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Everything posted by el_tortugo

  1. What Is Nothing?

    Also I like turtles!
  2. What Is Nothing?

    Potent phrase!
  3. What Is Nothing?

    I've always loved this about nothing. It can be neither something nor nothing. If nothing were nothing, then it would be something.
  4. What Is Nothing?

    Do you think nothing is the same as the void? I always thought of the void or emptiness to actually be pregnant with possibility. Maybe it is, due to its intrinsic nothingness.
  5. What Is Nothing?

    It's a sticky subject. Slippery too!
  6. What about natural lifestylist Tony Riddle?

    "I have a low sitting desk – a low desk set up for floor sitting when working from home, for transitioning between ground sitting positions to help unravel, keep supple and strong."
  7. “We can’t all live in nature, but that doesn’t mean we can’t live naturally” Have you checked out this guy's "natural living" ideas and practices? Have you adopted any or already naturally done them? Have they been helpful? From the show notes: Tony Riddle is a barefoot running natural lifestyle coach who has devoted his life to studying what makes us human and how to live naturally in the modern world. With simple practices, Tony helps people heal and improve by changing our relationship to ourselves, to others and our personal environments.
  8. This strikes me as instrumental in wu wei. It even sounds like it is describing wu wei in a sense. It lies beyond doing or non-doing in the sense that you can't really do non-doing without it becoming doing. Even perhaps creating "a kind of auspicious feng shui around them in that they tend to benefit all people." Except in this case the auspicious feng shui affects doing without doing.
  9. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Above all, do not lie to yourself. " Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  10. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Be near with the trees so they can teach your soul that every time the winds of change comes all you have to do is to sway. Juansen Dizon
  11. What about natural lifestylist Tony Riddle?

    From the show notes: How can we learn about what makes us Human in order to align ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually and live from our true essence? Tony Riddle is a natural lifestyle coach, husband father of four, barefoot endurance athlete and author. He helps people reconnect with natural 'wild' norms so we can begin to truly thrive as we all were born to do. I believe Tony is someone we all should be lending our ears to and spending the time to learn from. He has been raising some 'socially extreme' eyebrows for a fair amount of years and some would even consider his the way of living alternative and extreme... not me! IT MAKES COMPLETE SENSE. In this conversation we take many twists and turns as we delve into the ECO and discuss... Nutrition, Breath, Movement, Sleep, Bio Diversity, Why Indigenous people are so important to the planet and education, Endurance Events, Tony's incredible story about how he was born with Clubfeet and went on to hold the Men's running record for the Three Peak Challenge at age 46 and best of all Tony's Philosophies on how to be more Human.
  12. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know." - Donald Rumsfeld
  13. Non Homo Sapiens hybrid found

    Neanderthal society. https://www.science.org/content/article/ancient-genomes-offer-rare-glimpse-neanderthal-family-groups
  14. Huge Painful Hemorrhoid

    Semi-amusing list of benefits.
  15. Huge Painful Hemorrhoid

    Ashwini mudra! This sounds useful. Thanks! https://theholisticcare.com/aswini-mudra-ahswini-gesture-horse/
  16. Personal Practice Discussion Thread Request

    Ha! Why have I not tried here yet? I wasn't sure where to ask about reactivating my old journal "alchemycal_monkey." It's old and embarrassing, but it can be fun to revisit and update. How can I get this sleeping practice journal switched on? I've asked in different parts of the forum, but I've not heard back. Can sleeping journals be woken?
  17. Huge Painful Hemorrhoid

    I've been doing this for years, it's a must for me to even consider going. I'm finding now that I need to literally be squatting though. I need to find a higher stool I think. I wish I had one of those squatting toilets and a bidet. I can totally see how toilet paper would be adding to this.
  18. Huge Painful Hemorrhoid

    I'd like to revive this old thread to learn updated home treatments. One of the things this pandemic has worn on is my health. In particular it has exacerbated my ongoing issue of hemorrhoids. Any ideas or suggestions welcome! My usual remedies are not working, I think due to the increased sedentary lifestyle. I'll go to a doctor soon, but would love to resolve this situation before that happens. I plan to go to the regular western doctor and to get some acupuncture and maybe herbs if that is indicated. Any ideas, tips, suggestions are more than welcome. Especially if it is something that has worked for you personally. Gracias!
  19. shenmen_transformation22.jpg

    1. el_tortugo


      "Daily cultivation practice journals for The Dao Bums. Would you like one too? All you need to do is ask."


      I wasn't sure where to ask about reactivating my old journal "alchemycal_monkey." It's old and embarrassing, but it can be fun to revisit and update. 


      How can I get this sleeping practice journal switched on?


  20. Ping Shuai Qigong

    Plumb Village style Swing Hands Qigong.
  21. The best thing you have learned from TDB?

    “The best thing you have learned from TDB?“ The best thing is that folks here have a wide breadth of experience and knowledge and are usually happy to share. I've just recently returned after being gone for several years. It's great to see how much its changed, and I look forward to having my personal practice journal unlocked or woken up or whatever happens there. It's fun to see where I (and the world) was when I wrote the things. So much has changed. I guess the best thing is the interaction as you mention above, as well as having it documented for future reflection.