here, worked here, married here and been arrested here due to no fault of my own. Bali has some dangerous areas especially where westeners frequent but if you stay away from the westener areas it is quick safe. I was stopped in surabaya five times in 1 week by police checking for drugs when I was going to my hotel. Plus they would check my passport as well. In Timor I was their when the government shot tear gas into a crowd of angry East Timorese and the tear gas was so effective I couldnt stop tears coming out of my eyes and I was in a house on the second story.


    My personal advice is to read up about places before u go. But if you can travel with a local who knows the country it is always better as they know what places to avoid and also great local places to go. Ie food ;)


    My mum travelled to Nanjing in China to finish off her TCM course. She said her and her fellow western class mates were constantly followed wherever they went and it was quite obvious. Mum was also visiting Catholic masses on a weekly basis ;)


    I know a girl who was raped in India while staying at an Ashram.


    I spoke to a hotel owner who told me that one of his guests in Sri Lanka was raped by a man who broke into her cottage while the husband was bashed. He said it was a common occurrence where his hotel was situated.


    Never show off cash in your wallet or purse, never show off jewelerry or you will just be inviting someone to rob you. Always try to dress decently and show respect and hopefully respect will be ahown back to you. Also always remember that when you go into another country that you are playing by their rules and on their terms which are often different to ours. Its their turf at the end of the day.


    Again enjoy your travels but just be aware and cautious at all times (not afraid)


    Peace FT

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  6. With the heading of this topic I have brought this upon myself, I am getting messages from new members of TTB trying to find John Chang often.


    If you read this topic please do not waste your time and my time asking for help to locate JC, I cannot and will not help you.


    If and/or when I have an update about meeting JC, I MAY post something on TTB but that wont be for quite some time...


    Peace FT



  7.][/url] Many children seem wise beyond their years or like old souls, but some have said things that truly seem to hearken back to previous lives. Parents have shared their stories via social media; many say their children have talked about tragic deaths followed by happier lives this time around. 1. When my son was 3, he told me that he really likes his new daddy, hes really nice. My husband is his one and only daddy. I asked Why is that?He replied: My old daddy was really mean. He stabbed me in the back and I died. But I really like my new daddy, hed never do that to me. 2. When I was a little girl, I lost [it] when I saw some guy at the grocery store. It was unusual, because I was generally quiet and well behaved. I never had to be taken out of somewhere for misbehaving, but we had to leave the store.When my mom asked what was wrong when we got in the car, I told her he took me away from my first mom and hid me under his floor and made me sleep for a long time until I woke up with my new mom.I then refused to sit in the seat of the car on the ride home, but insisted on cowering under the dash board so he couldnt take me again. It freaked her out, as she is definitely my biological mother, so obviously my first mom. 3. Getting my 2-and-a-half-year-old daughter out of the bath one night, my wife and I were briefing her on how important it was she kept her privates clean. She casually replied: Oh, nobody scroofs me there. They tried one night. They kicked the door in and tried, but I fought back. I died and now Im here.She said this like it was nothing. 4. Before I was born here, I had a sister, right? Her and my other mom are so old now. They were OK when the car was on fire, but I sure wasnt!He was maybe 5 or 6 years old. It was totally out of the blue. 5. When my little sister was younger, she used to walk around the house with a picture frame with a picture of my great grandpa in her hands crying and saying, I miss you Harvey.Harvey had died before even I was born. Other than this common occurrence, my mom told me that she would constantly say things that my great grandma Lucy would say. 6. When my little sister first started talking, she used to say some really disturbing things. She used to tell us about how her old family would put things inside of her and would make her cry, but her Daddy eventually burned her so much that she was able to find us, her new family.She spoke about things like that from the ages of almost 2 to 4. She was much too young to have ever been exposed to any content where children, or anyone else could [experience those things], so my family has always thought she held memories of a prior life. 7. Between the ages of 2 and 6, my son would tell me the same story of how he picked me to be his mother.He said something about being with a man in a suit and picking a mother that would help him accomplish his souls mission. We didnt discuss spirituality nor was he raised in any sort of religious environment. The way he described it was that it was similar to grocery shopping, that he was in a bright room with people who were lined up like dolls, and that he picked me. The man in the suit asked him if he was sure, he replied that he was, and then he was born.My son also had an early fascination with WWII era planes. He could identify them, their parts, what region they were used in, and the like. I still have no idea where he got that information. Im a science gal, his dad is a math guy.We have always called him Grandpa, because of his peaceful and gingerly demeanor. This kid seriously has an old soul. 8. My nephew when he first began really talking in sentences told my sister and her husband that he was so happy he picked them. And then went on to say that before he was a baby he was in a bright room and saw lots of people and he picked his Mom because she had a nice face. 9. My older sister was born the year my Dads mom died. According to my dad, as soon as my sister was old enough to say the words, she said I am your mother. 10. According to my mom, when I was younger, I would tell her about how I had died in a fire a long time ago. I dont remember that, but one of my biggest fears is my house burning down. Just being around open fire scares me.



    Thankyou for starting such an interesting thread :)


    Peace FT

    • Like 1

  8. In my opinion hereditary plays a big part in a persons life span.


    My Chinese wife has 2 relatives from her mums side who have lived past the age of 100. They are brothers and the eldest lived to 105 y.o. I went to his 103 birthday and bought along some red wine as he loved it. He was not Taoist and ate and drank mostly rice, meats, greens, tea and wine. As we are still linked with the Queen of England she sent a signed picture frame to him once he hit his 100th birthday. Our prime minister did the same thing.


    The second brother who just turned 100 y.o this year still seems to be going strong.


    With these genes can you imagine how much longer they would live if they regularly had; meditated, had fresh mountain air, fresh mountain water, no/little stress and ate only fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs which also play a part in a persons life span in my opinion?


    My own great grandmother and my daughters great, great grandmother is still alive and well at 99 y.o this month

  9. It is rather true that people have been saying this throughout recorded history. As far as I know, around 1000 A.D. people in Europe really waited for it. I also 100 % agree that December 21, 2012 was a hysteria. The actual reason for this hysteria is the negative side. If you make people believe that there will be the end of world at a fake date and when this date comes, nothing happens. Then you make people say "The end of world is not real" This is exactly what negative side is after for. The exact purpose of December 21, 2012 end of world hysteria is this. When the real day of Resurrection comes, people will say "They had said that world would have ended on 21 December 2012, it simply did not happen. It will not happen this time too." If you search internet, there are countless channelings starting from 2007 about three day darkness, mega tsunamis, etc to be happened on 21 December 2012. All of these information was negative thus, the psychics and mediums who got these information were obsessed by negative bodiless beings. (Please refer to following link for the definition of Obsession in Spiritism One example is Princess Kaoru Nakamaru of Japan. On Youtube video dd. January 06, 2012, eleven months before December 21, 2012 she made some announcements about end of the world on 21 December 2012. Yet, nothing happened (at least physically) She is also a medium obsessed by negative beings. Of course, for the real end of world, there are some signs. Scientists are also becoming of such signs gradually.


    Yes, influenced by the mayan calendar...

  10. 李庆远 (1677-1933)寿享256年是清末民初的中医药学者也是世界上著名的长寿老人。在他100岁时曾因在中医中药方面的杰出成就获政府的特别奖励在他200岁时仍常去大学讲学。这期间他曾接受过许多西方学者的来访。李庆远一生娶过24个妻子子孙满堂。  1933年活了256岁的李庆远与世长辞他先后共有24位妻子180位后人。当时的纽约时报与时代杂志都做了报道。按照这个年代推算他应该生于清康熙16年1677年先后历经了康熙、雍正、乾隆、嘉庆、道光、咸丰、同治、光绪、宣统九代至民国在世256年是世界上极罕见的长寿星。长寿秘诀  保持一种平静的心态坐如龟行如雀睡如狗这就是李庆远留给后人长寿的秘诀指引。他始终认为保持一个平静安宁的心态是长寿所必须的。他的饮食主要以米饭和少量的葡萄酒为主。  他认为自己健康长寿的原因有三一长期素食二心静、开朗三常年将枸杞煮水当茶饮。人物生平  在我国有文字记载的年寿最高者当数李庆远。他生于清康熙十八年死于民国二十四年(1679-1935)享年256岁。李庆远原籍云南省90多岁时到四川省开县定居一直到去世。膝下子孙满堂。由于他对中医中药尤其对养身、健身都有不凡的造诣和成就被人们誉为神仙。四川省开县籍的刘成勋曾于1925年专程拜访过这位老人刘的采访回忆文章发表在1986年第六期《气功》杂志上同时刊登的还有寿星李庆远口述的长生不老决约1000多字。老人去世后北京的一些报纸曾以地球上最长寿的人为题予以报道[1]。  清代有位百岁寿星李庆远他生前十分欣赏清代学者陆陇其的话足柴足米无忧无虑早完官粮不惊不辱不欠人债而起利不入典当之门庭只消清茶淡饭便可延年益寿。李庆远一生遵此妙诀称此真养生之妙诀益寿之良箴也。得此可长生不必采灵药炼金丹也。  李庆远认为人的寿命有长有短这是由元气所主宰的。元气又称原气禀受于先天而赖后天荣养而滋生。他形象地把爱护与不爱护元气比作蜡烛存放的位置。若是把点燃的蜡烛置于罩笼内则燃烧的时间长若置风雨中则时间必短或即熄灭。养生之道亦是如此。  他非常欣赏老子之言毋劳汝形毋摇汝精毋使汝思虑萦萦(缠绕)。寡思路以养神寡嗜欲以养精寡言语以养气。他说此中妙旨往往被不善养生之庸人所忽视。  他根据圃翁(古代一位善于养生的老人)的养生理论特别强调善养生者必以慈、俭、和、静四字为根本。  所谓慈即仁慈、慈爱也就是心地善良不害物不损人一片慈祥之心。这种慈祥、仁爱的快乐心情足以抵御各种灾害自然就可以使人健康长寿养其天年。  所谓俭即节省或节制之意。俭于饮食则养脾胃俭于嗜欲则聚其精神俭于言语则养其气息防止产生事非俭于交游则可择友寡过俭于酒色则清心寡欲俭于思虑则可免除烦恼和困扰。凡事省得一分则受一分之益。  所谓和即和悦之意。君臣和则国家兴父子和则家宅安乐兄弟和则手足提携夫妻和则闺房静好朋友和则互相维护。此为至祥之道也。  所谓静就是清静、冷静、安泰之意。也就是说身不过劳心不轻动(胡思乱想)。神伤甚于体伤神之不守体之不康。  李庆远在讲到自己的起居饮食时说食不过饱过饱则肠胃必伤眠不得过久过久则精气耗散。余生二百多年从未食过量之食亦不作过久之酣眠。  他还讲到生活细节的注意事项。提出凡细小之事人们往往容易急躁如此必然伤身。他告诫人们寒暖不慎步行过疾酒色淫乐皆伤身损伤之极即可亡身。所以按着先人的养生术行不疾行目不久视耳不极听坐不至疲卧不至极要先寒而衣先热而解要先饥而食先渴而饮食欲数而少不欲顿而多要无喜怒哀乐之系其心无富贵荣辱之动其念。此乃长寿之道也。  李庆远最后告诫说:"饥寒痛痒父母不能代衰老病死妻子不能替。只有自爱自全之道才是养生的准则和关键。"  吉尼斯世界纪录大全记录这是经过考证的。


    Thanks for sharing this interesting topic Mudryah :)

  11. Hi Kadesdes,


    I am still quite new to yoga and meditation but when I was meditating every day I felt a weird sensation on my walk to work. Every day without fail I would feel water dripping from my right ear lobe and it seemed to happen at the same place every morning during my walk. The first couple of times I kept wiping my ear lobe with my right hand but there was no water on my hand when I looked at it.


    Then when I would get to work some time during the day while at my desk I would get a pressure start where the third eye is located. The pressure was a really nice peaceful sensation that would only last 10 - 20 seconds and it seemed to happen every day. Now I have stopped meditating and both sensations have gone away.


    Peace FT




    Hi guys,


    Just wondering if anyone has had the experience of "water" dripping inside the forehead?


    I have been doing Qigong for years now and this feeling that I got is congruous with what my teacher has described to me in regards to what happens when energy circulates the body and becomes refined.


    It basically felt like a vortex accumulated in my forehead and then the pressure was released through a dripping tap. This also reminds me of what I suspect about subtle anatomy in that there are bodies within bodies in an organism existing simultaneously yet in different dimensions.

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  12. Good post.Just for the records, Jesus Christ was a Prophet of God. He was a man of compassion, actually he still is. I personally love and respect him. God bless him. Alwayson, please do not anwer this post. If you have anything to say, PM me. Let us keep this thread around its subject.

    Salam Isimsiz Biri, you have already stated before that 'Jesus Christ was a prophet of God'.


    This is your opinion and cannot be proven for or against...


    There is no point in further discussions on mere opinions as you are bound to get people who are going to disagree with you.


    Unless of course you enjoy arguing with people for the fun of it.


    Allahu Akbar


    Salam :)

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  13. I have a solution :)


    The Office = Sky


    Personal Practice Discussion = Humanity


    The Lobby = Earth







    Taoist Discussion = Highest Heaven

    (After all this is a Taoist forum) ;p


    General Discussion = Heaven


    Off Topic = Purgatory


    The Pit = Hell


    The Mo Pai Pit = Lowest Hell


    This arrangement will hopefully keep the PureTruth01s, Narveens and the likes all in one place (The Mo Pai Pit) without disturbing the Taoist, General and Off Topic discussions...



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