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Everything posted by gentlewind

  1. Ah! Good ! I'll start a thread for Bashar. Silent Thunder - you rock Here it is ! Namaste, gentlewind
  2. Thanks for sharing the link. Day 2. Early morning drink was not nice tasting, so tonight I avoided having brandy in my coffee and hopefully my morning drink on arising will be less harsh. Second drink is fine, I am taking the mid stream urine for my first drink. After hearing the man speak about his experience I was expecting something more noticeable - alas, we are all different and I may take longer. Sylvia said their is a kind of detox around 10 - 14 days when you feel quite ill, but she said to hang on in there. Namaste, gentlewind
  3. Thoughts fascinate me. Where do they come from ? The Quantum Vacuum maybe. Also do you (anyone) ever experience a though that you know doesn't come from you - or is from an old behaviour pattern (unwanted download) ? I do ! I inherited a bad habit of judging people on how they dressed (I'm not the best dressed or have ever been foolish enough to say that I am !). Particular irritants were baseball cap wearing folk - especially the elderly, also elderly folk wearing trainers with smart pants; yes, I was quite a saddo . Ladies with particularly fat legs would bring up a thought yelling 'tree trunks ahead' - one of my Mum's favorite sayings ! Glad to say I no longer have this problem most of the time, however it can still happen, like when I am waiting and a lady with large legs enters my view - the pop out thought, 'tree trunks', well pops out from 'nowhere'. About my dress sense - I'm a celebrated slob. Tracksuit bottoms at all times with t shirt is how you'll find me 99% of the time, I like comfort. Shirt and ties are for those who wear shirt and ties ! Namaste, gentlewind
  4. Some of the 'communications' I've had from my Invisible Helpers have been most timely ! As you say Silent Thunder, they can get messages to us via billboards, conversation,, songs and overheard snippets of conversation. Last week I was mulling over a tricky situation, trying to work out how best to broach the subject, and the following day the person I was going to have the conversation brought it up first ! I was most appreciative and said thanks ! I reckon it was his higher self or highly evolved being communicating with him. Either way, the material is good. A conversation with the Source - would short circuit an individual ! So I reckon its no the Big S ! Just my current opinion - always open to change ! By the way anyone like Bashar ? I do. Sorry about digressing, but if anyone wants to chat and share videos regarding Bashar then lets open a thread. Neale though - good dude. Does he still have his beard ? Namaste, gentlewind
  5. I want to overthrow the System.

    Keep them distracted by providing mind numbing TV shows and large doses of sports - in particular football. Like I say were all lab rats, undergoing various tests without our consent. Isn't London CCTV capital of the world ? Can't avoid being filmed. Not that I go to London, but I always make a point of observing where they are - CCTV that is. Buses and taxis also have CCTV. Go to ASDA or Tesco, and again your being filmed. The invasion is 24/7. We purchase tracking devices - otherwise known as mobile phones, so we buy into the Big Brother State - the fools even camp outside all night for the latest whatever it is phone; when they have one that wipes your arse I may buy one !!! Its laughable that you require permission to have a protest, you need to apply for a license. A busker is also required to apply for a permit. Apply = is to beg. Be a good dog and do as we tell you. In Scotland the government want to introduce a State Guardian for all new born babies - in other words they want to break the bond between mother and child. Interfere at every possible stage. Terrorists. Catch word and CIA/MI5 will be monitoring this thread. Pathetic. Speak out against the government and your known as a risk. Well, the government are the terrorists. That is the truth. The UK, USA and Israeli governments are terrorists and damn good at it too. We are too busy watching the X Factor or Strictly Come Dancing, or the various 'soaps' to notice or be bothered what developments are happening right outside our own front door's. The ex head of MI5 wants neighbors to spy on one another - East Germany springs to mind - STASI. Prison Planet - built with our co-operation. Namaste, gentlewind
  6. The Tao of Dying

    A favorite of mine, Pam Reynolds Pam Reynolds Lowery from Atlanta, Georgia was an American singer-songwriter. In 1991, at the age of 35, she had a near-death experience (NDE) during a brain operation. Her NDE is one of the most notable and best documented in NDE research. During "standstill" operation, Pam's brain was found "dead" by all three clinical tests - her electroencephalogram was silent, her brain-stem response was absent, and no blood flowed through her brain which left her clinically dead. Interestingly, while in this state, she encountered the "deepest" NDE of all. She made several observations about the procedure which later were confirmed by medical personnel as surprisingly accurate. Pamela Reynolds Lowery died of heart failure at the age of 53 (1956 -- May 22, 2010) Namaste, gentlewind
  7. Seatbelts

    I've heard tales of people being trapped in their car by the seat belt and burning to death. Not sure of the figures, but always worth a thought. Personally I try avoiding wearing one, unless the driver specifically asks me. Namaste, gentlewind
  8. What are you reading right now?

    Currently reading 'The Life After Death' by Leadbeater. Enjoying the read. (free PDF) Recently read 'The Open Secret' by Tony Parsons. Excellent read. He makes me laugh.(free PDF) Read 'The Third Eye' again recently by Lobsang Rampa, first read when I was 12. Namaste, gentlewind
  9. I want to overthrow the System.

    The System is perfect = It is giving us a perfect opportunity to start afresh. Will enough of us be able to grasp the chance to create something which is not self devouring. I view the 3 major poisons as being politics, religion and education. We have a chance to live spontaneously. Where are the brave souls ? Or do we carry on living lives akin to laboratory rats ? Born - registered with the government (check Strawman) off to nursery, juniors and infants; then secondary school depending on your parents you may be sent to Sunday school or similar you may be a victim of their religious beliefs even further - eg: the catholic 'holy communion' the conveyor belt of indoctrination in just a few know where this is going After leaving secondary school their are further indoctrination options such as college or university. It'd be better to be a headless chicken than a lab rat !!! The System likes people in fancy dress costumes such as the police and the military, because they carry out their orders like mind controlled zombies. We inflict misery upon ourselves on behalf of the parasites that be. Just a few thoughts...... Oh yes, the EU are trying to make it illegal to grow your own vegetables etc. Prison may await our green fingered friends, unless folk begin to wake up and tell these parasites to........... Police State is creeping ever closer............ Freedom of Speech is almost gone. Look back and see how we've arrived at this point - all by design. Namaste, gentlewind
  10. What are you watching on Youtube?

    I'm into UFO's. Interesting presentation. I myself am an abductee. Not all its cracked out to be, depends on who 'they' are. Mine are MILABS - Military Abductions(Black Op Projects), not very nice. Even mess with your dreams ! Sleep well. Namaste, gentlewind
  11. The Tao of Dying

    I've had my dark times, come close to suicide twice. My first suicide attempt was at age 18 when I walked to a railway bridge and climbed on top of the wall ready to jump. An unseen force pulled me down. As I say we all have Invisible Helpers, but were not all open or aware to them. Second attempt was after being discharged home from hospital after two life saving operations. All the hard work had been done ! Nope ! It was just the beginning. I'll spare you the details of what led me to contemplate and formulate a plan - I have enough meds to sink a ship ! My daughter (unknowingly) stopped me from committing suicide. I was in a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual hell. Frightening times. Lonely times. Yee haw - I survived. And yes I'm excited. I'm currently reading 'The Life After Death' by CW Leadbeatter. Good read thus far - Chapter 6 next up. Namaste, gentlewind
  12. I want to overthrow the System.

    Another disillusioned chap ! Namaste, gentlewind
  13. Hi Blue, I've read a few of his books. Some material resonates, and its a decent enough read. Saw the film too, which was OK. I think he is communicating with his Higher Self and not g_d. Namaste, gentlewind
  14. Hello!

    hello Dazed. Welcome ! Namaste, gentlewind
  15. The Tao of Dying

    Compared with some of the folk I've helped look after in the 80's and 90's my life is a veritable picnic. A young man I looked after was physically and mentally disabled, and was unable to speak; and he was blind. Talk about 'sucky' cards. I have never looked at my situation and thought what a poor deck of cards I've been dealt(just for you sree ), I have never played the sympathy card either; and when I was a patient in hospital the nurses developed a soft spot for me on account of my never moaning ! Working with children and adults who have severe physical and mental disabilities is very grounding. A friend of mine represented his city at basketball - he was wheelchair bound, I was invited to take part in a training session - they were all amazing, I was hopeless. Play basketball and manouvre a wheelchair at the same time - are you crazy ! By embracing my health problems I have become more centered and experience beautiful 'bliss' moments. Another positive is I never get bored - Life excites me. Namaste, gentlewind
  16. Hmmm........... Although drinking your partner's urine should only be done in an emergency. Sylvia said if you drink too much of your partner's urine you may develop breasts (men drinking women's urine - just checked I've nothing to worry about there!!!), and lady's drinking their man's urine may get hairy chins !!! Its all water under the bridge eh ! Namaste, gentlewind
  17. thelerner, the lady says she mixes her urine with organic juice. She also uses urine in place of a moisturiser, and for burns etc. The gentleman uses it after shaving, and also all over his body. I mixed mine with some water for the first one but took it 'straight' for number two. My first drink was quite strong butt number two was much nicer. I didn't experience anything out of the ordinary as he recounted during his sharing, he said his eyesight improved - or that he saw things as never before. He also says it has helped him with his bi-polar. Anyway day 1, 2 drinks of urine. Nothing outstanding to report. Day 2 beckons. I will stick at this and give it a chance as I've got plenty of health issues !!! Namaste, gentlewind
  18. Ahh ! Golden Showers !!! Sweet memories !!! But, thats enough of that ! Strange thing is (or not) that WS or Golden Showers is tame compared to some of the fetishes out there. Back to UT, and chamomile tea reminds me of my own urine, I know I drink a lot of chamomile - but come on guys n gals give me a break ! Namaste, gentlewond
  19. Glass one went down a treat. Looking forward to having a mid day tipple too. Namaste, gentlewind
  20. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Many folk are 'feeling' the same as Dave Murphy. Some people don't like to think for themselves, it brings them out in a cold sweat ! The System is eating itself the System is corrupting our health physical - mental and spiritual the System is an empty Wishing Well. Namaste, gentlewind
  21. What are you watching on Youtube?

    a video I watched last night. Some inspirational information, and a reminder of how controlling orthodox education is. School = indoctrination, another form of mind control. Don't question the System dear just do as your told. Please don't step outside the box, what will people say ! Question everything. Question this post........ Namaste, gentlewind
  22. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Yes it is. Watched this yesterday. Reminded me of my cousin as she was the first person I knew who didn't eat meat. This was back in the 1970's. Funny how certain memory's pop up at particular times. My daughter became a vegetarian at 5. I followed suit 8 yrs ago. I avoid dairy as much as possible, and drink rice milk. Namaste, gentlewind
  23. Thoughts on Meditation Practices?

    I like this thread ! Thanks for kicking this off Leir. I would be interested in hearing about Heart meditation in particular. Namaste, gentlewind
  24. The Tao of Dying

    you can never be certain. you are the victim sree. sree, always competitive ! always certain of being the winner, and here is the card for you - the one you dread -your the Loser. Step onto the court certain that you'll be the best you can be, that is all that is required. their are no winners or losers. Once your mind hooks onto the bait that I am a winner, then all is lost and you have failed before you've started. I don't play games sree. I leave that for those who wish to be disconnected from the flow. Namaste, gentlewind
  25. Seatbelts

    Not optimism. Nope. Not blind hope, or faith. I was 'told' during a meditation that although things will get tough, we will survive and thrive. Namaste, gentlewind