silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. Tao in the human world

    The present moment. Much in comon with Tao it seems to me. Unmeasurable and ungraspable. As soon as I measure it, it has passed. Yet it is never used up, always now endures. Eternal, untouchable and unwithering. And indivisible. All occurences are now, all memories are recalled now and all future ruminations happen now. My mind and memory create a sense of time through my comparison of the flow of changes I observe. Yet this is dependent on my own personal perception, which is subjective, filtered and projective. I know I cannot trust my perception of time based solely on my tools of perception. If this were the case, then we would all likely still be espousing the truths that the Earth is flat, does not spin or move in any way and that the sun and celestial bodies swirl around us. There are times to touch truth we must reach beyond what is obvious to our senses and to our short term, logical easy assessment thinking. It's tough for sure. My logical perceptual mind cannot and likely will not reconcile all time as one. And that is fine. It does not neted to, in order to be and do what it has adapted to become. Yet there is for me a palpable, unshakable sense, a knowing in my bones, that there is no meaningful marker, no possible distinguishable separator from one moment and the next. The present is one great flow, of which my perception is a tiny a2are portion thereof. This has been made very palpable just now as I have spent the last 90 hours in a dark windowless room. Puncuated by faces and hands, needles and words exchanged, all merging in my memory as one long flowing soup of healing, pain and change. Celestial change seems real, but not time in the human sense. Tuesday morning @10 am is a purely illusory and made up mental concept with no basis for any actual reality. So I side with Einstein. Or rather the knowing in my bones does, in spite of the railing fist my logical mind lifts and shakes at him in consternation.
  2. RIP Dolores O'Riordan

    How her voice pierced my heart! May her spirit fly as free and powerfully as her voice which will resonate on in her recordings. Om
  3. Mantra

    One night, in the liver hour, I woke with white hot panic crawling up the back of my neck. It was accompanied by a deluge of horrific anxiety driven fear thoughts. As this continued to crescendo into un sustainable levels, a short mantra began in my mind. I simply allowed this sponataneous mantra to over shout to thoughts until only peace remained. I have no formal mantra practice, but I will silently sing these personal from time to time, with beautiful effect. Physics explains that everything is vibration. While I never chant this mantra aloud. I have found ohming and neutral, deep humming to have profounf resonant qualities in both body and non bodily awareness.
  4. How does Qigong actually work?

    Awesome story! I bet she still remembers you. Though I thought The Root of Chinese Qi Gong was written by Dr Yang Jwing-Ming? Edit to fix giant thumbs typing bad letters on very wee letters.
  5. GrandMaster Wang Li Ping December Intensive 2017

    How I long for that intensity again! What gems Masters Wang and Richard are...
  6. ' Unknown' Bronze Age Culture

    That was my first thought as well Andrei... looks strikingly similar to many of the totems of the Pacific Northwest Tribes.
  7. Already Tired of Ignorance

    how... predictable.
  8. simplify

    Well said, that goes along with that other gem of behavioral patterns... willful, forced ignorance
  9. Are there any historical accounts of lineages being created?

    This thought settled with me as well. It seems to me that the students are the living force of a lineage. While the founder/teacher draws the students through tales and observations... the lineage only comes about when the students assimilate what is taught and the longevity, vitality is then exemplified in the enduring fruits of the teachers who are born out of the system taught by the founder. The health and vitality of a tree is known in its fruit.
  10. Tin Yat Dragon Taoism

    The health of a tree is shown by the state of its fruit.
  11. Tin Yat Dragon Taoism

    I recall a time when searching Tao Bums on a search engine would bring up this site and a video made by sir pudgy taoist upset guy, where he was flashing his gun and talking about how Tao Bums was a 'fake taoist site'.
  12. hmm, your comment made me wonder if The Procession Of The Equinnoxes is really just the Earth hitting its 'speed wobble'.
  13. Which way to the Good Life?

    which way? the wei wu wei
  14. Enlightened movies

    One of my all time favorites! Do you even know what it is you want most in life... If you were to find out and be given, what you really want most in life... could you live with it? The film is amazing! The book A Roadside Picnic is also thunder without clouds to me.
  15. Aye... medicinal, not dietary. and the realization, no matter how it is induced... is always now.
  16. Any longer, for me, anything which affects consciousness, I consider to be medicinal, not dietary. Useful for certain responses, for shifting conditions and resonances... yet they no longer abide as they once did. From chemical/pharmaceutical agents, to entheogenic psycho-active plant and synthetic substances, to foods and beloved hobbies, to meditation. Unavoidably... gratefully and painfully, old patterns of thinking that brought comfort; whole paradigms of mental structure in viewing and relating to the universe, myself and the world "i" am part of, are realized to be little more than resonant mental matrixes not dissimilar to pills taken repeatedly for years to help create and sustain a desired condition of perception. Nothing aside from awareness and breath are dietary any longer. Only these remain. The rest just breathes in and out of awareness.
  17. What are you listening to?

    Brushy One String....
  18. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I don't normally comment on things of this nature, but for Jeff I will make an exception. My experience getting to meet Jeff and having family work with him for a time gave me an inside look at the man and his process and what I found, caused me to turn and leave and never look back. I wish him no ill, but want him no where near what I hold dear.
  19. Distribution of I.Q

    nudge me when the EQ collectively begins to catch up to IQ...
  20. Which way to the Good Life?

    The good life is here, now. Right now. Never anywhen else really. So much Love!
  21. I... Am?

    i am aware
  22. What is Non-duality?

    Yesterday at work a painter expressing gratitude for a kindness offered, gave me this gift. A pocket printing of: Hsin-Hsin Ming: Seng Ts'an Words without words, ringing. One moment is ten thousand years. Seng sits with me at my table, smiling over coffee. Deep abiding love and gratitude to all. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! *deep bow of respect*
  23. What is Non-duality?

    When in my exhaustion, I released... everything when inertia could no longer be maintained by force of seeking when all desire vanished in utter collapse clarity and awareness remained. In this emptiness... reality shone. One Truth... ringing. Undistinguished, gossamer, beyond coneptual mind, containing all and utterly empty, shining with the reality of One. When I released all notions, even 'I'. realization and liberation rang and awareness revealed what was always abiding under all the seeking and clinging... simultaneously, the clouds of hallucination and mind stuff evaporated like mist in the clear light. In total release... finally then realizing what was true all along, yet hidden by seeking and defining of this and that here and there, self and other. One Truth. Unity. All in All. Empty. Spacious. Abiding. One. When I released every notion, awareness remains.
  24. simplify

    spiral dancing