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Everything posted by Xienkula1

  1. Kunlun 1 posture for standing?

    Winpro, I would suggest you may get something very positive out of being really honest with yourself to the core about how much this is about absurd assumptions, politeness, rudeness, attack. You may want to really consider, or reflect on that, just as I will reflect on what you have said. Gliding over grass gliding is thorough? Im grateful it was shared, however, none of my questions were answered, and I don't think they were unreasonable. You are probably so inquisitive, you may even be wondering what the answer might be yourself? Why knock good questions? "Sources are leftbrain rationalizations not worth entertaining." What is the use?
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    Hello Cat! I'm still very much a beginner in this practice, but it seems to me yes there is a conscious intent, along with an awareness that grows. It is not in forcing or pushing or grasping for love, but rather a process of opening up, or just "being open," receiving from Heaven effortlessly, then feeling and letting go. Blessings enter in above the third eye from Heaven and sink down the central channel to the Dan Tian, Will center, filling it up combined with breathing, that is simply witnessed and allowed, neither forced nor resisted. When the term Heaven is used, it is meant to express whatever way you see the Creative life force, in whatever form you find acceptance for it. It could be a diety, it could be Archetype, Source, God, Divinity, Lightening, Spirit, Unity of Unities, Unified Field, Immaculate Emptiness, a Unified You or All of It. To me this "love" happens during the practice and lingers after. It becomes difficult to distinguish whether it is the result of doing either with conscious intent or just going through the movements, because this practice, evokes a state of being that seems beyond both. Maybe it is just what is there when we choose to open up and let go of concepts. Still a lot of work left. My experience tells me just consciously appealing to Love or Grace and being present may have a tremendous impact, but sometimes "training wheels" can support us in that state. These two types of love can to some degree meet the same need, but it depends on the characteristics of each individual and on how each connects with that Love. Same needs that will take different forms, as many forms as there are in existence. For some who choose, I think it could be possible but very rare. Heavenly Love could meet the same need, and at the same time. In your mind/heart, you could bridge the heavenly and human realms together and see how emotions respond, in some ways all love may be descended from the same source. I saw a huge Rainbow with the sunrise over the mountain doing my dimented version of standing kunlun 1 this morning, and yesterday there was lightening in the same place Enjoy! I will find out and ask my friend in Germany who is becoming a teacher, I think she may know of some people in Norway who are practicing. Xienkula.
  4. ...

    It makes a lot of sense to me that if I hold any part of myself outside of acceptance, then I am not fully present with myself. Part of me is in denial and so all of me isn't available to love someone else. Only when I have embraced everything for real can love myself, and it is only then that I can be truly loving, whatever I have been unable to love in myself, I will be incapable of loving in another, until I have found acceptance within. Being loving, means embracing the ego and body too, stopping to blame them for all our problems, and instead balance with them, at least in the Taoist Path. My practices, when I make sure to do them, do open me to receive love. In Hsin Tao, we receive love from heaven. This is a sublime practice. As we do the movements, it is like making love with the universe. A deep part one's being experiences fulfillment. You give it to yourself, and as you let go, you receive more. It's not an technique but a phenomenon. It affects patterns in relationships. Instead of wanting to strangle each other, goading and irritating each other, those patterns subside, and you can savor the moments in between. Inside the patterns are no longer so strong, as the practice primes one's soul muscles, trains one's inner strength instead of posturing with externals. One no longer feels ashamed of one's vulnerabilities, in embracing them, they become a source of strength. No, I don't think love is a weakness.
  5. Kunlun 1 posture for standing?

    Exactly. But you don't want to say right? Its Max's top secret info.
  6. Taoist Intensive Funds Request

    Interesting point... then what does slay the ego if not holding a pose? How does the ego return to balance? You(impersonal you) may not be able to control your thought stream, internal dialogue, your ego identification with your memories, conditioning, but you can at least hold this posture keeping your knees on the floor, and bum on the ground, and agree to hold it for the agreed period of time, no matter what discomfort, sticking to the commitment. The Staff of Discipline.
  7. Kunlun 1 posture for standing?

    Japanese Ninja posture mudra/Bonpo Dzogchen Vajra posture + ancient Taoist Kunlun = spontaneous running, that would seem to imply, Kunlun was knowledge that belonged to the Ninjas and Bonpo or that some style mix has been done to produce that effect. No. It was taught as a static meditation pose and Tenzin Wangyal isn't so big on spontaneous movement which he thinks it is far better to control such movements, at least from the answer he gave me(but who knows, it could be a cover up). On the other hand, it doesn't seem far-fetched for some Taoist and Buddhist crossbreeding between China and Japan to have transpired, as there are known cases. There were Lung-gompa runners of Tibet who went into running trance, and Japanese gyoja runners, but it seems in each case, their methods of spirit running were different. In addition the lung-gompa may have used vajra posture, mudras, pranayama, to start their practices....for whatever reason, Rinpoche didn't want to teach westerners how to do those kinds of psychic sports just yet, though he teaches tummo. It's possible the Kunlun factor does something with this posture, but let's just say, it may be a method that works, but that it's unlikely that this is the original method used by the gyoja, ninja or the lunggompa, and who knows exactly how they compare? If accomplishes the same with less, who cares right? But it's nice to know something more about it too. What is the purpose of spontaneous running as it is used in Max's way?
  8. Kunlun 1 posture for standing?

    Scotty, the point is I already do know and have learned this practice in the original form from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. I learned from the source tradition in its original context. Place the posture in the cultural context of the Ninjas with some actual background historical details, where the practice originated from, that's worth learning, other wise it doesn't make all that much sense and seems rather arbitrary. Might as well say Lemurian grass flying method. True learning doesn't include swallowing "facts" out of context without evaluating them.
  9. Kunlun 1 posture for standing?

    As far as I know that aint no ninja grass gliding method, ie. Nice practice, but please don't give out no B.S. names. It is the Vajra or Thunderbolt Posture for a preliminary practice for preparing the body and mind for dzogchen. This is just the stage. More details can be found in Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's Five Elements: Healing with Form and Light, better yet, learn it from the man himself. This depiction shows the delineation of seed syllables as they are to be visualized for the purification of body Om, speech Ah, and mind, hung. However somtimes an alternate ordering of the letters is used depending on the practice, see five element tsa lung.
  10. Aloha From Hawaii

    Aloha Mark! Welcome to Da Bums. This is a bit of a long shot but here it goes anyway. The last time I was in Hawaii on the Big Island, I had the privilege of spending more time with an incredibly spry older white haired brilliant martial artist Sifu named Ricardo AKA Richard, who lived on South Point and grew all kinds of varieties of mango trees, a piece of the original McKenna Vine, whose nectar I got savor, kukui nuts, as well as organic coffee beans on his property, claimed to fly and with him I could believe it. He landscaped everything refining his asset over the years, then sold it more than a year ago and moved to Pahoa. He had given me his son's cell to stay in touch, but then that phone number just suddenly went out of order in the past few months and we have lost touch. He wasn't internet savy, so he never used email. He taught the most intense one-on one tai chi class that actually went on for over 24 hours where he taught the Original 13 moves of Sheng Feng's Tai Chi and many permutations of standing with arm positions, and he had tied it into the chromatic scale of color and tone, and showed how the movement opened different dimensions of human awareness. He gave me a sun dial with all the arm and leg moves, which were illustrated by an animation of a Hula Dancer, that you could mix and match showing all possible permutations of the forms. He is brilliant, brilliant....Im so sad to have lost touch. Im praying it is not for good. I know it can be easy to find lost contacts in Hawaii, a place buzzing with synchronicities....so please, if you run into him, learn all you can, and please give me a shout with a way to contact him if you do. Thanks. Xk
  11. Aloha From Hawaii

    Aloha Mark! Welcome to Da Bums. This is a bit of a long shot but here it goes anyway. The last time I was in Hawaii on the Big Island, I had the privilege of spending more time with an incredibly spry older white haired brilliant martial artist Sifu named Ricardo AKA Richard, who lived on South Point and grew all kinds of varieties of mango trees, a piece of the original McKenna Vine, whose nectar I got savor, kukui nuts, as well as organic coffee beans on his property, claimed to fly and with him I could believe it. He landscaped everything refining his asset over the years, then sold it more than a year ago and moved to Pahoa. He had given me his son's cell to stay in touch, but then that phone number just suddenly went out of order in the past few months and we have lost touch. He wasn't internet savy, so he never used email. He taught the most intense one-on one tai chi class that actually went on for over 24 hours where he taught the Original 13 moves of Sheng Feng's Tai Chi and many permutations of standing with arm positions, and he had tied it into the chromatic scale of color and tone, and showed how the movement opened different dimensions of human awareness. He gave me a sun dial with all the arm and leg moves, which were illustrated by an animation of a Hula Dancer, that you could mix and match showing all possible permutations of the forms. He is brilliant, brilliant....Im so sad to have lost touch. Im praying it is not for good. I know it can be easy to find lost contacts in Hawaii, a place buzzing with synchronicities....so please, if you run into him, learn all you can, and please give me a shout with a way to contact him if you do. Thanks. Xk
  12. Kunlun 1 posture for standing?

    Yes. Very unsage advice. Watch out for that one. Better yet put on your heels if you dare chart that unknown territory, and better yet the quartz nail polish and who knows maybe even the meteorite or the siberian blue quartz nail polish. Winpro wanted some advice on the ninja grass which involves tippey toes, but then he edited his request to "edit." I don't know why, its none of my business. maybe he changed his mind.
  13. Kunlun 1 posture for standing?

    Well some Kunluners consider themselves rockers....so take some advice from Bon Jovi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWA28E0r_1c "I aint got a fever got a permanent disease Itll take more than a doctor to prescribe a remedy I got lots of money but it isnt what I need Gonna take more than a shot to get this poison out of me I got all the symptoms count em 1,2,3"
  14. Kunlun 1 posture for standing?

    Wise advice, but heels are a bit too kink. Would be interesting to hear your report about how the new accessory affects your k1 standing. you might consider strapping on Cleopatra Chi's 333 Triangle stiletto heels carved out of siberian blue quartz equipped with high voltage tesla coils tuned to schumann and gamma waves, along with some quartz crystal nail polish and monatomic iridium lip liner, the piezoelectric properties, could stimulate kunlun flow in the hands. Turn up the volume on "You sexy thing" assume k1, shake it up and who knows you may have started a new trend for the male kunlun path for waking up the inner dakini
  15. Kunlun 1 posture for standing?

    What is bad about this advice? The only thing I can think about it being bad is that it is slightly more dangerous. Going up on your toes is not bad advice, it is actually an legitimate form of energy work that opens the kidney meridian. In my experience you don't stay there long anyways, because the practice very quickly takes on new forms. Standing is more effective for me than sitting. If I am wrong...then practice with your own disgression. My practice seems wrong to you Mantra, but for me it FEELS right and I will keep practicing however I please, picking my nose if I want to I don't need permission from you, but thanks anyways. I trust my innerknowing more than you.
  16. Kunlun 1 posture for standing?

    I have no investment in politics, so feel free to disagree anyone. Following Max's example...be a rebellious system buster....oooooo.. so here it goes: Same deal as sitting k1, just stand, and get up on you tippy toes....becareful you might wobble a little...don't do this if you are overweight, and it can be a bit hard on the knees. So keep them bent, keep your tail tucked...keep your spine straight, that is until you start spontaneously busting a move.
  17. Skepdic is funny

  18. Tantric Mongoose

    This could be Nityama's Female Equivalent: 4Zixl1NljA0&feature
  19. Haiku Chain

    Coumassie Bluesing incubating residue a sapphire tear falls
  20. It is a nice resource! I think you'd better make a lot of Chinese speaker friends to practice with though, and supermemo might help increase the learning curve. http://www.supermemo.com
  21. Ninja - Kuji In

    Oops in my description it was supposed to have read actually the middle fingers back to back, and it is the ring and 4th fingers who play cats cradle with thumbs and index.
  22. Ninja - Kuji In

    I can't find a picture of 8 triagrams mao shan mudra on the net...I can describe it later, but right now I don't remember how it goes, I don't do it often, really the most bloody confusing mudra, but after you finish you have an octagon made out of your fingers....the mandala mudra I remember how: cross your pinkies, touch ring fingers tip to tip(that's mt, meru) then cross middle fingers over each other and hook index fingers under them and push the middle fingers down, so you can see your index finger nails....then push the pinkies down with the thumbs. So 2 thumb nails, and 2 index nails = 4 continents, and ring fingers touching tip to tip and point straight up makes mount meru. So you offer a mini universe with this mudra in front of your heart, then fold the wrists in towards the heart, and release all the fingers as you flip over...thanks for posting the wikipedia. That helps some more. What about the tattva correspondance? Their are more than 9 tattvas, so which one's are we talking about? The first 9?
  23. Ninja - Kuji In

    shows sort of how you might do a flow: IEg2WxaVwS0
  24. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Hmm Im by no means expert, but it does seem possible it does relate somewhat, because if kunlun is not yin chi, not yang chi, but "vaccum" primordial wuji 0? then it plugs into the void...emptiness is form, form is emptiness termas.