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Everything posted by xor

  1. Five Elements or Four Elements?

    Spirit, lifeforce or qi. Well I'm only commenting on the western traditional elements here. I think others are more familiar with 五行 than I am. Well I'm not much into believing anything but basically it fits my experience and observation. Well they had no clue about "atoms" either and still the atomic philosophy of the ancient greeks inspired the birth of modern chemistry. I think that's the idea scientists inspired by the quinta essentia have.
  2. Five Elements or Four Elements?

    Aether is simply void, lifeforce. From wikipedia: "The word αἰθήρ (aithēr) in Homeric Greek means "pure, fresh air" or "clear sky", imagined in Greek mythology to be the pure essence where the gods lived and which they breathed, analogous to the air breathed by mortals" Some modern people are equating it with dark matter/energy or higg's boson though that is not the same as the ether of the philosophers. http://www.science20.com/alpha_meme/higgs_discovery_rehabilitating_despised_einstein_ether-85497
  3. Deng & Blofield works. Is it ethical?

    The story about a fur trader traveling and enjoying the hospitality in WW2 Europe is so far fetched that anyone should know it's simply made up. Just to clarify what I said earlier, you can learn something from a fake guru but when you notice the fake beard, phony accent and plastic cover it's time to move on.
  4. Quck question - shoes

    I love garlic but does it have to be raw or are the good qualities still there if you cook it? Hard to believe this all started with a quck question about shoes...
  5. Five Elements or Four Elements?

    Yes, ether is quintessential in the western trad.
  6. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    You could always go breatharian.
  7. The Truth of Tao by Alex Anatole

    Haha! Yes definitely not the New Age guru type.
  8. I usually wait until the hype&panic dies out to find something closer to the truth.
  9. So many possibilities for things to go worse or turn better.
  10. Feeling like a jerk

    I've had that magic moment of realizing how much of an asshole I've sometimes(edit:make that often!) been. It's part of the process. Only when you are aware of your faults can you begin to correct them.
  11. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    How much iron do you get from your food?
  12. The Truth of Tao by Alex Anatole

    Here's a couple of interesting videos about him. Would love to hear comments about his teaching
  13. Just had a rare moment of watching TV. It was a documentary about Ethiopia. Anyone remember that country? It seems they have the best farming land anywhere in the world and Indian corporations are buying up the land to grow GM rice that the CEO says will be sold as regular basmati rice. Soon 10% of all the rice in the world is going to be produced in a relatively small area of a country still experiencing famine. They are going to expand that land to grow even more. In the process they destroyed local holy places to make offices and are destroying the farms and infrastructure of local tribesmen as well as diverting a river to water their crops. Ethiopian food will soon fill the shelves all over the world. As a sidenote: The tribesmen had perfect teeth
  14. Yep. I came to this same conclusion and decided not to chase after these kind of attainments. If you want to be good at something the most efficient way is not increasing intelligence but devoting yourself to training hard and keeping at it.

    Reminds me of some of the ultra high iq society tests but atleast you give out clues!
  16. Past Lives Just a Myth?

  17. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    http://www.naturalnews.com/025163_Hitler_vegetarian_vegetarianism.html You might want to read this before believing the Hitler was a vegetarian thing.