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Everything posted by Xienkula1

  1. Any Kabbalah experts?

    Yep pretty crap day here as well, but if something breaks that's usually a good sign, means its dissipating the negativity. How much does our belief and expectations play into this?
  2. Reptilians connected to this forum!

    If telling them to %@k off doesn't work, you can always try toning it in tune with 396 hz
  3. Beliefs and Intent

    Reminds me of this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cI_0Hyn57Lk
  4. Transcendent Being

  5. Transcendent Being

    sci-trance: http://www.mtvdance.com/sounds/psycle.mp3
  6. Golden Dragon - Kunlun or other arts?

    Hsin Tao?
  7. Transcendent Being

    Hey drew, how do the Zobet frequencies of 3,6, 9 relate with yin 3:4 perfect forth, and the perfect fifth yang 2:3. How does this relate to to tetrahedral and octahedral geometry and phi? The Zobet frequencies can be divided into yin and yang based on even and odd numbers. In addition how does this relate to the cascade of nines that we find in vedic tuning: 108, 216, 324, 432, 540, 648, 756, 864, and 1080, in terms of musical frequencies in Hz? How do these frequencies sounded with the coherent emotion of compassion help to remove the green veil of lower maya to see into every aspect of external life and read the book of the experience of consciousness as if it were a scripture?
  8. Ananda M. Bosman 2008 Shamanism Conference

    Hi Nick, thanks for your comments. Nope I don't know how to do either of these things at this stage. Ananda is difficult to reach and his books are not in common circulation. This video dispensation is rarity and summarizes the key points well. I don't know of any similar techniques other than Tibetan Buddhist tantric Teachings on the Jalus, rainbow body, dzogchen, anuttara yoga, dream yoga (all of which are rarely imparted), compassion meditation, ayahuasca journies, Hsin Tao or Dragon Body spins (Gary = Spirit Ape), or Spontaneous Chi Kung forms. Though none renders the vortexijah as Ananda has taught, but provide parallel glimpses. Darkrooms are an important part of the process though I don't have experience with this so I can't offer further information. Xi
  9. Ananda M. Bosman 2008 Shamanism Conference

    MszWrk3yMeI&feature tWep3YpO5MU&feature 64GwwSd1oF4&feature hR_hvvlS7Mk&feature KHy6QyU1wVM&feature hLaYJtTU4Rc&feature 9z0ASTtzfLE&feature tkgywEm9XF0&feature 5i1ygUbAiL0&feature UON86Dp-Mnw&feature EfUElzULN4o&feature DNfVY-SFaQ4&feature 5AdPvqumsGQ&feature ZtrfAcQG-qw&feature wthvk3iKYSo&feature xHxopOYdIng&feature ARQjZkSn8l0&feature kKxV7g0M8do&feature 2lw2QnDn6LM&feature xZRJP-ezPVg&feature
  10. any cool heartburn remedies?

    No, dan tian breathing does not cause heart burn nor does it aggravate anxiety, sorry. Actually deep breathing raises blood pH(makes blood more alkaline)
  11. any cool heartburn remedies?

    eradicate caffeine and nicotine and increase dan tian breathing while eliminating refined sugar.
  12. Kumbh Mela

    I was at the 2000 kumbha mela, the maha kumbha mela which only happens every 144 years...but I intend to be there again in 2013 for the next one of the new cycle, which corresponds to the beginning of the new cycle in the mayan calendar. Svoboda in the Aghora series writes that Allahbad where the kumbh is held, corresponds to the ajna chakra or third eye center in the human subtle body...since it is directly at the center of the confluence of 3 rivers, the yamuna, sarasvati and ganga rivers... and these correspond to the psychic nadis, ida, pingala and sushumna. Although the Sarasvati river cannot be seen with physical eyes it is said to appear as a river of pure white light and can only be perceived by those capable of psychic vision. Historically, the river is said to have dried some time ago, forgot the exact time frame. The astrological configuration at that time in for this location is said to trigger the secretion of the soma, by stimulating the pineal gland to secrete the neuro-hormones of bliss and inner vision. In fact, you can bathe in the divine nectar of your soul and this is said to be what liberates you from your past karmas and provides you with greater opportunity to achieve a state of Samadhi than at other times. In addition, you are with a whole bunch of people reciting scriptures, performing sadhana, puja, and meditation, and the collective pineal bathing begins and you can physically partake in a bath in the confluence of rivers as well at the appropriate times.
  13. UCL?

    What do you people think of this and have you worked with this in your Qi Gong? http://emfworldwidestore.com/media_files/v...tion/index.html
  14. I practice KunLun

    You are connected to Sai Baba you say? Well that's interesting
  15. UCL?

    Yeah me too. Here is something else I found in the meantime: http://www.emfworldwidestore.com/emfworldw...f-consciousness Had a session yesterday and it was very interesting.
  16. Please pray for Ryan.

    Om Bhuhu, Om Bhuvaha, Om Suvaha, Om Mahaaha, Om Janaha, Om Tapaha, Om Satyaam, Om Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Naha Prachodayat Om Apo Jyotihi Raso-mritam Brahmaa Bhur Bhuvaha Svarom 1008X May Ryan's Soul always be enveloped in the highest purest Divine Golden Light.
  17. Funny Youtube clips!

    Bwahahaha! So funny! this guy doesn't need to learn spontaneous, he's got the inborn mojo, looks like the dragon woke up inside him already.
  18. Samples of FU

  19. Shaktipat

    # 1 #1 #1 Aarahooovah Souvlakiiiiii I don't know what all the fuss is about Shaktipat, I get Shakti from my Guru all the time, when ever I do the mantra she has asked me to sing. I don't need to go anywhere and I don't need to pay anything other than my one-pointed focus and devotion. We are still working on my focus and devotion, I must stop diverting hither and thither, oooh look at this thing, and look at that, and for $400 bucks I can get this karma fixed. This is all some big cosmic joke. The power is inside us.
  20. Thread about Nothing

    If he recieved teachings from a teacher, forgive my ignorance, but it's really not clear to me how he is breaking a samaya by referring people to available resources on a topic of interest that if they had the inclination, they could find just as easily. If he were teaching others, giving empowerments, or handing out photocopies of the teachings he received from his teacher then it would be clear. However, it does seem over the top to say, here do this dzogchen practice and you'll experience such and such, given that dzogchen does traditionally require an experienced teacher for obvious reasons.
  21. I practice KunLun

    The secret of mastery in one simple step is 'practice.' Hold the posture of radiating core energy "center below, center above, radiating core energy."
  22. Hand Sign in Taosim

    open his post, look at the link between the [img/] and copy and paste into your browser.
  23. Hand Sign in Taosim

    I know and love this hand sign. Very powerful. Thanks for telling us more about it, the spell and the bagua stepping that goes with it. I want to learn the spells, but first things first as you say. Purification. Im working on the basic stuff like cleaning, ethics, diet, physical and mental hygiene stuff. I also really thank you for telling us about how to draw the golden symbol and use the golden mantra. I slept like a baby. But need to clean, clean, clean or we attract a lot of crap to us.
  24. Mr. Mak lineage

    Interesting. In a Hindu tradition I am aware of there is a curse placed in the scripture, which is, if you make this your meal ticket or livelihood rather than the expression of your purest devotion, there is a curse placed upon you and that is whenever you need this tool to work for you the most, it will become totally useless. This made me think about charging money for the teachings I learned(i had been instructed by my teacher that it was wrong not to charge money and that you should charge a lot, but she had a lot of problems), and I wondered if what I was doing was wrong so I charged a lot less than she suggested. I asked the Swami, and he said he could not make a judgment about what others were doing in that regard, and that this applies to this scripture in particular. It still made me wonder if other systems have this principle and it seems YM you have pointed to this. Please share what else you may know about this.