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Everything posted by Xienkula1

  1. Ganesha

    It seems Sri Ganeshan can incarnate in a human body too, at the very least semblance somewhat in his image. RRR50d0tmQ0
  2. Got any "Dragon Gate" pictures?

    The thing is that your swastika is angular or runic and divides the circles edge in such a way as to make a pakua. 8x8x8 Dimensions.
  3. The Red Sun practice

    This sounds along similar principles as the Murccha Pranayama: "A very challenging kumbhaka practice is "murccha", which literally means "fainting. " Here you are instructed to hold the breath until you faint. If you approach murccha with the courageous attitude of "yes, I am prepared to hold the breath until I pass out, " it's possible for you to discover that power in you which makes you stop and breathe. You can only discover it if you are really and truly prepared to hold the breath until you pass out. You are not attempting suicide. You are just looking to discover prana. You hold the breath, and suddenly, just before passing out, something beyond the 'me' steps in, takes your hand away from the nose, and makes you take a breath of air."
  4. The Whole Soy Story

    Most if not all studies of toxicology are first done on rodents and primates for humans. Sure, it is not as as accurate, but doing research on humans is a lot more costly, and the cost is often prohibitive of research. It has been demonstrated in rats and mice that genistein has shown epigenetic modification of mouse genome. That is worth acknowledging and not dismissing. Many genes are conserved between mouse and primate. Although we cannot extrapolate data without complications due to variation, there is enough similarity to prove something. Like lead toxicity effects mice via the same mechanism of action that it effects humans. This will not always be the case, it is just an example of why such research can be valid. I don't think they mentioned epithelial cells as a cause of cancer at all, but actually budding cells on the mammary glands which do not undergo differentiation, have a higher risk of developing cancer, Why? Obviously it is not yet clear, we are dealing with cells after all, a world which we cannot even directly perceive. Not likely, since Bruce doesn't study or contribute to journals of epigenetics anymore Actually Mataji told everyone that it is a tradition in our family, to use crushed fenugreek seed paste on the scalp and leave it on for 1/2 an hour. She told us not only could it make the hair beautiful, but prevent hair loss. She has been doing it her whole life, with no side effects but a gorgeous head of hair, and so do her sons and daughters and even her husband whom she massages with the paste. It is a remedy she has been taught from her mother, and her mother's mother. Usually such information isn't passed along unless it's useful in some way. Dose is important, but she uses it externally. Internally, she tells me it strengthens bones. This is what the maternal wisdom has dictated for centuries in our family. It has worked for us, but we don't eat soy.
  5. The Whole Soy Story

    Read it and Eat!: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/...80409091727.htm Mwhahahah Yah it's shakey evidence, only 3 studies...but interesting nonetheless. What about the effects of isoflavenones from other sources like rain tree, red clover and fenugreek? Fenugreek is supposed to be great for hair loss according to my Mataji. http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/6017893/description.html
  6. The Whole Soy Story

    Developmental Biology, epigenesis.
  7. The Whole Soy Story

    Dosen't it depend when the woman eats the soy? If she has eaten soy all her life, it has some beneficial anti-carcinogenic effects for the breast, if she starts eating soy late in life...it can actually be detrimental?
  8. Got any "Dragon Gate" pictures?

    and Buddhism took that symbol from Hinduism...
  9. Spiritual Guides

    Damn straight. Darkness = Increased Melatonin Secretion = Increased endogenous DMT = Spiritual Visions.
  10. Spiritual Guides

    Are you seeing spirits loading on Kunlun? I did too. There is a mention in a certain practice section about Kulun Masters coming and teaching the higher teachings of red phoenix. Maybe they come to help teach and help the student. So it seems the kunlun masters also know the phoenix masters. Edit: but the practice does not work directly with spirits.
  11. Sexual teachings of the White Tigress

    I read the book. I was under the impression that Tigresses do that practice initially to rejuvenate their bodies over a 3 year initial period, then they eventually stop doing that and they attain liberation from rebirth, and form a spiritual child. Their bodies have to be rejuvenated to accomplish this. So, their goal is to reach some kind of immortality and liberation. It seems like the tigress doesn't feel like she is stealing, merely that she is more efficiently capturing energy that would otherwise be wasted in a wet dream. If a man chooses to give his essence to her, and she chooses to use it to rejuvenate herself, then she is not stealing, and if in fact she benefits the man through stimulating his points and makes him in better health than when he started, she is doing a good action. That said, no doubt aspirin is a crappy contraceptive, but some use it as a preventative for heart attack.
  12. Kunlun Lineage

    Many years ago, I wanted to go down and learn from him in New York. They seemed reluctant to just pass on shaktipat which is understandable. I never followed up on this one. So instead I learned about Mantra Shakti, which can turn into a spontaneous Kriya experience. The details in your practice do sound very interesting, dealing with the five kinds of elemental prana shakthi unique to each chakra center? Do you practice bhuta (tattva) shuddhi, or do you just follow the pure spontaneous nature of the kundalini shakti as dispensed by the overseer?
  13. vajroli

    Hello Vajrasattva and All, I learned a bit about Vajroli from a Swami that was at my temple for a while called Omanandaji. He taught Vajroli mudra. I asked him how he trained his sadhus. Of course it was an informal discussion, so he wasn't teaching me, but he told me what to do if I wanted to learn Vajroli. He says some people don't need the catheter. That you need to be in water up to your naval, and you do mula and uddhiyana bandha and hold, repeatedly. He said to do that for 2 weeks, and eventually water would enter the urethra into the bladder. He said once this was accomplished, it could be done with milk, a slightly more viscous fluid to develop the skill. Then melted ghee. Then purified alchemical mercury(No trying that one at home). Obviously I wasn't consistent with the practice or I would be releasing flaming gasoline from my urethra and charging big $$$ for a live audience. On a more serious note, he did say that this mudra's purpose was for opening Vajra nadi, and totally sublimating and gaining control over sex desire.
  14. Kunlun Lineage

    Maybe I am. If this is your perception, know that I am very sorry and ask for your forgiveness. Im not sure I do want to know what his students know yet or if it is better for me to learn elsewhere, as I already don't feel very welcomed. It is possible Max developed something slightly different from what she showed him.
  15. Kunlun Lineage

    Well maybe that is because you are stuck on something else. It is there. I have no intent to harm Max or what he teaches. Just to share what I learned. Im sorry if that hurt you people. That is not the intention at all. It is to clarify. That is all. To me it is now much clearer. That clarity is what I felt needed to be shared as there is currently so much confusion for the people who don't have access to Max or a way of confirming his teachings other than him. Therein lies compassion, if you can see it. If you look inside, you may find openness in yourself to really feel where it is coming from in your heart. Sifu Jenny and Sifu Lum are both very kind. They only told me a perspective. The sharing of information is not intended to hurt anyone. I wanted to keep this information hushed, but it started leaking out anyway(with the post of Satyalok), so I felt the need to clarify? Yes? This is not wrong. You people who are triggered by this information are looking as though through a shattered glass. Put the shards back together and see a more complete picture. You may point the finger and make all sorts of accusations about me if you want, August Leo. The fact is though, that I don't really matter, I just wanted to share the information, that is all, thank you. Max wants the world to know about these things. It was only a matter of time before someone contacted Max's teachers. As Yoda has said, it really doesn't make a difference about Max teaching or practice. Love Xk
  16. Kunlun Lineage

    Nope Im sharing information with open ended compassion, are you? This does not damage Kunlun in anyway. It sheds light on obscurity.
  17. Kunlun Lineage

    You see Mantra this is your problem. You think you have the authority to judge right and wrong. Dharma is the way. I followed Dharma in contacting Max teachers. Unlike you, they have no reason to play with information. Ask your teacher Max. I have his blessings You were not wrong to give out the names of Max's teachers. In fact, this is one of the most sensible things you have done and thanks!
  18. Kunlun Lineage

    I will speak for myself. Im not coming up with any excuses for not doing practice(s), nor am I dishonoring Max, his teachers or methods. I really wanted to verify where they were from, that's important to me. So I followed my heart and contacted them. Jenny is willing to teach her way. She seems like a great teacher. She has not given up Qi Gong even though she teaches Buddhism. Interesting you say Max has a different connection with the system of SAQG she shared with him. It would be nice to hear some elaboration about that connection. She told me that spirits, masters, don't work with SAQG. It seems to be her view of things. If it has a 7000 root tradition, anything is possible.... She did confirm it's better to sit for the first few months, then stand later in the practice. She said all 3 levels are important, but 1 does most of the opening. Would you please reveal who taught Max the Red Dragon, Black Dragon, Golden Dragon systems, as Sifu Jenny and Sifu Lum claim Max learned these somewhere else, if you happen to have any information? That would be appreciated.
  19. Kunlun Lineage

    I agree. Please spare WYG some compassion. He is probably a bit shocked after finding out Sifu Jenny does not confirm the stories or recommend the approach of practicing SAQG along with other types of qi gong. --------------- Just spoke with Sifu Andrew Lum. He told me Red Phoenix is something he taught specially for Max, and that he recognises that Max does have a special inborn quality like to a bodhisattva. He says Red Phoenix is better not practiced at same time as SAQG. Seems like a kind man, with Aloha. He focuses on teaching Yang style Tai Chi to the public. He does not teach Red Phoenix. He says Red Phoenix is something very important and special to Max, but not really at all important to Lum. He says his Sifu is indirectly related with Mao Shan and has nothing to do with Shaolin Kung Fu. Sifu Lum does not know anything about Golden Dragon, and does not teach Golden Dragon. He says Red Phoenix is not related to Golden Dragon.
  20. Kunlun Lineage

    Satyalok, Is your teacher Swami G? Da Qi, the Universal Life Force. Zi Fa Gong. Xk.
  21. Kunlun Lineage

    Me too. Only I spoke with Sifu Jenny. It is called Spontaneous Adjustment Qi Gong. It has 3 levels. Max is a qualified instructor. It was not called Kunlun, nor is it associated with the region. It does not have 7402 Masters or other stories( Sound familiar to Takata and Usui). It came from her teacher. It is based on Qi, a type of Qi.
  22. Need some inspiration for painting

    You can try taking your mind for a plunge in Ice Blue Light, and then drink some Blue glass solarized water. Just take a blue glass bottle, fill with pure water, stick in sun for an hour. Then Drink, intending to let go of whatever is blocking the inspiration. This will get your block moving. Just start your work, and try drinking 4L of solar water throughout the day. Sounds weird, and inexplicably it works.
  23. Need some inspiration for painting

    This may help serve as a source of inspiration. onLbeuEqNIE
  24. ...

  25. Bye Bye & Wish you all the best

    May I ask what made you want to leave to your cave after your practice today? I have also enjoyed and appreciated what you share. It would be nice if you stayed around to play here...but understand if the cave is where you choose to be. Aloha as they say in Hawaii. Om Vajrasattva Samaya Manu Palaya Vajrasattva tenopa tishthira dridho May Bhava Suto Khayo May Bhava, supo khayo may bhava, anu raktu may bhava, sarva siddhi may par ya tsa, sarva karya su tsa may tsi tam shri yam kuru hung, ha, ha, ha, ho! bhagavan sarva tathagatha, vajra ma may mu tsa, vajra maha bhava samaya sato Aha! The very best of wishes. Aha! Hung! Phat!