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Everything posted by xor

  1. PP

    Alot depends on if you live near a large population center. Ofcourse most of us have plenty of damage from modern life even if we've lived relatively healthily. It can be hard to keep at doing something which is good for you if you start to release toxins that make you feel like shit every time.
  2. hi

    Yeah I figured. These three things, GAD, depression and irritable bowel syndrome seem to usually coexist. I have some personal experience with this which after some personal research made me dump most grains(cereals) and most artificial sugar from my diet. Wish you the best of luck with this.
  3. My introduction

    Really? That's kind of hilarious... That can be easily excused if they don't have any interest in the arts. I prefer the appropriate terms for multiple reasons.
  4. My introduction

    I thought it most curious if you are a HK native why would you consciously use a Japanese word for this.
  5. Bias against New Age

    My problem with New Age is that they make alot of claims that turn out to be not true. I don't see any evidence of humanity advancing collectively toward enlightenment or even better times.
  6. Learn to jump with the other leg. Close your dominant eye while writing ot drawing with a pencil, use the weaker hand if possible. Throw a ball with non-dominant hand at the wall, catch with same x3, then try dominant side x1 and switch back.
  7. hi

    Hi, regarding panic/depression do you also have stomach problems?
  8. My introduction

    Chinese senseis??
  9. Levi's Baphomet

    I read it in my teens, it was one of the rare occult books(as opposed to new age or parapsychology) in the library. Don't remember much about the book except some group had left a membership invitation card in there.
  10. We are the master of our emotions

    I was sad last night so I just observed the sadness and let it go it's own way. So you could say I was both sad and not at the same time. Eventually it was like the sadness got bored of me and went looking for a better victim. I think contentment is better than trying to force happiness or other emotions.
  11. Are all paths really valid?

    That's what a lot of people are betting their hopes on.
  12. Almost free of artificial sugar now with minor lapses of half candy bar a week maybe. Teeth, stomach, heart and eyes in this order I can feel the difference. Mood is more constant and sleep is better and shorter, that alone should be worth it.
  13. Gambling? Winning money from other players?

    Is it good for you? I'd say you'll find out if you play... alot depends on your temperament and skill. In between hands you'll be doing alot of sitting doing nothing which can be great.
  14. What are you watching on Youtube?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_P2hAdKVGw If we had homeless people here I might do something like this.
  15. Just "hello" from a new member

    Welcome to TTB! Hope you enjoy your stay.
  16. longevity - good or bad?

    I'll take the eggs and give the ham a proper burial...
  17. longevity - good or bad?

    Looks like a repeat of Sree's Tao of Dying. Best stay out of this troll's pit.
  18. IQ's and the tao?

    Like someone wise said smart people learn systems fast, even dumb systems...
  19. Indo-European culture/language have a common source, isn't that enough?
  20. Going to watch this, looks interesting.
  21. I never believed in the Aryan migration theory, it always sounded wrong in my ears.
  22. If I knew ETs were here, I wouldn't change anything I do. I wouldn't be surprised if humans were reincarnating from other places. I mean I've felt like a visitor to an exotic and crazy place all my life... constant culture shock.
  23. Yeah western science owes more than most care to admit to christian biases. You'd be surprised how deep these things run and yes I've been told pretty much the same. I was taught by Christians that animals(meat) are just something God gave us to do what we like. So the way it was explained to me was more of sin not to kill animals than not.
  24. Super Saiyans are REAL!

    So he's still naive. Inspired but naive. Maybe he'll get into some interesting things because of this, I just hope he gets past this stage soon. People have to start somewhere.