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Everything posted by Xienkula1


    Well it probably is a good tool for synchronizing the hemispheres...Im just wondering why the other 107 moves are omitted from Superbrain, and why they don't do the cross handed knuckle rapping of the temples before squating and earlobe tugging, as is the traditional method. Perhaps M. Choa wanted to detract from the religious roots of the movement? Im thinking that if the first move has so many benefits, there might be additive or synergistic results from doing the whole sequence of 108 moves. Seems sort of like doing seven stars without the other 107 tai chi moves that comprise the tai chi form. Body Talk, and other new age systems are interpreting Ganesh as the central nervous system, the two hemispheres of the brain are Ganesha's head and the spine, allegedly his trunk, kind of makes sense, but where are his eyes, mouth, and his tusks? Intuitively makes sense anyway, synchronize the hemispheres, and communication will be clear between the hemispheres, when that happens, there are no obstacles (short-circuits). Instead there is synchronicity and Flow. Ganesh is known as the remover of obstacles. I wonder if he has an analogue in the Taoist Pantheon. I know the Thunder God has been compared to both Indra and Garuda....

    Uh Ohh. Bad Vibes are being generated inside people by their own karma. Quick cover your solar plexus, the bad vibes are here. I guess bad vibes must mean anything that challenges anyones viewpoint. I just want to set the record straight. I learned this exact exercise in a South Asian Temple, from some Sri Lankans who have been doing this squat as part of theiir worship for God knows how long. This statement does not have bad vibes, it is intended to be informative. It shows the roots of an exercise that supposedly works is part of a supplication to Ganesh. http://www.csuohio.edu/hindu/Ganesh.htm

    I guess Choa picked this move up while hanging out in a South Asian Hindu temple? I know I did
  4. Weirdly intriguing, Castaneda wrote about the inner fire and how it can burn up the body and make it vanish into a sea of awareness, sounds very similar to gtummo Merkaba, Dragon Body, Gold Body, and Diamond Body, What yall think? Have any of you practiced Tensegrity and if so what was your experience? I found it to be highly effective....if you haven't tried it, you can practice it from this video.
  5. What are you listening to?

  6. Xiang Gong

    Actually I disagree with you completely. The bodies mysteries are not easier to look upon and clarify. We have some idea about physiology, but it is infinitely more complex than any current theory available. It gives a glimpse but there is a world of molecular and submolecular activities much more intricate than our puny instruments designed to extend the capacity of our senses can detect. Although it works to give a glimpse, it is just that, and it leaves plenty of untold mysteries that are as obscure and unsure as energy maps.
  7. Encounters with the Nagual

  8. Tensegrity and Golden Dragon/Diamond Body?

    I am the work of the only God, His creation. He created you, He uttered you like a flower, he painted you like a song a Toltec artist. The book has come to the end. Your heart is complete. I cry as I speak and discourse with my heart. Let me implant it here on earth so it may be realised My song is hard and flourishes My implanted word is sprouting. Our flowers stand up in the rain. -From the Nahuatl ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tensegrity is essential preparation for dreaming practice entering Sea of Awareness, which has nothing to do with water.
  9. Tensegrity and Golden Dragon/Diamond Body?

    You may find these exercises lame, and you are entitled to your opinions. To compare Tensegrity with a martial art just shows your ignorance about its purpose. They are not for combat, they are for redeploying energy. Not all energy practices have the speed, elegance, and precision of Kung Fu, but that does not make them ineffective. Do Kung Fu much longer, and you may experience some unpleasant wear and tear. One could easily judge another practice like shaking and say, that is a retarded practice because from the outside it looks silly. However, to the shaker, the onlooking gawker who is to inhibited to move is the one who looks dumb. It is all a matter of perspective.
  10. Mer Ka Ba

    Bob doesn't feel like answering. The only research on this comes out of Russia, so maybe, maybe not.
  11. Tensegrity and Golden Dragon/Diamond Body?

    I take all my thoughts of offending offended bullying ridiculing snearing snots of thoughts by the scruff and place them gently in an indigo bowl. The bowl cleanses those thoughts and transmutes them with pure loving light.
  12. Tensegrity and Golden Dragon/Diamond Body?

    Raina, Perhaps you could try out these moves and share your feelings? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18w4v7oZJhA *Sigh*
  13. serious affirmation problem

    or maybe rain has sense of humour.
  14. Tensegrity and Golden Dragon/Diamond Body?

    The only Snoty Speak seen Is Eggs on Your spleen As You medisedate Contemplate Innate Before Siriusly entertaining playideas angelhalos
  15. What's the best single vitamin/mineral?

    The best vitamin is vitamin LOVE....Luminous 0mnipotent Vibrational Energy...think about it, with a little Love Waves you could initiate a solitonic phase-conjugate brain-heart-enteric lovegasm that would heal the mutation in you L-gulonolactone oxidase pseudogene, restoring the function with time-reverse tunneling revolution...until you never had to spend another dime on ester-C or even eat an orange.
  16. What's the best single vitamin/mineral?

    IT is that simple....yay for reductionism!
  17. Shaking Practice in Bali

    Nice..the last paragraph ties into the Bonpo Rainbow Bridge (forgot what it is called) oh I just remembered, dMu, and if you take a look on the last Merkaba post there is a link to a webpage with a torroidal rainbow ourabourous (snake bitting it's tail) that evokes an almost aboriginal response and it is found in the heart of a tetrahedron. Aye, what a beauty!
  18. Tensegrity and Golden Dragon/Diamond Body?

    WYG Tensegrity teaches you all about the true magic of sorcery, and how to become a sorceror, but not in the traditional notions of the word. The details do get deeply personal, so I will PM you, anyone else interested in learning more about my recapitulation can PM me. Thanks for your interest in these matters. XienKula!
  19. Shaking Practice in Bali

    Sounds like this too: http://www.shakingmedicine.com/training/getting-cooked.php There's an excellent book by Jan Fries on the subject: Seidways....
  20. Mer Ka Ba

    I think we shall all now thus be riveted, it seems the DNA is beaming lasers in a phaseconjugate array all the time naturally....unless this another load of crap delivered really fast....TO BE CONTINUED. http://www.goldenmean.info/dnamanifesto/
  21. Xiang Gong

    Smell does indeed activate the olfactory bulb which stimulates the hypothalamus and other neural-centers. however isn't amazing that we can smell seemingly billions of different compounds and they all have a distinct scent? How is it we only have about 30000 coding genes in the genome, and only a small number of those code for scent receptors and yet we can smell billions of different scents? Interesting no?
  22. Physics Discussion

    black holes are cool, I think we can turn into them if we train in certain ways.
  23. Tensegrity and Golden Dragon/Diamond Body?

    Yeah? Well he still mentions stuff about the old sorcerors designing the Mayan pyramids. He says that Don Juan is new school, but some of the material came from old school. So that's sort of debatable. I will have to further research your thread of logic to make any further conclusions....I don't see realigning the pyramid anywhere in qigong that's for sure.