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Everything posted by Xienkula1

  1. Mer Ka Ba

    Sheng Zhen, I dare say you are close to reaching an enlightenment, wait for us though, remember those Bodhisattva vows?!
  2. Mer Ka Ba

    So can drugs, and they can both arguably push you over the edge to your impending death as much as they can liberate you psychologically, yet so can an exclusively materialistic mundane perspective accomplish the same, either way. It seems nibbana would be crossing the abyss into enlightenment, while the Bodhisattva defers until all sentient beings are prepared to make the excursion.
  3. Mer Ka Ba

    Occam's razor would probably opt out merkaba as well. Listen to Bob Dratch's music, then you'll feel the Merkaba. http://bob-dratch.org/index-a.html
  4. Mer Ka Ba

    The leader still died a decade afterwards. I wonder if he believed in hexing and if this caused him any shall we say paranoia? We will never know. The tomb was allegedly cursed, as were many of the tombs.
  5. how does transmission work?

    Yep another case of the suggestion bug. Yawn
  6. Mer Ka Ba

    I think that was a major point of the Bob Dratch article. Good to see you are doing your own research and not following blindly, though not everything you read in Wiki is true, it's a wiki after all, and anyone can edit the wiki with disinformation.
  7. Stories of Integrity

    That's hilarious! http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v393/...s/393749a0.html http://technology.newscientist.com/article...f-miracles.html
  8. Stories of Integrity

    Google Ramalinga Swamigal. Seems to have been a pretty "pure" guy. Ananda would say the very concept of pure is a dualistic one, " you must see the pure in the impure, and the impure in the pure." Why did Trailanga Swami worship God with his own excrement. Excrement is filthy and repungant to most, yet to him he could not tell the difference in his non-dual state, and offered it to God instead of fruit and flowers.
  9. Mer Ka Ba

    I think his point is that you have been tricked due to your naivety. He seems to say it was false advertising. i.e. Radiation therapy cures cancer, and doesn't significantly burn you, or harm your immune system. I think his contention is that evil magic was part of the teaching of the mystery schools along with the whole mystical shabang. We know the Egyptian mystery schools were proficient in the art of cursing. They coated tombs with poisons such as mecury sulphide designed to kill those who broke into them. The archeologists who unearthed Tutankhamen's tomb all died a few weeks after supposedly due to a curse, but perhaps from poison. I think he is saying that ancient does not = safe, there are booby traps in these occult Egyptian systems, just like in the ancient tombs. He seems to say that Merkaba is a violation of free will, and is using seductive tricks to bypass the will for a more evil purpose all in the name of light and love. Perhaps Melchizedek gets to feed off soul if you do the practice or something to that effect. Why don't you send him a message? I know Ananda has contested that this is the gruesome truth, however he maintains a different paradigm to merkaba. Bob Dratch himself once experimented with Merkaba, worked with Drunvalo, and made music for Slim Spurling that much I know. He later decided the two were evil. In other words he is saying there should be a warning label on Merkaba, much as you would have against drinking drano! His music is cool, it's on his site. Does way cool things to your energy.
  10. Spring Forest Qigong

    Zer gut.
  11. Max's Gamma Radiation

    Im sure there's enough juice for all of our pineals to get a blastin' of RP2, but Im really interested in RP3. Bloody Awesome, this guy wrote what I attempted to explain to you drunvalo and Greg Braden bed fellows far better than I could have ever articulated it, over 8 years ago, props to him! : On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, Bruce Fleming wrote: > I'd like to know if anyone has encountered a similar case. > Is it really possible for 24 Codons to be on in contrast to the normal > which is 20? A person with this characteristic can be said to acquire > super immunity against all disease including AIDS. Comments welcome. well, you're asking a question based on false assumptions. in humans, and as far as we know in all organisms, all 64 possible codons code for something: in your terminology, all 64 are 'on'. here's a (very brief) explanation of the primary structure of DNA, just in case. DNA is made up of a sequence of nucleotide residues, usually called bases. there are four different bases which can be used in DNA, which are often known by their code letters C, T, A and G. these can be incorporated into DNA in any order, so you could have a DNA molecule ATGGAGTCGACGTAG. in this respect, a DNA sequence is just like a book, made up of a sequence of characters, and, like a book, DNA contains information; the information in DNA specifies how and when to make proteins and some other molecules which are the building blocks of cells and, thus, of living organisms. protein, like DNA, are made up of a sequence of building blocks, but where DNA has bases, proteins have amino acids. where there are 4 bases, there are 20 amino acids that can be be built into proteins. so, how does a DNA sequence, with its four building blocks, specify a protein sequence, with 20 possible building blocks? the answer is that the DNA is not read as a sequence of single bases, but as a sequence of triplets of bases: these triplets are called codons. this is a bit like splitting a book up into words, except that in DNA, all the words are 3 letters long and there are no spaces between them! thus, when a DNA sequence is translated into protein, each codon is translated into a particular amino acid in the protein sequence. the rules for translating are now well-known, and are the same for almost all organisms. the system also allows a 'stop' signal to be included, so that when that part of the sequence is reached, translation is stopped and the protein is finished. proteins are started a bit differently: the start is marked by a codon for the amino acid methionine. if there are four bases in DNA, and words contain three bases, then there are 4 * 4 * 4 = 64 different possible words in DNA. since there are only 20 amino acids which need to be specified, plus a stop signal, this is excessive. the obvious thing to do would be to use only 21 of the 64 codons, and have the other 43 do nothing (that is, be 'null codons'). however, it turns out that this is a bit of a bad idea, because of mutations. if a mutation changes one base of a DNA sequence so that a codon which was previously useful becomes a null codon, and so the information is ruined. what nature does instead is assign a meaning to every codon, so that if there is a mutation, the new sequence is at least meaningful, if wrong. furthermore, things are arranged so that many mutations do not affect the result of translation: for instance, since GTT, GTC, GTA and GTG all code for valine, a mutation in the third position of a valine codon will have no effect. the rules, known as the genetic code, can be written out as a table, and you can see such a table at: http://ftp.hgu.mrc.ac.uk/Softdata/Misc/gencode.htm note that this table is for RNA rather than DNA, so where a table for DNA would have a T, this table has a U. looking at this table, the entry "CCG Pro (P)" shows that the codon CCG (an C followed by a C followed by a G) is translated into a proline in the protein (pro and P are abbreviations for proline). thus, we can translate the sequence i wrote out earlier: ATGGAGTCGACGTAG consists of the codons: ATG GAG TCG ACG TAG which code for: met glu ser thr STOP M E S T so, the DNA sequence ATGGAGTCGACGTAG codes for the protein methionine-glutamate-serine-threonine. so, in response to your question: no. if a person had 24 codons turned on, they would almost certainly be dead, as they wouldn't be able to translate their DNA very effectively. > I saw the following posted elsewhere. > > >About 10 or 11 years ago in the US, there was a baby born with AIDS. > >They tested him at birth and at 6 months and he tested positive for > >AIDS. They tested him a year later and he still tested positive. Then > they didn't test him again until > >he was 6, and what was amazing is that this test showed that he was > >completely AIDS free! In fact, there was no trace that he ever had > AIDS > >or HIV whatsoever! > > > >He was taken to UCLA to see what was going on and those tests showed > that > >he didn't have normal human DNA. In the human DNA we have 4 nucleic > acids > >that combine in sets of 3 producing 64 different patterns that are > called > >codons. Human DNA all over the world always has 20 of these codons > turned > >on and the rest of them are turned off, except for 3 which are the > stop > >and start codes, much like a computer. Science always assumed that the > >ones that were turned off were old programs from our past. I've always > seen > >them like application programs in a computer. Anyway...this boy had 24 > codons > >turned on - 4 more than any other human being. Then they tested this > kid > >tosee how strong his immune system was. They took a very lethal dose of > >AIDS in a petri dish and mixed it with some of his cells and his cells > >remained completely unaffected. They kept raising the lethalness of the > >composition > >- and finally went up to 3,000 times more than what was necessary to > >infect a human being and his cells stayed completely disease free. Then > they > >started testing his blood with other things like cancer and discovered > >that this kid was immune to everything! Then they found another kid > with > these > >codons turned on - then another one - then another one - then 10,000, > >then 100,000, then a million of them - and at this point, UCLA, by > watching > >world-wide DNA testing, estimates that 1% of the world has this new > DNA. > >That breaks down to approximately 60 million people who are not human > by > >the old criteria. what is written here is wrong. it might be that the author was confused, and that what he really meant was that this child had 24 amino acids rather than the normal 20. this strikes me as very unlikely: it took the present system of translation many millions of years to evolve, and it has remained stable for over a billion years. the jump from 20 amino acids to 24 would require new amino-acids synthesis and degradation pathways, new transporters, new regulatory networks, new amino-acyl tRNA synthetases and, last but by no means least, the alteration of almost every other gene in the genome to fit the new genetic code. in short, it's not going to happen. furthermore, it's not clear how adding new amino acids would improve the immune system. if the genetic code was massively altered, that would give immunity to viruses, but cancer and parasitic cells like bacteria, fungi, malaria, etc, should be unaffected. all in all, it sounds like someone's been reading too much Greg Egan . oh, and well done for asking! if you are ever suspicious of something someone says, don't be afraid to check it out. this is a central principle of science! hope this helps, tom
  12. Spring Forest Qigong

  13. Mer Ka Ba

    It's supposed to transpose your physical body into a Light body in the 4th dimension where 4D and higher love buns such as AMs and UTs come to tell you about Melchizekek, although some say 5th dimension, using some "spherical" breathing techniques, and to reactivate your prehistoric memory of feeling/seeing various platonic solids around you, usually the stellated cube, which you command with your mind/heart/body/spirit breath to spin at various speeds, sometimes at 9/10 the speed of light, sometimes according to how a higher self directs, or sometimes faster than God. This guy writes a wacky but interesting little take on Merkaba: http://bob-dratch.org/BeamerTetra.htm
  14. Spring Forest Qigong

  15. Spring Forest Qigong

    google it
  16. Spring Forest Qigong

    hmmm dunno.
  17. Mer Ka Ba

    Sheng Zhen did you ever stop to ponder whether he had true integrity and wisdom in the first place or if he was actually delusional all throughout his life? Before being a channel for Thoth and other assorted otherworldy experts, he was a business man, with a family, who specialized in advertising. No wonder so many people got taken in by his tall talk and fancy if not busy graphics. His family fell apart after he became a channel fulltime. People claimed to heal themselves of cancer in 2 days using his method. I think it is quite obvious the placebo can be effective, very efficacious for some, but there's a limit. The man was getting rich off selling people the power of their own belief and to believe in his tinkerbell dust. He sold people something they already had innately, suggestibility. However, despite his ability to exploit the placebo effect and suggestion, he could not prevent his death from cancer. I think it is an exquisitely tragic irony, another remarkable lesson in critical thinking.
  18. Mer Ka Ba

    Max, Was it your highest excitement?!!!!!
  19. Just Be Happy

    Nice, however you omitted the other side of the happiness equation: Don't Worry.
  20. Mer Ka Ba

  21. Sifting Through the Mulch

    Next time I witness belching, nose picking, burping, farting, certain undesirable physionomy traites such as a wrinkle on the left side of the nose, and sway back, I'll be able to sift through the mulch. Thanks Lin.
  22. Max's Gamma Radiation

    I sometimes make typos and am too lazy to correct them. It would have been more skillful to have said "learned about" rainbow body, diamond body practices of the buddhist tradition. Yes Trekchod, cutting through duality, and thogyal (Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche talks about that) , perceiving the luminous are part of the the practice in Bon Dzogchen to attain Rainbow body. Darkness retreats are a huge part of awakening this body. Vajra visualisation is used as part of it. This Rinpoche warns that anyone spending enough time in the darkness will start to have dream like experiences and images, he says without the above practices you will just trip on your karmic programming, without cutting through to duality, and there are very specific experiences and visions that are sign posts on the progressive involution of the 5 tattvas, tanmatras etc. Tummo has become associated with six yogas of naropa, mahamudra lineage of Milarepa, but it also seems to have been practiced by Nyingma havof Guru Padmasambhava and Bon lineages. Rainbow body means the physical body has united with the greater bodies( Dharmakaya Sarvikakaya). The physical body is sometimes said to shrink, but that is a lower attainment. In most cases the physical body dissapears, leaving just the hair and nails behind, very very few people ever attain this level. In cases of the Diamond body, they leave absolutely nothing behind, they have attained a full Vajra body and they never come back to a "physical" body. At least that is what has been said.
  23. Max's Gamma Radiation

  24. Max's Gamma Radiation

    Look we have 4 DNA bases and 20 amino acids, how does RNA code for all of them? How does the ribosome know how to bind to the RNA? Well there's a recognition site on the mRNA that identifies AUG (Adenine Uracil Guanine), as a start codon. 4^1=4 4^2=16(nope not enough to account for all 20 AA) 4^3=64, more than enough to account for all AA plus a start AUG(also codes for methionine after RNA poly starts transcribing mRNA), plus 3 stop codons UAA, UGA UAG. The fact that there are only 20 amino acids and start and stop functions, and that there are 64 codons(of which DNA and RNA polymerase are both fully capable of reading and writing every one of them during replication and transcription of DNA to RNA + Ribosome + acetyl-t-RNA synthetases + transfer RNA's with codons and anticodons(with wobble base pair is fully capable of translating them in the primary sequence of a protein or we'd all be dead) indicates the code is degenerate - ie. there are 4 codons for alanine - 6 codons for serine 6 codons for arginine 2 codons for lysine, 4 for valine, 4 for threonine, 2 for cysteine, 4 for proloine, 2 - aspartate... you get the idea? We use ALL of them. Some kid with ADD does not have more functioning codons than you There are however some very interesting I CHING connections to the genetic code. The code is nearly universal however has been found to have a couple of exceptions between differing organisms, which codons mean which amino acid - fruit flies, mitochondria of mammals, yeasts mitochondria, plant mitohondria, protozoa nuclei etc. The multiple codons for AA are helpful from an evolutionary biology perspective because if by chance a single base does change in the codon, it is likely to code for chemically similar AA ie. if you have a protein that has a hydrophobic side chain mutating to a hydrophilic side chain, the result could destroy the functioning of the protein in a cell, single base change in codon that destroys the shape and there fore the function of hemoglobin preventing the binding of oxygen to the iron in the heme group hence sickle cell anemia. The degeneracy is thus a fail safe system, like a having multiple back up files.( Although arguably there are a lot of other epigenetic factors that determine how this mutation will be expressed or suspressed that are currently not fully understood - epigenetic meaning the histone code, X chromosome inactivation and other epigenetic processes.) Anyways there's the two cents. My advice is to read Mae Wan Ho. Genetic Engineering Dream or Nightmare, Fluid Genome, Rainbow and The Worm. She is brilliant! I love Mae Wan Ho!
  25. Max's Gamma Radiation

    Thanks for this! Xienkula