silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. Grains

    Speaking of microbiomes and harm... a bit off topic but related to the gut and healthy process. The over-reliance and rash of the use of antibiotics that are prescribed is alarming to me...and not once, has any dr who prescribed a round of antibio's ever mentioned to me any sort of probiotic restorative treatment to engage in after the antibiotics to help reestablish all the healthy microbiology that is wiped out in the treatment. After a round of some of these antibio's my gut feels like a bomb zone in a war.
  2. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    well... safe to say, that last exchange is at the top of the list of things that I did not expect to encounter today...
  3. Conscientious Objection to Military Service

    I abhore violence. Yet on those occasions where it is required... it should be swift, and complete. and engaged in without glee, or triumph... violence is failure.
  4. mystical poetry thread

    *deep bow* wow... thanks for this... timing
  5. Stretching for mobility, flexibility, wellbeing

    I vividly recall the first time I encountered that very video and began searching out info on Susan and Emilie. Stunning work. Visceral connection to baseline functions. So fluid the movements at times seem... alien.
  6. What are you listening to?

    Feels like I've been singing this song to my wife in spirit for the last thirty years... I'm mighty grateful Sir Chance, that you manifested it here for us all. Though the version in my head is this version
  7. Cheers mate. I attended one retreat in December 2015. It was paradigm shifting and the shift is ongoing. There was no talk of levels. Other than at the first morning walking meditation, Master mentioned for advanced students to increase the number of steps to breath ratio. I can't think of what i experienced in terms of levels. Flow. Shift. Beingness. Resonance. It was a living, shifting, living-liquid interaction within a field of energy... a shift in beingness. I suspect much of the change i experienced came not from me diligently holding my form, but from my willingness to radically release into the field utterly and provide no resistance to the field generated by Master Wang and how he regulated the groups energies into our practice. But please know that I am a carpenter idiot. Don't take me as any kind of authority. I am a remarkably lucky, middle aged white bearded, white guy who likes to cultivate energy and had the opportunity and means to study with men such as Wang Liping and Zhou Ting-Jue. I don't know shit. But I experienced some shi(f)t and am profoundly grateful for it. So I resoundingly repeat to anyone on the edge.... Save up and go. I will go again, but not for some time yet. I am still assimilating and allowing these shifts to settle some. For a time after, all of my old forms were released as the idea of a particular form, or a special time to practice were absurd to me. Every breath, every movement making dinner for my family was imbued with the flow of old forms abiding in the 'new' experience of emptiness. The forms are returning slowly lately, with new resonance. Emptiness is abiding, present... prescient. Old forms are imbued with frequencies that were previously not in awareness. Dissolving of blockages, such dissolving of mental matrices and physical blockages! Hours of extreme ecstacy in the LDT, Mingmen, Niwan as blockages dissolved... nearly unbearable ecstasy at some points... I was noting at one point, sitting in the darkness trying not to rock back and forth in an attempt to remain still and aware in the ecstacy... this was far more distracting and challenging to release into, than any of the former physical pains experienced when I was working to open up my very tight hips, knees and ankles years ago. This process for me is not about levels, upgrades, or achievements, but release into awareness... frequencies... harmonies... resonance. There could be a manner of speaking about these as coming in layers... but no layer is better than another, or sought after, merely experienced... abided in. The emptiness and stillness pervades all in the end, or so it seems as I write this. There was no mention of levels, or advancement, or secrets to be unveiled to the worthy. The whole process was a very pragmatic undertaking. Utterly simple. Again, it seems that the shift generated came not through any of my very mediocre efforts and form, but from a willingness to release into the field of energy. I was in silence nearly the entire time, but on the last couple days I opened up and had a few conversations. One of them was with the German who sat nearby. She was attending her tenth retreat. We were sharing the same teaching, yet I suspect her experience was not similar to mine. I did overhear one conversation she had with Master Wang. She had been experiencing electronics being affected negatively near her and was concerned as her work involved rocket science and laptops/computers. Again. I'm a middle aged carpenter/artist. No kind of authority in anything of import. Ignore me at your leisure/pleasure. But I resoundingly repeat with much joy and gratitude... Save up and go! I can't imagine being in that environment and not experiencing much benefit.
  8. Seems there are waves for some time now, (residual eclipse effects still seem to be settling in my field) but yesterday and the day before were intense here. Energetic spikes and whirling in the mid morning (8-10) and late afternoon/ early evening (3-6ish). These shifts seem to result in a tightness, emotional tension and shortness if I don't breath awareness through it and remain mindful of the shift. Counter to that, the early morning hours, mid day and late evening were calm, deep pools. Deeply calming. Sleep came early. The day before was similar in waves and tones, though the evening and late night were such that I remained awake until nearly dawn and then after only a few hours of sleep, snapped awake... the body and mind both insisting... no more sleep.
  9. Save up and go is not fine, it is my advice. Retreats are not fine... Hair may be fine... silk is fine. My one retreat with Master Wang... was not fine, it was paradigm shifting. Blockage dissolving. I continue to resonate and emanate the shifts now... a year and a half later from my one retreat. Upgrade? Upgrade? that is just silly. It makes me smile and shake my head. You seem to be projecting some fear or anger here, and not to know of which you speak in this case sir. I will leave it at that.
  10. a sovereign force?

    What is against Tao will soon cease... this sure seems true in my experience. Nature follows Tao. Nature is flow. The flow of nature, which follows Dao, seems to always be toward settling in balance. Which implies to me... in order for the flow of Nature to be toward balance, Nature persists in a state of perpetual imbalance? In matters of elements balance seems clear... water settles in balance and comes to rest. Yet how so is balance expressed in emotional and human matters? What is and who determines what is balanced? This sovereignty that to me seems an implied causation affecting nature in its perpetual flow toward balance... As Nature seems to me, to indeed be this process of a constant state of flow toward but never achieving balance, does this not further imply that nature is and could not be any other way but imbalanced. from where is sovereignty derived and where does it reside... in dao or in nature? Will Nature ever fully balance? Is this entropy? What an incredible conversation... thank you.
  11. What are you listening to?

    Robert Anton Wilson... one of my heroes. How the words we use contribute to our world view and our perception use of language general semantics meta linguistics Potent stuff.
  12. I recently caught the same distraction from the present moment happening to me on my ride home from the beach, only I was craving/thinking about getting home and sitting in emptiness and was missing the scenery. Anything craved can be a distraction from presence. Even meditation.
  13. Is America trending towards Fascism?

    war is failure.
  14. simplify

  15. Jessica's myth

    I have a rather profound connection to this through the experiences of my wife. My wife's parents tortured her throughout her childhood... for her own good. You know... to toughen her up. For her own good. Because they loved her. In their broken and profoundly sick perceptions, this was a good thing they did. They consider themselves the height of parenting accomplishment and care. They toughened her up for the horrors of the world, by submitting her to horror throughout her childhood. In their minds... it was loving preparation. As with all things regarding truth. This could not remain hidden permanently. When my wife's memories eventually surfaced, we removed the people who gave birth to her from our sphere of influence, never to be allowed near again. And then grieving and healing began. For all she endured, for all the pain inflicted, they could not break her loving, soft and nurturing nature and she remains a loving, kind, soft and nurturing Mother, Wife and Human. Others cannot determine your state of beingness, unless you agree to it. Jessica's Myth is hers, not yours, or mine, or ours.
  16. simplify

    playing with Maya
  17. simplify

    reflections of reflections
  18. The dao bums is a cia experiment.

    Whenever I hear those words, I inevitably hear them spoken in my mind, in comic disdain by Robert Anton Wilson. May he RIP. What a gem that chap was!
  19. The dao bums is a cia experiment.

    Yea the meaning of 'real' occupies a special place in my paradigm lately. It's currently right next to 'normal' in the area for concepts that have no functional meaning. word salad words... numbing words. (awful tinny things really..)
  20. simplify

  21. simplify

  22. Muslim scholar on modern Islam

    oh my well that's very telling.
  23. Why We Need 'Natural' Movement

    My son studies gymnastics, I never did. He has no interest in kung fu or fighting forms at this time, so rather than push that, I enrolled him in gymnastics for flexibility and strength training instead. Their facility is amazing. Spring boards launching into foam ball pits, wall to wall padded floors, multiple trampolines, rope swings tethered to their twenty foot ceilings. Stackable foam blocks for who knows what purpose... Every Friday night, enrolled students can bring a friend and go hang out in the gym for a few hours and just play on the equipment as they want, no study or instructor drills.
  24. at some point... everything must be transcended. our body, our mind... Even our beloved meditations.