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Everything posted by Mudfoot

  1. So they might not be gun-toting violence-romancing aggressive bastards who push themselves for their own egos sake?
  2. So, as you wrote earlier, you can always take the position that this is a subject that cannot be talked about. A lot of mystics took/take that one..... Differentiating between manifestations that can be described with words and the unmanifest that can not, keeps speculations at bay. But that can also become dogma.... For all that we know, the mystic experience might just be parts of our brains turned off and creating weird psychological states (which we give meaning and value to). Unless you believe that the brain can detect sub-atomic particles and the space-time matrix.
  3. Or, go the other way. Start with a nasty standing practice that will rock your world. Santi from xing yi?
  4. You see, we make it up as we go, in an attempt to explain things that pop up in our consciousness. 😁 Some of these explanations are really good. Didn't say valid.....
  5. I rarely do more than an hour, so I cannot speak for that either.
  6. But harder to do for longer times.
  7. No, not true. And it is Awareness, not awareness. But you have to replace Awareness with a more modern term to get it. Try "five-dimensional string theory" . Ok, so that is utterly meaningless to me, but probably full of significance for people who are smarter than me.
  8. Yes, that is the idea. And the situation in the world is the result of innumerable precedents, that is, no situation have a permanent and independent existence. Add that at any given moment, depending on a bunch of factors, you will interpret any situation in a very subjective way. Thus, the view that anything you experience has a permanent and independent existence is an illusion. Now, if you want a rational (or "rational") explanation for your experience in meditation when you feel Awareness and that which Awareness is aware of, you will gravitate towards quantum theory. But for the rest, it is simple. You stub your toe on a stone,and it hurts. But you stub your toe because at that moment, you and the stone try to fill the same space. And the pain will feel different if you have eaten and are playing with friends, compared to if you are hungry, alone, cold, and already feel miserably.
  9. Thats practice. Not getting further transmissions from a teacher. "A person of superior virtue... ... immediately awaken to one's fundamental Nature, there is nothing to cultivate..... Not a description of me though...
  10. If you have Self-recognition, what further use do you have of a teacher?
  11. Is that a realistic approach? How many times does that happen?
  12. Yes, looking at research with a critical eye pays of in the long run And even though there are weaknesses, the result is still useful. Thanks for sharing it!
  13. The Dao De Jing: A Qigong Interpretation?

    A theory that is easy to test. If so, when you come out of it you will not feel "air hunger", that is, no urgent need to breathe and no deep breaths. If you feel air hunger, you have just dampened the physiological drive to breathe. Personally, I always feel a small (smaller than expected though) urge to breathe more after that happens. Not in the same magnitude as when I voluntary hold my breath though.
  14. Just drawing a conclusion to the bitter end.... 😁
  15. In a recent thread, it was argued that things like proper alignments was unnecessary.
  16. What about those who sing about tragic subjects? Don't they cultivate negative emotions? And actors also practice expressing emotions.
  17. If you read Travell/Simmons The trigger point manual, the authors cite research stating that: Women tend to have greater joint movement/more flexible connective tissue then men. The same goes for asians, then africans, then kaukasians. If this still stands, and was done in the same culture: Asian women are the most accomplished in meditation, while the kaucasian male carries a handicap in this aspect. Good for you, ladies 😁
  18. For the next study: 1) Compare with half lotus. 2) Specify the seated position. One can assume that the participants had proper alignments in the lotus, the question is if they had that in the chair seated position. I don't feel energized seated in a chair either, so in that regard it was an interesting study although it had a weak Method section.
  19. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    He's got a hat with both yin-yang and trigrams on it. How can you not be legit when you wear the Hat of Mystical Powers?
  20. More Icelandic delicacies

    If the can aint round, it's not ripe 🤪
  21. Liu I-Ming 18th century Taoist Adept

    I followed the link. My understanding was that we were talking about any versions of the super secret lets breathe and circulate heated stuff through your system kind of physical methods. Obviously you have something else in mind. Then we are discussing different things, no wonder this goes bad. Mudfoot out.
  22. Liu I-Ming 18th century Taoist Adept

    See! More fun when you write, instead of just posting a link. If you see his list of misunderstanding of what "doing" is, that sort of covers a majority of the physical methods I have ever heard of. So there is a secret way of "doing", which is a physical activity, but differs from that list? Must be the secret Ming method of Wu-Liu Pai that we heard of a couple of years ago.
  23. Liu I-Ming 18th century Taoist Adept

    I thought so.