Thanks, Cameron.
I'll check in from time to time too, but I don't have such leniancy with my job. Just another thing about miss congeniality, she's got it goin' on. (ha ha, Jez)
It's really hard to see mom (or if I were Jez, I'd say 'mother') that way, and sis is just like a rock with that stuff. She keeps her emotions in check 24-7 it seems like. Well, I take that back. The weapon and combat intensives we do can get pretty frickin' emotional. But that's just a way to get out pressure, stress, and to balance our overhappiness at times. But the gist of it is that our mom hasn't been taking care of herself and now her body is demanding she take some time to rest. Her little heart and lungs just said " that's it, lady...we are quitting until you treat us better."
I imagine we are going to be working with her and doing some Kan & Li...get her rockin' that and healing in a much more effecient way.