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About xor

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  1. Science daily reports: This sounds interesting already, but how about this: So an even more complex code to be deciphered. Here's the original article(too bad we need access to Science-magazine to read more than the abstract): http://www.sciencemag.org/content/342/6164/1367 Thoughts?
  2. Why talk what good or bad Christians and Muslims have done here anyway? I don't think this has anything to do with hermetics which is more of a personal endeavour.
  3. Satanic Temple *UP-DATED*

    With all those windmills in the picture I would imagine they get a fair share of strong winds there.
  4. Satanic Temple *UP-DATED*

    Does this look good in anyone's eyes? It looks so out of place.
  5. Debunking a Creator

    That's a strange analogy. So an uncaused creator is only missing some technology to be able to work...
  6. Chen Zhonghua on sung and peng

    Ra looks pretty relaxed while beating apep in there!
  7. Turning vegetarian - need advice

    Still learning myself but these seem like a good starting point on learning about food combinations: http://www.livestrong.com/article/222971-diet-foods-to-avoid-in-combination/ (not sure about the blood type diet that gets mentioned there...)
  8. What are you listening to?

    Here's some Led Zeppelin with kittens... yeah I know, the viking kittens thing got old but found it again from my bookmarks
  9. Anyone had a taste of casu marzu? I haven't and (hopefully) never will.
  10. Lone Wolf and Cub - Kozure ÅŒkami

    Levantine has been used to describe anything coming this area:
  11. Ahhh... natto. I suppose some would call it daring.
  12. Myths about Tea and Caffeine

    Caffeine is not the only variable, there can be other side effects. Too much tea can be a factor in other things like osteofluorosis(loss of bone density from fluoride that accumulates over time).
  13. In unlearning mode