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Everything posted by Xienkula1

  1. Max's Gamma Radiation

    gamma rays break dna strands and modify the guanine nucleotides to 8-oxoguanine which the DNA polymerase-reads as thymine, so the next time it replicates all the 8-oxoguanines are read as thymines and pair with adenines instead of cytosines. OOOooo! DNA repair mechanisms then form a triple helix as a way to repair the super bad damage, so you too can have indefinite longevity. Study with Super Nithyanandaji cause he's clearly beyond his brain: http://guruphiliac.blogspot.com/2005/04/sw...rain-waves.html
  2. The Inappropriate Yoga Guy

    Crazy Sri Lankan Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA1NoOOoaNw&feature=email
  3. Max's Gamma Radiation

    In your mind only. I know what I was attempting to say, and you are clearly confused by what was written. If in the context of my post does not apply any assumption whatsoever, only in that which you have yourself misinterpreted. The mind is a funny thing. Two people can observe the very same thing, and think they are right about it. You assume to be right about what I meant. If you want to be at work tomorrow by 8 AM, you'll be sure to wake up before that to ensure that you will. This statement does not assume that you want to go to work, it's merely what you must do IF your goal is to go to be at your job by 8 AM. That does not however imply in any way that your aim is to go work tomorrow at 8 AM. Your aim may be to play sick and watch tv all day, or do kunlun for all I know
  4. Max's Gamma Radiation

    Actually this is what you appear to be guilty of If you had read the post you would have seen the word "if." Be careful when you use the word feel, truth is not a feeling. Nope, Im not Steve.
  5. Max's Gamma Radiation

    Im not contesting whether Max is real or fake. Actually, I have posted links that perhaps even point to the fact that his claims may not be as bizarre as they first appear. The post is interesting but does not really clarify because it is using physics terms out of context to describe alleged phenomenon that have not been studied or if they have been, they are not accessible to the public domain. Perhaps Max should commit himself to several controlled well designed scientific studies if his aim is to further the science of biology as John Chang attempted. Max does not have a dead Taoist teacher screaming at him if he does such things, and doesn't seem to be bound by an oath of secrecy. Either that, or it may serve better to detract from the hype. It would be childishly gullible to eat up such claims up such as golden dragon body without some objective verification. If there are such students who have accomplished Golden Dragon body why are they not there at the seminar to demonstrate their attainments? I think that if we are sincere cultivators of any system, we need to be asking these questions. Im not coming from this perspective without experience, or without having tried the Kunlun. I did get some strong reactions from the practice. However, I need more time to discover if this is a practice that is for me. I have learned already Buddhist practices that develop the Rainbow Body and Diamond Body. Im wondering how this compares to Golden Dragon body. I noticed that the Kunlun1 posture is very much similar to a position in the seated practice of Falun Gong for developing supernormal powers. However, I don't know of any falun gong practicioner who developed any such powers, but even if they did, in their system they are forbidden to report such phenomenon.
  6. Max's Gamma Radiation

    Well I can't help flogging a dead horse, thanks for enlightening me to my apparent sadism. Have to work on that compassion some more
  7. retention

  8. Max's Gamma Radiation

    Let's get a cheek swab from Max and do some DNA testing and while we are at it, test our own dna too, we might have mutated as well with all the recent solar flare activity, not to mention cosmic rays http://www.jci.org/112/4/487?content_type=full I think triple helix dna has been observed in certain forms of cancer cells, but I need to get the source on that one.
  9. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Well it was intended with some haumour, but I should have read the whole vicious thread before assuming it would be taken lightly...hence LOL. perhaps this would have helped But some forms of Taoism are in fact associated with spirit possession, so it's actually not so outlandish as the Islamic exorcism.
  10. Is KunLun Bogus?

    From the sounds of it this guy: http://www.dangerofchi.org/ http://www.thejinn.net/chi_jinn_my_story.htm thinks all of you spontaneous Kunlun enthusiasts are being impregnated with demonic entities who take over your body in the trance state. You all require an Islamic exorcism right now! LOL.
  11. Kunlun New Jersey Workshop

    I am curious to learn the Pheonix too, this sounds similar to some practices I already do. If you begin to see a gold circle above the eyes, (with eyes closed) and experience intense tingling bliss at the third eye, then I know and practice this but would like the specifics of RP.
  12. Bodhichitta

    check out the last post on the vortexijah thread. and please provide your feedback Tonglen is a helpful method for developing compassion. 4 step tonglen is especially effective. But the idea is to get past a technique and be in compassion. easier said than done.
  13. Bodhichitta

  14. Zeev Kolman

    Master Yogaswami got rammed by his pet cow a few years before his death, and she was like a mother to him. Yet, this one day, she got really cranky and bulled him over sideways, crippling him. The result was he could no longer escape from seekers, he was in his own words "captured." Perhaps this was a very unfortunate thing for Yoga Swami, and a very fortunate situation for his devotees, or perhaps both received a benefit. It is all a matter of perspective.
  15. I am aware! Watch THIS!

    I concur, animal abuse.
  16. Kunlun New Jersey Workshop

    Im hoping too.
  17. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Every form in the universe is subject to evolution and devolution and the two intermediate positions, birth and death, the wheel of life. The waves of the sea rise and fall, vegetation rises from the earth and returns to it, animals born to existence ultimately decompose and mingle with the dust of the earth; even the sun sets at the close of every day. Even seeing this, and knowing fully well that man after man dies, even still, our minds wander in attachments of the ego as though we were immortal. What is this delusion of ego, this ignorance of attachment, which binds our every thought and action? What are these dreamss and illusions to which we are so bound? We adorn our bodies as though they were never subject to decay, and cling to relationships with people and with things as though they were the substance of our very existence. We eat when we are not hungry, kill when we don't need food, and copulate out of season; we intoxicate ourselves to forgetfulness, take tobacco or drugs even when we know it is injurious to our health, drive our cars, as though there no stastics of traffic fatalites. We see a new desire take birth with every perception; helplessly watch it grow until it becomes an obsession regulating our every action. As one possessed, we see morality and convention, even common sense, yield to the ethics of convenience, in which we rationalize any behaviour which brings success. Look at the reality of our lives, at our goals and aspirations. -Swami Satyananda Saraswati
  18. Fav. meditation lately

  19. Zeev Kolman

    Hey Wow! Mr. Wu's diagrams look something like the vortexijah trees in case no one is interested.
  20. Vortexijah

    The Vortexijah is an intergeometrical vehicle that sucks up Jing, Chi, and Shen, and then exchanges them as a kind of Unified Field Internal Alchemy. In order practice Vortexijah you must be able to visualise and breathe well, it's a whole body 3 D animated vorticule mandala, as well as 3 separate vorticules that cover lower, middle, and upper Dan Tian, that looks kind of like gyroscopic Tibetan dorje thunderbolts. It incorporates the DMT principle at higher levels of training. My teacher is a teacher of Mantak Chia in terms of the crystal palace and dark room teachings.
  21. Vortexijah

  22. Kechari Mudra

    Maa is so beautiful!
  23. Kechari Mudra

    I welcome the insight. I had come across his website and figured as much from the info that was posted. Nice mantras though, I like them. Im looking for a genuine path to understand Sri Vidya. I realise, it's a true commitment. Maa is worth it all. I am researching now about that teacher you have mentioned. I would very much appreciate some further discussion of Sri Vidya if it is appropriate.