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Everything posted by Xienkula1

  1. Does anyone know of any Taoist Mantras to activate the Dan Tian?
  2. Vortexijah

    Yes he's still teaching in Europe. His books are difficult to get, sometimes Korinna Mueller has them. I suggest you try her if you want to find them.
  3. Dan Tian and Daoist Mantras

    I would also like to learn it, and how it can be sung as well. It sounds like it is used for exorcism to some degree, keeping the mind and body clean, and refining one's cultivation practice all at the same time. I wonder how we could learn this? Once learned, like many mantras, it probably takes millions of repetitions to show you its true power. Thanks so much for the translation. Xk
  4. Dan Tian and Daoist Mantras

    I suggest you join the forum and leave him a message tell him you are sincere and you just want to know how to say it. Maybe if you are very clear in your intentions and sincerity he might come to your aid and give it to you, considering you can understand some of the meaning. But can't you hear it from the video and grasp it as such?
  5. Vortexijah

    Nope, Mantak never learned the vortexijah form directly from Ananda, but from one of Ananda's students during the DR. He was the only exception to be allowed into a DR, without taking the full preliminary vortexijah practice. The vortexijah has an iso-tetrahedral base. Mantak later decided to use the pakua instead, though they are not unrelated, since the Vortexijah has 8 spins. You guys can start here if you prepared to dig the writing style : http://www.akasha.de/~aton/VORTEXIJAH.html
  6. Kechari Mudra

    Silicon Valley, you seem to be a student of Shri Vidya, how can one receive diksha, are you aware of any teachers that can impart this knowledge? Do you reccommend Amritanatha?
  7. Heart Mind Fasting Meditation

    I love this practice, very profound. Just read about it elsewhere recently, and here you have in the way of the Tao posted a means of entering. Many Thanks!!!! Xk
  8. Dan Tian and Daoist Mantras

    It sounds like it could definitely be indicating this. As within, so without, as without, so within. I still think that awakened kundalini is likened to a thunderbolt at least in the Vajrayana Buddhist path or at least the union of subtle red and white drops(yin yang essence) a kundalini awakening practice, and Im also not quite sure if fire does the kundalini energy justice, I think Kundalini might involve more than fire energy, kundalini is certainly dynamic, but all the elements share this kinetic dynamism including fire. As I understood it, fire energy is ida nadi, water energy is pingala nadi, and their amalgamation rouses kundalini in the central channel, but I think its also far more complex than this, and this notion is inspired by the practices of elemental purification or Bhuta Shuddhi. Thanks for the other sources of Taoist magic. I 'll check them out. What do you think of this guy? Xk http://www.taoistsecret.com/taotalismanbk.html
  9. Dan Tian and Daoist Mantras

    You are most welcome Forgive me if I keep relating everything to Tantra, however, that snippet of the poem sounds something like that coiled kundalini cobra just waiting to be awoken to bolt up to the crown and wake up the sleeping Thunder God. I would very much appreciate any suggested references you would have to to learning more about Thunder Magic, if you would relate any further details about it, thunder magic, finger placements it would be much appreciated. Also, Why is it Thunder magic and not lightening? Thanks Very Much!
  10. Dan Tian and Daoist Mantras

    I have no clue, I'm a total newbie to sectarian Taoism, but keen to learn You can ask him and see the full 8 spiritual mantras here: http://javewu.multiply.com/video/item/15
  11. Fertilizing the Pineal Gland

    Well at first it usually tastes kinda salty and slimy. Then after starting Hsin Tao practice the tongue went up slightly further, and it became a sweet taste.
  12. Dan Tian and Daoist Mantras

    Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try it by any chance, is this 'heng' related to the Sanskrit Bija Mantra Hung?
  13. Kunlun New Jersey Workshop

    Hmmmmm, now I have read some threads with feuds about the Kunlun and some discussions about the authenticity of Max. Did you try it and get results? Thanks for the recommendation Yoda, it satisfies some of the curiosity. I can't wait till the book arrives to see what is so particular about this "hack." It sounds similar to a lot of neigong and alchemy practices. With Thanks, XienKula
  14. Why when I post a topic, does it sometimes get double posted, and how can I delete a topic?
  15. Vortexijah

    why are two topics appearing and how do I delete one?
  16. What are you listening to?

    Matisyahu rocks! Yo Kings without no crowns!
  17. Dan Tian and Daoist Mantras

    Well, like a number of you, I do not read, or speak Mandarin or Cantonese, however, I tried to get a phonetic transliteration but the source of these mantras refuses, saying one must first be initiated as an orthodox Taoist, (learn Chinese), and then study Taoism under a Master for a couple of years before doing this practice, which won't happen most likely unless you live in Asia. It's called the Great Golden Brightness prayer and is supposed to be protective and exclusively for the purposes of self-cultivation. Hence the question about a Taoist Maha Mantra, since Maha=Great, this would certainly be one of them. It's meaning is apparently extremely intricate and found in between the lines, and even between characters. There's a special way of reciting each portion of the prayer on different digits of the fingers, similar to Tantric finger Japa.
  18. Kunlun and DMT

    Im guessing FE = 5 elements standing series RP= Red Phoenix DT= dantian probably?
  19. Fertilizing the Pineal Gland

    I had been attempting this practice for years but only gained some success after reading a very clear description of talabya kriya in the kriyayoga.info book and AYP forum. I was already able to touch the uvula, then after a few days of talabya, the frenulum naturally severed with some blood, and continues to sever, in second stage of kechari now. I thought it would help me in packing yang chi into my dan tian, then I realised, the yang channel is actually in the spine, and the yin channel runs through the tounge, so I would be bringing yang chi from the pineal down to the dan tian via kechari?
  20. Dan Tian and Daoist Mantras

    Just say "Dear Dan Tian you are my ball of Bliss in my lower Abdomen and I love you, please fill up with cosmic chi, "jiu, jiu, jiu, jiu, jiu, jiu"
  21. Intro

    Hello, Ive been reading the posts on cultivation, Buddhist, Daoist, Yogic. I practice methods from these traditions and am hoping for some insightful discussions.