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Everything posted by Xienkula1

  1. Intro

    Thanks! Im happy to meet the tao bums! I'm not familiar with Kunlun, but I found this site searching about it, and now I have become curious enough to get the book. After reading it, I will decide about further study.Im also practicing HsinTao and I find this a remarkable healing practice.
  2. Dan Tian and Daoist Mantras

    Yes it's 金光神咒 天地玄宗 萬氣本根 廣修億劫 證吾神通 三界內外 惟道獨尊 體有金光 覆映吾身 視之不見 聽之不聞 包羅天地 養育群生 誦持一遍 身有光明 三界侍衛 五帝司迎 萬神朝禮 役使雷霆 鬼妖喪膽 精怪亡形 內有霹靂 雷神隱名 洞慧交徹 五氣騰騰 金光速現 覆護真人 急急如玉皇光降律令敕
  3. Does anyone know of any Taoist Mantras to activate the Dan Tian?
  4. Kunlun and DMT

    No, by itself it doesn't do either (unless smoked). DMT is broken down by mono-amine-oxidase enzymes in the stomach to a non-psychedelic bland metabolite. Go see an Ayahuasquero/a if you want to learn this path, it's not quite like Vitamine C you Know! Sometimes less is more [
  5. Kunlun New Jersey Workshop

    Yay that means I will be able to attend!
  6. Babaji's Kriya Yoga?

    I think it may and it also gives you a chance to do something different so you don't get bored doing the exact same thing all the time. Keep smelling a rose and eventually, no matter how enjoyable, your receptors will get saturated and you will have diminishing response to the scent. So giving yourself a different stimulus may keep you sensitized to the effects.
  7. Babaji's Kriya Yoga?

    I don't know if it is fair to say they are a hodge podge from different traditions. If that is the case, you should be able to site which traditions they are from, otherwise it is all speculation. I'm still quite unsure whether Babaji is a literal phenomenon. However, I do know that just like there are legends of Taoist Immortals, there are legends of immortal Siddhas. Just like China has a golden pill of immortality, there is an apparent analogue in Siddha medicine. Govindan heard the term from his Guru. The idea is that when Siva taught Parvati the secrets of immortality, it was the secret of Kriya kundalini pranayama. Ramaiah claimed this. Not everything can be referenced in a scripture. But there are a couple in scripture who escaped death, Nachiketas, Markandeya and in other non-hindu scriptures etc. Many Siddhas where said to have acheived it, some tibetan yogis were said to have achieved it. Ramalinga Swamigal dissappeared without a trace after doing various practices. Of course they are anecdotes and we don't know anything about their veracity. Not speaking Tamil is a real disadvantage, and I think it would be necessary to speak the language and read the writtings of the Siddhas, and then discuss the material with those who had contemplated their meaning to begin to grasp the philosophy. There's a lot of Kriya teachers who you could pin the "not true master" lable on in terms of their behaviour. There can be a lot of ego theatrics involved with the big massive power behind the ultimate jet plane to God illumination. It can often be a worthwhile excercise to examine one's own motives, get a grip on one's discernment, and clean up one's own stinky subconscious dirty laundry. It's a task that seems never ending. That said, it does not mean that some principles and techniques offered might not be of some value to a personal practice, yet decidedly not everyone's cup of tea. Lahiri's technique was a lot more simplified, and it seems to be a very functional model. To you the Govindan/ Ramaiah stuff may not have been at all useful or even corrupted and distainful, but personally, the practice has been beneficial. Whether the 18 Yoga postures were thought up by Babaji or the Grand Poobaa, or sourced from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, they still seem to work. Whether you think it's worth the $2000 bucks to learn everything is another story. To Govinadan's credit at least he has a policy that you can retake the workshop free over and over once you have paid initially.
  8. Kunlun and DMT

    Yep, old wine in a new skin, but at least you can still get drunk.
  9. Babaji's Kriya Yoga?

    This could be considered semantics. If it does it for you, go for it! However, when someone asks about "Babaji's Kriya yoga" they are usually referencing the lineage of yogi S.A.A Ramiah (and M. Govindan). Trunk perhaps you could clarify the nature of your inquiry.
  10. Babaji's Kriya Yoga?

    There is an analogous practice in Babaji's Kriya Yoga to the blue pearl of Muktananda's lineage, but there is not a formalized transmission of Shakthi Path in terms of peacock feather diksha, but rather via the initiation into mantra shakthi and direct connection to Babaji in meditation. Lahiri Mahasaya if you read about his life was quite the rocking space daddy. You are right however, to place the faith in God inside as there is where it must abide.
  11. Babaji's Kriya Yoga?

    It's important to note as you'll see if you download the link for the kriya yoga book above, that SRF kriyas are omiting some key instructions. The Babaji's Kriya yoga method comes via a completely different lineage of Babaji to V.T. Neelakanthan, and Yogiar (Yogi S.A.A Ramaiah) and is much more South Indian Saiva Siddhantha influenced in its approach. Rather than seeking nirbija or nirvikalpa samadhi, it's highest aim is for Soruba Samadhi, or attainment of the golden immortal body, where death and decay can no longer remain. This not to say one is better than the other, only to point out some distinctions of the two lineages, since this thread was called Babaji's Kriya Yoga.
  12. Babaji's Kriya Yoga?

    I have some experience with it. It is very powerful and very practical. It also has a spiritual and religious component. The 18 postures are quite unique and they do get the kundalini active, especially if you have done popular ashtanga yoga and increased your understanding of that style. This is more demanding than doing 1 mahamudra per every 12 breaths, yet it is more strengthening. They also have an extremely tranquilizing yet sharpening affect on the mind. The daily kundalini pranayamas are different than Lahiri Mahasayas Kriya yoga, but in many ways are analagous. They both have a warm and cold current as in microcosmic orbit. However the focus on the spine is a bit different. There is a different pranayam for each day of the week, which is also not a shared feature of Lahiri's Kriya pranayama which was a number of different simultaneous practices. Both use the ujayii pranayama. Also, there are seven techniques of meditation. The usual emphasis on khechari is there, but there is no insistance upon attaining full khechari to do pranayama. Nothing in the system seems to resemble, navi, talavya, thokar or higher kriyas of Lahiri Mahasaya. You have a daily spiritual practice schedual and you follow it morning and night, at specific time and keep it consistent. In second and third levels, more practices are given, and the practices of mantras are introduced as well as other types of meditation, different yogic techniques.
  13. Kunlun and DMT

    It makes sense if Max is engaging the downward flow above the crown that this would necessarily nourish the pineal gland. It is logical that darkness results in visionary experience given that melatonine is metabolized in various pathways to form the 3 key neuro-hormones mentioned. However, before any such activity was stimulated in darkness retreats it was ensured that the student had mastered several meditative techniques, such as Trek-chod which means cutting through duality. See 5 elements -healing with form and Light book. Otherwise any visions are simply the fruit of one's karmic samskaras playing out and are said to be rather like useless cognitive processes that do not lead one to non-dual enlightenment. Darkroom is supposed to turn on the inner light. Ayahuasca is another story. Tryptophan or 5HTP can boost the production of higher neurotransmitters, butconversion only optimally occurs in total light isolation, light changes the conformation of the enzymes which perform the conversion.