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Everything posted by xor

  1. "Boyhood is not a Mental Illness" article

    Not all boys and girls are the same, having a mold to force us into makes us sick. If you don't fit the mold you will be called a problem. What's healthy is letting them discover for themselves what they are here to do.
  2. Empowerment

    Strange how painful truth can make you laugh...
  3. Empowerment

    Theory can be fun but you need to get your hands dirty if you want to understand.
  4. Empowerment

    That's when you know it's a trap when you know and can't get out.
  5. See here: http://www.napoleon-series.org/faq/c_sphinx.html
  6. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    Saying it like that is like coating a blade with honey though.
  7. Before Shaolin there was India.

    Interesting. Got any good sources? Could be good topic for a new thread, I for one am interested in what we could learn from there.
  8. Childish Behaviour

    Let it go. He's not bullying you, the information he(or Kosta) can give you won't be useful to you. Such experiences are personal and if you are lucky they will open up to you through practice(and I don't really mean mo pai). And I'm also sorry for your loss, KnowHope. Whatever the fight was, I'm sure it's as good as forgiven. Such things will seem bigger to you than they are in the big scheme of things or even just between you and him. Something similiar happened to me years ago, so I know how easy it can be to blame yourself. You have to just accept what happened and work your way through it how you can. Only after that the healing can start. It's what we all need to do when such times come... I'm pretty sure that there's not many people here who haven't gone through significant loss.
  9. ...

    I would say there are different types of intelligence, I personally distuingish these so called left-brain capabilities: - quickly understanding new ideas, situations - ability to go deep into what one studies and so called right-brain - practical application, changing contexts - ability to understand symbolism, emotional content I can appreciate not being an asshole to other people though, I always avoid it if I can though someone will always take it the wrong way...
  10. We agree on this part more than not, what we were getting lost in is the words is what I think.
  11. No harm done. I didn't really take it that seriously. You're talking to a guy who uses an inorganic chemistry textbook for engineers(got a 4/5 on the course when I was in uni) as a mousepad about basic chemistry though. So I was talking about something you perceived. Thinking the two (modern chemistry, five phases theory) are talking about the same thing is an error. Yeah mixing the two up would be a gross mistake. Indeed it is, or you can change the meaning of vice to be something that's harmful to you. Like being angry is not useful to your system but good for momentarily supressing pain. So you could call anger vice even if you don't believe in vice or sin. I use virtue to mean return to natural state. Doesn't mean I preach virtue or something.
  12. ...

    Yeah I was just being curious what people here think.
  13. Did I write something to make you believe I didn't think chemicals exist? Very small part of it is primitive chemistry or would you consider political affairs between two states a form of primitive chemistry? Didn't say anything like that. You are still talking down to me. I haven't forgotten basic chemistry. You're just assuming that I don't know the difference. Did you not notice I said I agreed on part of your post when you started asking me about vice and virtue of NaCl?
  14. ...

    I don't think this qualifies, unless you take it too far.
  15. Lower back pain in meditation

    Taiji is also good for back pain. I've heard many times from someone they got rid off back pain just doing some taichi even if not that serious(once or twice a week). I would guess other internal martial arts would do much the same?
  16. ...

    And when is that?
  17. The way Five Elements were taught to me as five kingdoms. Wikipedia has: Why? They aren't talking about chemistry here... That's just modern chemistry. That's not how five elements work and the Greek elements weren't really considered just "elementary building blocks" either. Agreed.
  18. The way I gather is he just wanted to do a Necronomicon. That's an interesting intention in itself and bound to hit something even if all you wanted to do was creative writing.
  19. Mom... Octopus are animals

    That's something my instincts always told me to do. Didn't know it had a name, interesting. Found this in English when I searched web for trenncost... guess it's called separation diet? http://www.colonhealthinfo.com/diet/separation_diet.htm
  20. Sounds good to me... lol
  21. Mom... Octopus are animals

    Fair point. Luckily we didn't have the diet back then here as most people have now. It was rye bread, potatoes, meat, greens, fish, fruit, wheat porridge... Very rarely did we have macaroni or such. Everything got screwed up when I was in my teens when microwaves landed here big time, hamburgers, candy and such started being everywhere like other western countries but not as bad as it's today. I think kid's today aren't given a fair chance with candy and added sugar everywhere. They will have their work cut out for them. There are plenty of diets out there and conflicting research that 'proves' them and people who go on diets that seem wrong but seem to get good results. I would be a bit careful about scientific fact in the diet field. It's not like it's close to hard science.
  22. It doesn't sound like it would take too much and might be helpful for the board... I'm available as a steward for general or taoist discussion.
  23. Mom... Octopus are animals

    So you were a picky kid as well? I'm thinking we are born with a certain sense of what's good for us at a certain time and it's not the same for all of us. There were alot of vegetables and grains as well as certain fruit I didn't want to eat either as a kid but yeah in the end I had to eat what was available liked it or not.
  24. What exactly does a steward do?
  25. Mom... Octopus are animals

    I was pretty much like this kid at his age and I'd never heard of vegetarianism. Yes he is a picky eater, as for programmed, possibly yes but maybe not.