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Everything posted by miltownkidZEE

  1. Back When I Had A Self...

    I introduced him over here: You can find out more about me here or here: Creating a separate thread in case it is required to unlock the other site features. peace love one and have fun
  2. Back When I Had A Self...

    LOL! You internet stalking me?! Look at what I posted this morning. I blew my mind!
  3. Looking for tips on how to stop looking for tips

    This I isn't from anywhere. Casey/miltownkid/miltownkidZEE are/were from Milwaukee, WI. Born and raised until 21, then raised in Taiwan until 27, then raised some more in Milwaukee until 33, then freedom mode unlocked in the Philippines: Didn't fully wake up from the freedom mode until I was back in Taiwan though... Go figure. (Physical body mode is in Taiwan as he types this.)
  4. Looking for tips on how to stop looking for tips

    Told you I wasn't coming back! lol I think I'll have to visit all of the Milwaukee's of the world to make me completely from Milwaukee. This is the next one on the list:,_Oregon @Stosh, you are correct sir. I did. peace love one and have fun