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Everything posted by Xienkula1

  1. Tensegrity and Golden Dragon/Diamond Body?

    Fair enough. Tensegrity may not have a lot of funding, but it certainly broadens one's parameters of perception. Carlos Castaneda reported that they were from the Mexican lineage of shamans and that the Mayans once used similar kinds of techniques.
  2. Mer Ka Ba

    Yes, well, he speaks a bit of a different language after having a near-death experience and hyper-intelligences accessing his mind, so give him a break I think what he is pointing towards is the aura of light that gets generated when you pass various higher stages in the western and sufi traditions - often associated with wedding silk, the state one enters when you marry the divine in your heart, might have something to do with silk reeling. It could also be interpreted as the natural trace elements and gold in semen, being transmuted into ojas- the auric fluid, tejas, the auric light....at the same time, I think he is referring to the intergeometry of the proton-proton asymmetrical spin coupling in the atomic nucleus of the platinum group elements and how the nuclear cooper pairings mirror and thus compliment the asymmetrical/symmetrical spins of our macro vortexijah field in the micro core of the DNA, where these elements like to hang out -according to him..., Im just wondering about the chemistry of that, I suppose they might help to stabilize the hydrogen bonding of DNA bases along with the nucleoplasm. Allegedly there is plenty in male and female sperm, so that is why it is a good idea to conserve your fluid, and take monatomics....so that you can increase the shimmer of your golden wedding silk and reel them in. Though at higher levels, Ananda says conservation is unnecessary and we can freely exchange our male/female fluids during tantric lefthand seances. Crowley said the same and drunk lots of sexual fluids in his sex magic goblets. But then again, he died of heroin addiction so maybe he was a little bit of a magickal beamer. A mysterious connection with getting off and dying. Maybe there's a way to have immortal tao sex that does good stuff. Phase-conjugation is a physics terms for scalar waves....forward and reverse waves that occur in the same plane, 180 degrees out of phase - something Bob references as scalar. There are forward -head over heels spins, reverse, heels over head spins, right spins, left spins....just watch the movie Contact....you'll see all the spins..... Ashayana doesn't look so bad but 2 of those beamers are dead now, and hopefully, they went for more than lumps of coal, may they RIP: 1) Alton 2) Slim Spurling
  3. Awareness

    When we become hara awakened, we are not attached to anything, and the thoughts die one after the other, when we have achieved full ego freedom, then we no longer participate ourselves and the world with a conceptual framework and the world/we comes undone, dissolves in the breath, and in the pulsing of the body. Even when one open's one's eyes, the world of vision is dancing with golden specs of light, and cannot be separated into distinct thoughts...I am the sun, I am the trees, I am the breath, I am the body, I am the hara, I am the ego and yet "I" am not these things and yet these are just ineffectual words trying to describe an experience, that can be sought only within, and there is so much more beyond.
  4. Why celibacy and not retention?

    Oแนƒ Taare Tut taare Toore Mama Ayurjnana Punye Pushtim Kuru Svaha.
  5. how does transmission work?

    That's right. It would be like a gave you a bunch of Reiki symbols, hand positions, and a whole procedure, but no Reiki initiation.....try doing Reiki like that with no initiation...it is not the same...you'll get drained fast.
  6. Tensegrity and Golden Dragon/Diamond Body?

    Wow I have been doing the Sorceror's Breath and it is super-powered. The realignment of the capstone is also wonderful. I saw the Chacmools in my third eye after practicing, and they were teaching me on an inner level. All these vibrations between the right and left luminous egg yolk.
  7. Regarding retention and celibacy-health risks

    You failed to mention that the pineal is literally a left-over remanent of our reptillian ET ancestral evolution, and that in addition to being the Third Eyed Wonder, it is also the Third Leg of the hypothallamus. Reptoids Aliens mate with their retractable pineal glands, though male glands, are actually smaller clitori, while female pineals are actually larger phalli, both are extractable and retractable once one has achieved phowa level 72 and can thrust the pineal out of ones sutures at the brahmamons point that is when the skull hymen is punctured and one gets a fountain of blood, and white einstein bose condensate, the real white lion, and red phoenix gushing as one fountain of Light/Love.
  8. Regarding retention and celibacy-health risks

    Yes, Yes! That is correct! Now you are missing ONLY the holophonies of over-unity plasma-time arcing sonograms to tickle the sonoluminescent bacterial microtubules bose-ensteinian condensations.
  9. how does transmission work?

    Enter the transmission matrices and save yourself from civilization: http://www.trufax.org/matrix5/welcome.html
  10. Mer Ka Ba

    This will give you an idea of what monatomics are for, and what they may have to do with Merkaba: http://www.akasha.de/~aton/Intergeometry.html
  11. Mer Ka Ba

    Time/Space Continuem accellerate from behind and then through me, spinning my chakras counter-clockwise 99 000 novemsexagintillion times GOD/LOVE speed, Phowwwwwwwwww! OrGASmic energies.
  12. On the brain

    Perhaps you won't mind if I eat yours then, I know there's health risks, but I have heard the cost out weighs the benefits...so I'll happily relieve you of your sufferings. I have been nibbling on Drew's brain, and his pi matter does rather have the flavour and texture of fried swiss cheese after all that pineal lasering.
  13. how does transmission work?

    "direct consciousness transmission: means that [knowledge] is not taught to the mind as a "system of thought"; it is imprinted directly by divine consciousness into human consciousness. There are three aspects to this transmission. The first is that it gives the student direct access to the energy and the divine healing realm it connects with, so that the human consciousness needs only to intend for energy to be channeled and it happens. Energy transmission has two other aspects as well. The second aspect of transmission is that it deeply develops-and continues to develop-the student's energy system, so that it can be a more effective vehicle for this divine light and consciousness to manifest. This enables the student to bring in a much greater volume and concentration of divine light. The third aspect of the transmission is that it creates a unique BRIDGE in the student's system so that all the divine power that can be accessed by the student's system that creates a kind of transformation that can only be called magical."
  14. Mer Ka Ba

    Vortex, you seem to be excited by the prospect of sprouting little dragons wings. Take a cold shower or learn this method of healing from him and pay $10, 000 till you are a Multi-Level Jewel: http://www.superdeluxe.com/sd/contentDetai...F39D35DBBDE7FD5 Look if you don't want to take it from me, or Sheng Zhen or learn from Bob Dratch's scalar bio-beaming golden Tinkerbell illustration ... face the wall for 20 years and just beam away, do it all like he said it. You will learn if it is for you, and that is really all that matters. The thing is in Drunkaba, they didn't teach you all the fancy stuff you would have learned in the MM such as sending out frequency beams into holograms and such...the principle of beaming people, is directly taught. The founder got weirder and weirder, and so did his system, until he dropped dead at a seemingly young age. This could have been just his genetics, but the method was supposed to heal everything and anything, including cancer and heart problems. Claim: "When one learns to develop and manifest the higher spiritual aspects of the heart chakra (through the Melchizedek Method incorporating the Orbital Hologram of Love Merkaba), one comes closer to eliminating physical disease not only from heart and associated organs but also from the entire physical body." How healthy does these beamers really look to you: [http://www.andrea999.com/garx5_t.jpg]http://www.andrea999.com/garx5_t.jpg http://www.holisticwebs.com/shengzhen/altonfinal2.jpg] http://www.linko.org/images/Tom&Drunvalo1.jpg][/img] http://www.raysofhealinglight.com/images/haribaba.jpg] http://www.slimsuniverse.com/images/SlimSpurling2.jpg] Oh yeah take another look at Ashayana and her AzURtian, how healthy? Very subjective and funny exercise, dont take it too seriously. And here's an experiment 1) take a jar of mung, alfalfa, lentil whatever... put one out of your 27.75 ft radius field, and have someone who is not beaming involved look after it, then take another jar, and whenever you activate merkaba, put the surrogate around this... Continue it and see what happens to the sprouts. Could be interesting anyway. But you'll have to repeat this several trials (30 is good) and take pictures of control, and merkabad, and then compare. Could be fun way to proove to yourself. Daskalos says the best way to know salt is to taste it, so take your pick axe to the minds, and taste salt, until you are thirsty. Thanks for the Luck, I think it helped. P.S. the WPG = White Powder Gold = Monatomic Gold = ORMES = ORMUS = Platinum Group Elements = Manna. haven't you heard the expression: the true nature of mind is a highly polished mirror?
  15. Mer Ka Ba

    Not necessarily, stick to the physics...the covalent bonds between atoms in molecules can only absorb so much energy from a photon, so there apparently would seem to be a limit of absorption for a given type of covalent bond. Now in terms of sound, molecules also vibrate, and as you are probably well aware, if you hit the resonant frequency of the dialectric medium, ex. concrete, it will fragment to bits. You are correct in that a current theory is that they are like springs, not strings. But if you go further into physics this distinction seems to blur. It would seem if matter and energy are really the same: non-dual, then perhaps we could. lol I am aware of binaural phasing, and binaural beats. Though some argue that binaural beats are a bad for health. Patrick Flanagan, inventor of the neurophone, relayed this. I sing only in phi! It increases my pheeling No, I got the impulse from my Unity Self to study Vortexijah with Ananda instead and it is a very different experience than MerKAba, much more along Taoist and Anuttara Yoga lines of intersection. In Vortexijah you must Feel and See and Sound. And the Vortexijah is really the center of a Sri Yantra flipped on it's side. In Tibetan Buddhist Sadhanas, it is the Same. Visualisation is a huge part of gaining internal experience. Visualisation is a kind of Nei Gung, or internal work. An ancient Hawaiian principle of huna is Makia - energy flows where attention goes... To find out more about Scalars, you must browse more of his personal site. To listen to his holoform music, it is on his personal site as well, and it is quite funny in that he has them overlaid on Ragtime. It does appear to affect you with all kinds of bizarre neuro-physiological sensations. He also talks about tryptamines as being molecular tetrahedral scalar beamers, if that is the case, our DNA would also be a kind of molecular scalar beamer because it is quite often methylated and acetylated (depending on many complex factors too detailed to explain now)...Ananda says that only pinoline is capable of intercalating directly into the DNA core. I mentioned before that projecting any kind of thought is a no no in Ho'oponopono. To project a thought good or bad = error that pops up bad memories from the subconscious mind, and this error must be cleansed with certain tools to enlist Divine intervention, or you will be forever repeating patterns, never attaining true self understanding. Hayes/Deane Ashayana will tell you you are a fool for practicing Drunkabba, and that you should be entering her Mahara instead, and she will tell you WPG is going to turn you into a reptilian Draco. etc.etc. Im going to bed. Good nite! Wish me luck on my exam please!
  16. Mer Ka Ba

    Why would it be vastly different? If you send out an impulse on a string, it will come back. Keep the motion going and will get a standing wave, as you said yes? But what if the impulse generating the wave motion gets faster and faster? The string ocillates so strongly the string must break apart due to the force of the action. Or what happens when it's not a string that is vibrating, but the subatomic particles that compose your neural networks? That is a physical principle, is it also an energetic one? Hmmm this is inspiring me to get out my old dust laden physics books and to reread the chapters on constructive and destructive interference. I also got really high with Merkaba and was putting trees in Merkabas, homeless people and just about anything and everything in the name of Love, until I had a similar realisation to Sheng Zhen Wuji Yuan Gong. I spun the merkaba 99 000 novemsexagintillion times GOD unconditional LOVE speed, but still I didn't levitate, nor did I ascend anywhere but here, at the very least I survived to tell the tale. hahaaha! The moral of the story is don't drive when you are drunk.
  17. how does transmission work?

    Thanks this was actually very intriguing!
  18. HI!

  19. Full-Lotus

    Well Drew you must be admonished in that you could have been evolving so much more accellerated with the pinealjaculatont, hmmm but what can be done, it would be a miracle if a dog could meow.
  20. Combining Hatha yoga and Thai Chi

    No it's chi because it's from Thailand!
  21. Mer Ka Ba

    Wow for someone who is guarding their belief system so strongly you sure do have a way of pointing the finger of assumptions. If you recall you have quoted me a couple of times saying : "this guy writes a wacky but interesting little take on Merkaba." Now you seem to be drawing several erroneous conclusions. I just tried to explain to you what I thought the article meant when you said you had trouble understanding. Just try listening to the music you might feel a bit better, or maybe take a deep breath or do the realignment of the pyramid tensegrity move?
  22. Mer Ka Ba

    Are you trying to tell me that light doesn't beam? I thought in the exercise Sri Yuketashaar teaches called the Unity Breath u open ur pranic tube and radiate a prana shaft sending up a prana ball into the God and into the Earth? I guess I was doing it wrong? http://www.azuritepress.com/asha_aza.htm these people used to have an all and out war with Druvalo, but now they have deleted their old letters saying the Merkaba was all wrong and they had it all rite...
  23. Mer Ka Ba

    .so you are not beaming out a 27.75 radius field? wouldn't anything in the volume of the sphere get beamed? And don't you beam this into the earth in the Earth sky? Or what about setting up an external merkaba around a person, object or plant...would that not be beaming? DAMN one post too many...I wanted to be a TaoWizard forever, this is unfair.