silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. Haiku Chain

    Leaves dance in the wind vacuous smile on my face mind empty, like sky
  2. The Way of the Living Ghost

    Definitely seeking this one out. Thanks for sharing!
  3. Please submit your questions for the Mo Pai FAQ

    That which we feed, grows. What we focus attention on, is our personal reality.
  4. Should I or shouldn't I ?

    Our Great Mother is the Void Beyond void. Some call it Dao, others Brahman... many names. Regardless of how local awareness labels to interact with the concept... We all Spring from her Gateless Gate and return our form there when our little blink shifts. All we love and all we despise, arise from one source and to it, return. We are one flowing ocean of waves that seem independent in our localized tinyness. The one true impossibility to me, is to ever be separated from Dao, for one half moment, by even a hair's width... ever.
  5. Should I or shouldn't I ?

    Daaaaayam! I think I'm in love...
  6. Continuation

    echo... what one stops feeding, withers...
  7. Robert Anton Wilson addresses this concept adroitly in his book Prometheus Rising. I can't recommend it, or any of his other works, highly enough. The man was absolute lightning from a clear blue sky!
  8. All of nature it appears... follows patterns that flow from Dao, or Source or insert name of conceptual source here. The human pattern repeats as does all of nature, seemingly like a holographic fractal and as such... repetition upon a theme is the name of the game. With variations of the pattern repeating within family lines. This has been driven home to me in my own life. My Mum for the last few years of her life, in her advanced dementia, could no longer distinguish me from my Father as we appear so much alike that she, forgetting time, whenever seeing me, saw instead my Father, her ex (whom she divorced bitterly). She still recalled me, and that she had a son, but upon seeing me, it was never I whom she would perceive. So many unique seeming individuals, yet so alike in motivation, conditioning and likes, dislikes. Even those who appear vastly and wildly different, share more in common than they ever do apart. One human flowing theme, played out like genetic jazz among the co-arising conditions of the flow of life. Dance it baby!
  9. About Microanimism

    Recall routinely how my younger mind would puzzle trying to reconcile the ill-fitting notion of the protestant church claims that humans are made in god's image... and are the only ones with souls and thus... favored. Because to our reckoning, "if level of appreciation were reflected in numbers in any way... then god certainly and obviously favors ants particularly and insects in general over humans." When microbes came into awareness, we'd long since stopped reconciling and embraced apostacy... but microbes are where life's at... if anyone follows dao on a tribal scale, surely it be they?... The notion of a singular human organism is a real oddity to us now, given co-arising conditions and the inter-tribal nature of physical processes and form. Glad to see my habit of referring to my 'self' as 'we' is garnering a bit of traction. eta: saturday my son opened the fridge looked about a bit and claimed. " i want sugar something" (forget what it was now)... instant reply "no you don't"... to which he responded after a pause... "ok, true... the microbe gut tribe requests sugar something."
  10. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Seriously... At my age, no sneeze is considered safe.
  11. What are you listening to?

    "thank you so much friends. we are so priveledged to gather in moments like this, when so much of the world is plunged in chaos and darkness. so... ring the bells, that still can ring. forget, your perfect offering. there is a crack, in everything. that's how the light gets in."
  12. Thoughts on Energy Arts / B.K. Frantzis

    this rang the bell... thank you re-minded of the following sentiment:
  13. na, not questions mate... opinion man... opinion can ya spare one?
  14. psst. hey mister... can you spare an opinon?
  15. Tai chi dream lesson

    What a wonderfilled gift. So much transmitted with just a few words. Congrats mate...and thanks for sharing.
  16. Continuation

    I feed the neighborhood animals and birds daily. Morning feeding is, shortly before dawn, seeds and dry food offerings thrown out for birds, squirrels n skunks. Meat and bones, and various sundry leftovers are offered at sunset and/or late night for the gulls ravens, feral cats and raccoons. For a time a family of raccoons was comin round routinely and some routine ruckus with neighbor dogs ensued. I ceased night feedings nearby and soon, they stopped comin round.
  17. Reveal Weird Stuff About Yourself Thread

    My first memory this life is of a dream that led to an obe. I was three. It was an intensely Bad dream. In my desperation to flee the situation in the dreamscape, I found my awareness hovering above my sleeping form. When I associated my awareness with the sleeping body, body reawoke with awareness back within. It's been a given, natural thing my whole life, that awareness depends not on form, but vice versa. Before I had a notion or concept of death, I'd experience being aware while free of form. Also, due to the horrific nature of the dream, I've been lucid and actively influencing the shape and topic of my dreams my entire life. If i sneeze, i sneeze twice. That's just how it is. Taomeow is absolutely right. Mouth open sneezing. Loud as fuck and Pure awesome! Mimicked my Dad who always sneezed like that... scared the bejesus out of me regularly. eta: just had sense memory of dad sneezing... if he sneezed in the car with the windows partially rolled down, they would rattle.
  18. Continuation

    de ja vu
  19. Can't stand in static , any good moving qigongs ?

    Shortly (less than a week) after learning the Fire Hands qi gong form from Master Zhou, I snapped off the lower inch of my lateral malleolus on my left foot. Not wanting to lose the inertia of transmission, I played the form seated in a chair with feet flat on the floor and worked with tummo to augment the lack of standing posture. It was remarkably effective in my case. After two weeks of an hour a day in the chair I was able to stand and play the form and the foot held with mild discomfort (but not pain), six weeks from that, all was fully healed. There are many variations of tummo that circulate energy and blood very effectively. May you recover strength and mobility soon!