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Everything posted by xor

  1. It's a purely theoretical question because in the end you will have to do with what race you have now. There really isn't a better or worse race, it's more about individuals.
  2. Getting sick and cultivation

    Lots of useful responses here, thank you I'm seeing more of the positives now. There were some themes here that I have some thoughts on... Detox, recalibration and rest - yes, I suppose this could be the case. I didn't think I was really overdoing anything but I've lost alot of weight over a couple of years and that could be a reason to require rest or something that releases toxins stored in bodyfat. Sitting meditation during sick - it felt like I had bees buzzing in my head, so I didn't try it very long. Will keep in mind if/when I get sick next time. Fasting, juicing - I've heard good things about these, but didn't remember them to apply when I was sick. Gaming - as far as mindless entertainment goes that's what it is for me and I was hoping I was completely over it outside of some social activity with friends. I don't consider myself better than anyone but I'm selective with what beliefs or practices I have. I tend to be "hard on myself, easy on others" even with things I consider bad.
  3. Technically the Physics Prize could be awarded to him as per Nobel's will but it will be awarded to something more "high tech" as has always been the case.
  4. Cool stuff. Makes me happy to see these people enjoying their life better than before and with less electricity. Found this vid which pretty much shows everything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zMAWztZ6TI
  5. Expanded Ural-Altaic languages theory had some agglutinative languages like Fenno-Ugric, Turkic, Mongolian, Koreanic, Japonic languages as being related. It fell out of favor for some decades I would suggest partly because of political reasons(racism, counter-racism and finally the cold war). Many people who are native speakers from these language groups intuitively recognize the connections and similiarities which is why it never completely died out, but then again gut feelings are rarely appreciated in science even the "softer" ones. It's been continuously studied as an alternative at some Universities even when it was out of favor. The article posted from New Scientist is part of a comeback of this theory perhaps in another form that is going include Ural-Altaic, Indo-European languages(like English and Sanskrit) and maybe some "language isolates" like Basque...
  6. Experience and study of multiple languages Indo-European and "Uralic". I'm a lifetime fan of etymology. My native language is from the "Uralic" side and I have followed the mainstream theories as well as some considered alternative for some time now, even considered studying it at the University but I was more of a hard science guy back when I was choosing what to study... What's your backround and why do you disagree(assuming you disagree)?
  7. Yeah I didn't say that. The map being less than optimal and the emphasis on word relations are different issues. In my opinion grammar tells more about a language than words.
  8. Some Uralic parts are missing, the most glaring mistake is Estonia is marked Indo-European while it is more Uralic.
  9. The language map doesn't seem that accurate and I don't know why they are focusing on similiar words, I think deeper levels of language are on the grammar side. But this seems atleast like a small step forward... thanks for the heads up.
  10. Extreme sensitivty to alcohol & dairy?

    Yes! Besides statistics being abused more than not, there's the thing that you yourself are not always in the majority.
  11. Just to answer the topic line. Dunno, as naturally as possible. Mostly I think it's a waste of time, can mess your energy or health if you go into it wrong or with the wrong person. But when it's good it's like touching heaven and none of us would be here without it...
  12. Master who only answers emails about money? Sounds like a master of something else...
  13. Men and Dinosaurs

    http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/12/071203-dino-mummy.html Tens of millions years old dinosaur mummy with intact skin.
  14. Always a pleasure to read stories of healing, thank you for opening up. Many people who are sick or in situations like you described can't imagine a way out, or if they can they think they will enjoy their addictions more than real life once they are healed.
  15. What films do you enjoy?

    Haven't watched the Bourne trilogy but if it has similiar feel to Die Hard it's definetely on my list. Out of the few (living) Hollywood actors I like Matt Damon is one of the top. That reminds me of two other movies I enjoyed Good Will Hunting and Rounders...
  16. What films do you enjoy?

    Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Brave Archer I, II and III. Die Hard I and II.
  17. Greetings from Scandinavia

    Welcome. Did you study Kouk Sun Do by any chance?
  18. This is interesting stuff. I'd like to try when I'm in a position to.
  19. You want people to convince you of many things. Why?
  20. Ah I see now! Sorry about that. That makes sense to me and I would agree with everything there. It's his right to guard the purity of his tradition if he's from an authentic lineage.
  21. Really? Where did he say this? p.s. posted some videos of him on another thread @ http://thetaobums.com/topic/1858-the-truth-of-tao-by-alex-anatole/
  22. Professional Poker Player - Is it bad karma?

    Depends on what view of karma you subscribe to anyway.
  23. Mixed laterality is not uncommon. It can be a cause of problems(mostly if the dominant eye is on the other side IMO) or a strong point having both hemispheres of the brain naturally more developed.
  24. hi

    Forgive yourself for weakness or anything else that put you in a bad situation, forgive your enviroment the allowed it, forgive whoever caused harm and forgive yourself for not forgiving earlier. Whatever you do I wish you good luck healing.
  25. hi

    That sounds good! It looks like you have pretty much the diet I came up with when I was researching IBS though I didn't take it as far as it sounds like you have. Have you noticed effects on your depression or GAD yet?