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Everything posted by Xienkula1

  1. Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig is an excellent textbook for beginners to Golden Dawn Hermeticism. http://books.google.ca/books?id=5nmAt7xWnw...1&ct=result
  2. Study: Meditation Alters DNA

    Yes. But these are dietary modifications. Methyl-donors have all sorts of epigenetic effects, so does ubiquitination, acetylation etc. Diet plays a role in changing phenotype (physical expression). It is a form of environmental regulation of the cell architecture and thus determines the metabolism of the cell. What is not covered by this discovery article is the effects of consciousness on epigenetic regulation, and if that has a role (which we know it does). However, I m not sure about silencing the genes that cause cystic fibrosis with a slew of methyl donors would be sufficiently effective by itself to knock out the disease expression, especially if the parents are genetic carriers for different iso-forms of the disease. It seems to be a very complex issue.
  3. Dark Night of the Soul

    Jane is cool as is the article! Yay!
  4. Russian research on DNA

    Yep Im familiar with this. Without any evidence, it certainly sounds like sheer quackery as my biochemistry teacher would indicate. Although, it does appear that DNA is a good electromagnetic conductor via it's negatively charged phosphate back bone, and to some degree research has showed between the nitrogenous bases. It is coil-shaped or soliton shaped, and is thus subject to acoustic waves as well. Bio-photons are documented science, not particularly well however, and they aren't in many biology text books, but they are taken to be a phenomenon. Weither or not the DNA is a non-linear optical system, mainstream science is a long way off from knowing. It sounds like the phantom DNA effect, from a skeptics point of view, is probably due to some technical reading error with the machine. Perhaps it was a fluke with this one machine. It would have to be repeatable thousands of times before it could be called THE PHANTOM DNA EFFECT, as if it was official. That said a lot of weird and interesting research comes out of Russia. I love Russian science!
  5. Study: Meditation Alters DNA

    I don't think that it is actually saying you are changing your DNA. Rather by changing states of consciousness, you are altering the expression of certain genes in your DNA. Regulating genes in your nuclear DNA by switching your state, is not quite the same as changing your DNA. You are altering expression, but the DNA is still the same. "Software" changes, but "hardware" is still the same. Perhaps this is semantics, but it seems there is a difference.
  6. Diabetes Treatments

    You misunderstand. Eating reduced carbohydrates is of benefit. However, ketosis can lower blood pH. It is important to keep the pH alkaline through diet. Hydration. Breathing. My friend is diabetic has tried this diet for years. Her blood is overly acidic. She is now growing blind due to the damage over time, along with many other advanced diabetic complications.
  7. Diabetes Treatments

    Of course, but it seems you missed the point.
  8. Ganesha

    Awsome! I love Carnatic. They have piercing bhava in their voices. Thank you! Appropriate, because today is the 2nd day of summer Navarathri. The day of the goddess of Knowedge.
  9. Diabetes Treatments

    Dangerous advice. Diabetic metabolism is already in ketosis. The cells are starving because they can't get sugar. Yet the blood is full of it. The sugar is damaging the tissues. Starvation triggers ketone body production. Ketones acidify blood, acid damages the distal tubules of kidney and other internal organs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabetic_ketoacidosis
  10. LSD, Mushrooms, and Yogis?

  11. Diabetes Treatments

    Agni Sara
  12. What are you listening to?

  13. Why Taoism is different

    "whos asking?" Wuji.
  14. ///

    Hmmm who knows, I wish someone would reply who knows definitively. Ananda taught the dick in the woman brain theory, and he I think may have coined this originally from Chia, and then applied to Vortexijah model, hence the head over heels in love intercourse. I don't know if there is an astral forward spin like that in Taoism or Buddhism. Mr. Ananda taught it, and it felt kind of exhilerating. Maybe try head over heels spin, but beware the effects will not be the same unless you know how to phase your vortexijah, shift its gears, have your transmission sparked and your warp drive installed. Figure 8s certainly have a role to play, but maybe testicles take energy from women under some conditions...like vajroli mudra, mula and uddhiyana bandhas will draw the testicles in and up....maybe it all depends.
  15. At the Temple

    Maybe they do. I didn't mean to offend you or your beliefs, why wouldn't you want to discuss further?
  16. LSD, Mushrooms, and Yogis?

    Yes and you too Rain Im not reccomending anyone go out and do drugs, but I am not going to denigrate the cultures of those that do as insensible. Even the Sapta Rishis of the North Star celebrated by imbibing the holy Soma. It is just different approaches. When you start manufacturing your own endogenous LSD, you will be there http://deoxy.org/shamansci.htm
  17. LSD, Mushrooms, and Yogis?

    Yes, you are absolutely correct, it is certainly not to have a fancy trip and escape reality. Shamans take the medicine actually regularly, for quite some time, until after a few years, they rarely ever take it, and perhaps some never take it again, but they continue to brew it, to celebrate the spirit of the plant. They share the medicine, but they reach a level in themselves which they have cultivated. Ayahuasca is not just a drink, just a molecule to take by yourself. It is a whole path unto itself. Not a cheap experience at the bottom of a glass or even a few. You are absolutely correct that the things get disrespected, abused, misused and appropriated by clueless twinkie hippies and it is an unfortunate shame. I do not feel attacked, i just wanted to put my say in about how this plant can be a real guide and teacher. It's spirit is very pure. It is not an experience that should be forced on anyone, or passed around causally like a joint, or for a weekend of fun with the narly shaman in town. It is so far beyond that, that it is shameful even dangerous to use the plant in this way. This is a sacred medicine, not a fun drug toy to be gulped lightly for new third eye whirly rainbows. And if you do so with such a gimme gimme attitude, it will kick your ass. You'll learn respect eventually, or destroy yourself. You are absolutely correct that this is to be used only by the most sincere, and with guidance of a shaman, and used in the most sacred possible way. Rain, That is true, hullucinogens can potentially change a person, so can the experience of sex or getting drunk. That's why there is a legal age for those things People should be free to alter their personalities, gernerally expressions of ego, as they will, as long as it is being done responsibly and with proper respect. If these substances are such a concern, every newborn babe should have their pineal glands amputated by law enforcement to confiscate the schedual 1 drugs. Practices like spontaneous qi gong, meditation are believed to alter brain patterns permenantly, and thus personalities over time, should it be illegal for you to do your practice, because it will lead eventually to psychedelic spiritual experience without external drugs? You will still have illegal substances in your possession, so perhaps everyone who does these practices should be put in jail and tortured, if they persist in them.
  18. LSD, Mushrooms, and Yogis?

    Food is addictive, check out the psychoactive morphine peptide analogues in milk and grains. Sleep is addictive, so is sex, the more often you orgasm, the more often you crave orgasm. Whoever thinks that plant teachers are a crutch, should question whether their physical human teachers or the methods they teach are crutches, and if they think their teacher or their teacher's methods can take them beyond all attachments, I challenge them to give up the attachment of hunger, sleep, and sex vanquishing them for good, until they never again arise in their mind for even an instant. Ayahuasca is not addictive. ha ha! The furthest thing from it. If you try it, you may never wish to try it ever again. I will never disrespect Mother Ayahuasca. She is a loving teacher and potent healer! Im tremendously grateful for all the good work she has done and does in opening people to a deeper understanding of reality, in teaching the sacred healing songs of the plant spirits. I will honour always, Mother Pinoline, in whatever form she arrives.
  19. LSD, Mushrooms, and Yogis?

    Yes there is a difference. The body making it's own drugs from tryptophan converts each metabolite in a highly coordinated stepwise fashion via metabolism, the first part starting with L-tryptophan absorption in small intestine, into enteric nervous system....conversion into seratonine takes place in the brain, and only the pineal gland itself can convert the seratonin into the DMT, 5meoDMT, pinoline etc. The cells are highly regulated environments. In darkness, the body will go on converting metabolites until you are saturated with the metabolites having strong visions like on Ayahuasca, however, you are not vomitting, you have most of the symptoms. Taking a plant homologue of a human hormone is not really metabolically the same, similar yes. It is similar enough in structure (harmine) that it passes for pinoline, but there are structural differences between the molecules. It's effect is comparable but perhaps not identical. Plant harmine means a neurotransmitter destined to be synthesized by the pineal gland is suddenly entering via enteric nervous system and then stimulates the entire CNS. Different way of entry, certainly different that the body would self-dose, than if you took 1 large ayahuascachocolate from starbucks. But we use caffein. Food is a drug of its own. Spices are drugs. Our addicition to food, to stimulation...drugs. Drugs, drugs, drugs which are bad, drugs, drugs, drugs, ask you mom or ask your dad
  20. ///

    Yes Shambhavi works. I was going to mention this could work well along with sungazing. Holding the afterimage at third eye. A kind of Shambhavi Surya Trataka to develop absorption of mind at this point. Just becareful you don't go third eye blind with sungazing..no more than 10- 15 seconds to start with at sunrise or sunset. Good to have Khechari in your 3rd eye arsenal as well. Yes. Because that is my purpose, every raindrop must return to the ocean. P.S. Dearest Witch, no womens are outies, and mens are innies. It's the whole yin yang inversion thing. It's for self intercourse, imagin if you were to spin head over heels into your vulva, and it was a vulva to vulva...it's certainly possible, but that would be yin-yin....you need yin yang...so your pineal is yang phallus. Same principle with men. Poonanies in their brains. Maddonna wasn't so off when she said "I have got a dick, it's in my brain."
  21. At the Temple

    Nope it's not energy spheres. I used to buy into this before common sense prevailed. It's dust particles floating around reflecting the flash of the camera, or sometimes just the way the environmental light hits the particle, it makes "circles of confusion" or light reflecting off the particle, making the appearance of an "orb" energy sphere. Really popular in the new age. There's a group of vibe machiners who really believe this stuff and go around orb hunting rather unsuccessfully. Im going to teach them the secret of the orbs and how to photograph a lot of them to bring down the spirit motherload. When I was in ankorwat I did a ceremony on top of the pyramids. Rain and thunder pored down. I took pictures. What did I get? Lots of orbs? Why? well now I know it was because of the fine droplets of water reflecting off the flash. I had hundreds of orbs and even some "colourful energy spheres." The miracle of digital cameras! How badly do we need all kinds of physical signs of the inconceivable? Faith is stronger than light glinting off a dust particle or water droplet, or is it? Xk. http://www.chinapage.com/sound/mp3/3treasures.mp3
  22. Why Taoism is different

    Thanks for this it provides some excellent insight, and something I have been contemplating recently how to bring more of into my life authentically. Vallar promotes a very similar principle of undiscriminating virtue. He says only when you have melted your soul in compassionate actions, only then does divine grace manifest. He says: http://www.vallalar.org/WebComponents/Fron...d=1&ConId=5
  23. ///

    Interesting. A lot of people are talking about what Ratziel Bander calls the 4th eye, or the Celestial Eye, which is in the center of the forhead. He distinguishes it from the 3rd eye by saying the 4th is for receiving energy from the the Divine, whereas the 3rd eye is projecting the energy to the Divine. Sort of like phone receiver, and speaker. Shatonga mentioned that sometimes the center of the forehead is reffered to as the 5th eye. It seems there are a lot of different classification systems. Freeform mentioned a triangulation of cerebellum (back third eye) with front, and crown in order to create a "standing wave." Interestingly Ananda Bosman taught a technique which was based on 'stellatedcubulation' or 'star-tetrahedrulation' using various meridian points of the head to contruct the upward and doward tetrahedrons..holding the focus on all those points, unifying them, as a way of waking up the Shen Dan tian(throat, head, crown). Then it starts to spin. However, it seems exorcist has a point, all these techniques are not so effective when your mind is buzzing like a hornets nest full of wayward thoughts. However, there are meditations to reduce thoughts and calm the mind. Once the mind has reached a deeper level of absorption, the third eye appears of its own accord with the brightness of "tenthousand suns" rising over a motionless sea. Rather than by grasping after the third eye by minding it, when your mind calms, the third eye can open automatically.