silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. Can anyone guide me to access the Akashic Records?

    There is a comfort in confusion and confusing ideas for me. It reminds me that my conscious mind is not the arbiter of all-truth and that my perceptual tool and conceptual mind are model makers for interpreting the continuum of beingness... in a linear fashion. Being operates with hundreds of thousands of variables and is interconnected to every part of the environment from which it arises in the eternal present. Conscious mind works linearly with limited variables. Confusion is seems confirmation that beingness abides beyond our conceptual mind's ken to describe. I find it comforting.
  2. some of us were crotchedy old men @ 17 and some are still dancing @ 77 while i embody the middle way and dance crotchedly @ 49
  3. So Many Qigong Traditions : How To Approach ?

    living art this!
  4. where is there a place in the universe that is 'apart' from the rest so as to not be in unison with the manifest? within awareness, within beingness... what is not included, that could be considered separate? through work we realize? before work there is no unity and after work there is unity? work creates unity? release all... that which remains is what is...
  5. buying and selling go together... one does not occur without the other. seeing encompasses seer and seen. being encompasses... environment gives rise to organisms... where organisms comprise the environment. beingness comprises...
  6. when willfulness is released when grasping is released when seeking, acquiring, comparing and valuation are released when abiding in unfolding and releasing all what remains? what is there to teach and learn let go in beingness be here now what else is there?
  7. before the 'i' thought kicks in there is no distinguishing me from other there just is what is and i am this i am
  8. Reality vs. Unreality

    It really is... amazing beyond belief. you remind me of a potent conversation with a friend at work. sometimes my exuberance and bouyancy can be a bit... irksome. Someone at lunch asked me how my sandwich was... I must have been rather vocal in my enjoyment and eating sounds I'm guessing and I responded "ohmmagod... issamazing!". And my dear friend, who has a brilliant mind, is a keen scholar, a shakespearean actor, a master woodworker and a film star as well, responded. "is it Creighton!? is it amazing?! or is it just a fucking ham sandwich? jesus!" we all paused and grinned and let it hang, no one was triggered and so we moved on. we often challenge each other's notions this way, it's not mean spirited, it's passionately intrigued. anyway. Some days later, my friend came to me and said roughly this... "You know Creighton, I was thinking about it more and when you consider everything it takes to make a sandwich... it really is amazing! In order to make a ham sandwich you first have to have the entire universe. The farms to grow the wheat and raise the pigs and the tomatoes and lettuce. The baker and the bakery to bake the bread. The butcher. The roads to ship all these things. The people who made and repair the roads. The factories that create the trucks. The refineries that make the gasoline and the mechanics that keep them running. The people who made the knives and the mayo and mustard and the plates and the napkins. The sun that shines, the rain that falls... all the way back to the supernova that formed the heavier elements which are the basis of our solar system and planetary home..." Every single aspect of this fluid, unfolding process is utterly amazing and so full of spirit and magic, it is beyond expression. but not beyond simple experience. raw, simple beingness here and now reality... unreality how magnificent!
  9. Reality vs. Unreality

    and your chair is chairing in such a similar manner that an apple tree apples... or a human world, humans...
  10. i used to define light as 'that which my eyes perceive'. but that has fallen away over the last few years particularly lately i experience light as what is... beingness. undivided, raw presence. awareness. beingness. Light is... and it is undifferentiated, an isness of itself. though through the i process and the eye process, dividuation can be perceived and convincingly so. even darkness to me, when considering light as that which my eye sees, is no longer dark. darkness to my eyes is filled with light whose frequency is beyond the ken of my lenses to focus. Light is Beingness. Presence. Awareness. raw and simple and magnificent
  11. nice one dwai. that's potent stuff... my gal says 'nothing'. i get blank presence. not void blank. there is presence sense, an isness or amness. a presence due to the inquiry but before the i thought manifests, in the fraction of a second... this is blank, empty empty presence. raw awareness. before the i thought can kick back in what is, is. wow it's potent. how blank it is and how fast the 'i thought' comes into the picture. i see why it requires 'fraction of a second'. the act of 'try to see who you are' reveals a blank presence, before the 'i thought' kicks in. without the i thought, what is? thank mate...
  12. Reality vs. Unreality

    no wonder I get you mate... i carry my playground around with me. wherever i go, there i play
  13. not sure what five is, but six is a snowflake for sure... and not one of the derogatory too sensitive snowflakes, the sacred geometric kind. wait... we've strayed into numerology now...
  14. Can you add NO to my name

    Yea, his character was a psychotic mess. I forgot how beautifully that film was lit and photographed. All I recall was the disturbingly empty expression on his psychotic face while he cut through humans as if pushing baskets of laundry out of his way in a busy market.
  15. Thought of the Day

    I love that place! We stop in whenever we are nearby.
  16. Can you add NO to my name

    If I remember right, in the final fight of that film, the psychotic samurai cuts down 76 opponents.
  17. Some time ago I ceased being able, or willing to spend much energy trying to manufacture happiness in my experience of life, through the exploration and alteration of the external world and I turned within. Some time after that I dropped any ability to put effort into the notion of happy being a desired state at all and released that pursuit once and for all it seems... now years later. When I ceased looking without to create happiness, something profound happened. I began to accept life as it is, to abide in my self wherever I was, in whatever conditions arose... and contentment was revealed. Lately I'm with Marblehead and a few others here, on the notion of happy. I don't want it. I find it unsustainable and manufactured. It's flame like nature seems to require fuel to sustain it and thus, when conditions change, the coin flips and despair/suffering arises. For me, happiness is an inflated emotional charge state, whose flip side is despair and they always revolve around each other, two sides of one coin being flipped every time we encounter conditions in the world and allow them to dictate the quality of our experience. Neither are sustainable for long as they require effort to maintain. Happiness resolves into despair when the external conditions of what is responsible for our happiness changes, shifts or is lost. 13 Hope hollow like fear. Both foster tension in mind. Success like failure. One imbued with hope, tension takes a joyous form, anticipation. When fortune turns ill, as seems inevitable, fierce anxiety. Bodies will suffer. An undeniable truth. Embrace misfortune. Sage knows the self, as a simple yet fine robe impermanent shape. Surrender the self. In humility, find trust. Now love world as self. Happiness to me seems unsustainable, born of identification with the external. Whereas Contentment is the ground work being, realized when turning within. Contentment, the way I experience it, seems a neutral, bouyant, natural state that arises without effort when inner conflict is released, when unacceptance of the conditions of life resolves and natual essence is allowed to be as it is... (think Mencius' sprouts of virtue being cultivated). Releasing all else reveals that which is our essential nature. Contentment isn't manufactured, nor does it rely on activities, or specific conditions. This notion has been reinforced through the hardest and darkest (spiritually) years of my life. There may be pain, there may be discomfort, there will be loss... none of that means I am suffering. I suffer when I reject what is... when I expect, desire, or try to force what isn't to be what is. When I ceased being able to put energy into finding my contentment in the external world (through teaching others what i think is right, expecting others to change their behavior to suit my expectations, judging others as wrong in the first place, judging the conditions of the world as right or wrong), I began to turn within. When I turned within, eventually a realization came. Contentment was more and more the status quo. And as these sprouts were cultivated, not through supreme effort, but again through constant release of notions of escape, alteration or subjugation, contentment revealed itself as a foundational, natural component of my essential nature. As I released into this abiding within and ceased incessantly focusing on making the external into something my internal could harmonize with, the harmony within my natural state, emanated and contentment sustains effortlessly, even in difficult conditions. This led to a most profound realization not long after, when I realized I no longer required a focus to be in love. I used to think that love came from a person, place, or idea that made me love it. Now I experience I am love and contentment. When the chatter of incessantly using my energy to try and force the external world to adhere to notions born of my unacceptance of the universe as it is, quieted/ceased. When I released all... that which remained was my essential nature. I am contentment. I am love. Ceasing to try and control the external, allowing myself to be the simple, beingness I am, releasing all notions of should/shouldn't and abiding only in the simplest raw presence of my own beingness... I realized love is not something I acquire through striving, effort and great knowledge. Love is the ground state and blossoms in my experience when all the mental chatter, thoughts, world noise, assumptions/notions/concepts are released. Love and contentment is my natural state... and where I used to think that my wife, or my pursuit of knowledge, or walking in nature were the sources of my love... 'i love her/this/that', shifted and I now experience it this way. I now see that these were the reflectors of my inner essential nature, strong enough in their emanations that they cut through the fog that was occluding me from realizing what it was that I was seeking... is what was doing the seeking. It's what was there all along, underlying all, foundational. Requiring no effort to sustain itself, it is that which sustains. I am love... love is my essential nature. I often forgot this, and on occasion still do, but thankfully I am reminded, either when those things that cut through the fog are near... or I quiet myself again and turn within to simple presence and beingness. I no longer say or think "i'm in love"... I am love. I am contentment. No effort is required to maintain this. No effort could create it in my experience. It is what I am. I only sometimes lose touch with it, when through my mental chatter, my unacceptance of conditions as they are, or my desire to alter that which is, clouds over the pure, simple, raw beingness of it.
  18. Juicing

    I've had a blendtec blender and have been using it daily/bi daily for seven years. It is worth every penny of the $450.00 US I spent on it then and if it ever does fail. I'll replace it immediately. It has a 3 horsepower motor which pulverizes even avocado pits into micronized particles so fine, they veritably evaporate into the smoothies I make. There is no chalky residue, nor any 'bits and pieces' remaining. I can't stress enough how resilient and valuable this blender is in my experience. I highly recommend it.
  19. Thought of the Day

    man you are on fire lately mate... dropping pearls! you remind me of an old toltec teaching stop taking the universe personally... it's not happening to you, it's happening and you are here. when i stop taking the world personally... contentment arises effortlessly.
  20. Swallowing saliva

    Swallowing saliva and the tongue position in the mouth seems rather important to both of the Wu Dong lineage holders I've studied with... Master Zhou Ting-Jue calls this practice 'swallowing the pearls' and in his lineage it is vitally important and brings great benefit. Master Wang Li Ping, when beginning to sit always says. Sit well. Sit up straight. Close eyes. Lips closed, teeth touch (lightly), tongue behind the front teeth. The tongue position seems to correspond to completing the Du/Ren energetic circuit, creating a bridge between the Mai Zhong and San Jeng points in the face, according to Master Zhou. Some time ago, I realized that at some point in my process, without thinking about it, my natural, neutral facial position has become one where my lips are closed, my teeth are touching (not clenched) and my tongue is nearly always resting on the roof of my mouth with the tip just behind the upper front teeth. This occurs without thought, intention or will. There is a constant flow of saliva, but when swallowing this, I do not tend to swallow, or gulp air along with it and don't experience the gassiness you mention @26sol I have noticed I become gassy and swallow a lot of air, when I eat or drink too quickly... gulping down air with my food when rushed. Just my passing thoughts on this.
  21. Looking for something real

    Well said ilovecoffee. The bolded statements resonate particularly for me. In the end, until we actively engage and experience for our own self... all else is conjecture, hearsay and in those realms it is nigh on impossible to rule out mistaken notions, outright falsity and incorrect assumptions/interpretations/projections. While I can tell others about my experiences, feelings and thoughts, no one can be absolutely sure my words convey absolute truth as these are subjective and utterly personal and are thus not replicable in another's state of being. In the end, we must each engage for ourself in any given process and in this, we will find its resonance and effectiveness in our own process. In this we will uncover its truth and veracity, not through claims, or videos, but in the fluid living process of our own experiential beingness. I love that you have such a strong connection and draw to the teachings of Master John. This is a rare gift is it not? To know that you've found something that resonates for you and will bring you benefit.
  22. Can you add NO to my name

    Break Nungali?! No way. He's probably just consumed with preparing for, or enjoying one of his festivals, or off at the elder's camp, away from the noise of this side of life for a bit.
  23. Nietzsche Quotes

    I'm reminded that the Big Bang Theory was created by a Polish Jesuit Priest, Astronomer and Professor of Physics at a Catholic University, Georges Lemaître. He proposed, theoretically, that the universe was expanding. Two years later, Hubble observed the effect and the Hubble Constant became widely accepted. For some years the Doppler effect had been observed but it was Lemaître in 1931 who proposed that if the universe was expanding, then projecting backwards would give rise to the "hypothesis of the primeval atom" or the "Cosmic Egg". This became the cornerstone of the Big Bang Theory. And to Georges, it was an elegant as well as theoretical scientific method for describing the instant god created the manifest universe. Can't say I come to the same projected conclusions/world view as Georges did... but I find it wonderously ironic that one of the cornerstone theories of science was born of Catholic Priest.