silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions. ~Augusten Burroughs
  2. yup, *shrug* again... where is baguakicksass when we need her?
  3. The breakdown for the 3x manifestation was explained to me as... One from the initiator, one for the intention, or the work, and one for the target.
  4. what is the point of existence?

    I'm not interested in childish... but I readily cultivate childlike.
  5. World Peace Day 2016

    I gave up trying to change the world a while ago. Now I strive to heal my self and thus through me, that which I come in contact with, will heal as well. Kindness and Love... they don't cost a thing... sprinkle that shit everywhere!
  6. where is baguakicksass when we need her... In my limited experience with it, I'd say the cost of magic depends on the nature of what is involved in the intention, reverberated back upon the caster x3... so whatever goes out, comes back triplefold.
  7. What's the best way to take goji?

    Interesting. I can only find them dried here... so I add them to smoothies where they are thoroughly micronized. I know that the phytochemicals in tomatoes are released and activated when the tomatoes are lightly cooked, not raw. The reverse is true for beets. Raw beets are packed with them, but cooking destroys that... My gut tells me that they are most potent and effective eaten fresh and well chewed. But that is purely my instinctive reaction. Though now, this thread has me wanting to get a bush and make tea from the leaves and stems...
  8. Really, Nothing to do

    Potent stuff Mate! You sir, have obviously not lost your marbles... harmony... harmonizing seems so much more attainable than balance and has an effortless quality to it, can even arise through sympathetic vibration... I've experienced this when I'm able to get enough out of my own way to allow spontaneous expression of self... there is some deep wu wei truth being shared in those words my friend. That really resonates... *deep bow of respect*
  9. what is the point of football?

    I used to enjoy watching the high level of competition. The injuries were always a drag. The violence of it was always a turn off, but I looked past it for the fun of the competition. I look at it now, if it's on tv when we're out at a pub and wonder how it ever held my attention the way it did...
  10. Really, Nothing to do

    What you're saying resonates closely with where I've been recently... Though I still engage in my practices, I no longer 'do them' in the manner I used to... there used to be a rather rigid approach and a solemnity, almost militaristic approach that has evaporated rather spontaneously some time ago. It's more like allowing myself and the forms, or the sitting to cohabitate in the practice space, rather than me entering into some well defined and ordered 'thing'. There's an amorphous quality to it. I've stopped reading external sources for validation of my process, yet I still read. There is no longer a sense of seeking... anything. Rather, just a simple letting go and being wherever I am. Radical release... and a constant process of letting go. In order to just be. Simple being. Really simple.
  11. simplify

    under construction
  12. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    No way! Let it go... let it grow baby! I started growing my mane back again last year... it's coming along nicely now. I've been shaved bald for the last twenty years or so, but it's time to regrow the viking and let it flow!
  13. Empowerments & Deities

    I recall the resonance that I experienced when I sat with the Merit Crystals that came through here and were hosted for a short time @ the Bower Museum some 12 or 14 years ago now... They will travel the world until they are housed in the finished Maitreya statue that is still under construction. empowerment is the word to use, but it does not come close to encompassing the experience... deep gratitude and humble thanks to all who have moved this path prior to me and paved it with their merit and their folly...
  14. How to get a strong energy field?

    Recently, I experience more power in stillness than in movement. Although stillness is a misnomer to me, as the one thing my body never is, even when sitting 'perfectly still' is unmoving. Yet the effect of relative stillness on my experience of energetic movement conveys a potency I do not experience in my moving meditations much of late.
  15. 100th

    I use the bell method. I ring my singing bowl and focus complete attention on the sound. As it dies off I continue to 'hear' the tone even in silence until a thought arises, then I ring the bowl again and repeat.
  16. Amulets & Talismans

    Couple of pics of one of my Yeh Ming Zhu stones... these stones are incredibly potent!
  17. Kundalini headache and fatigue

    Nope. None of the substances I've cultivated with have ever been used in the context of a Kundalini Awakening. However, many of the realizations that opened my awareness as Vajra came when working with entheogens and the spirits of our plant medicine brothers and sisters and are among the most potent, healing and blessed of my time in this manifestation... they are still resonating with deep gratitude in the present. edit: spelling
  18. Kundalini headache and fatigue

    psilocybin and cannabis and tea have been instrumental in my healing process not the same for everyone, but must share my counter experience to the usual cultural taboo
  19. what is the point of existence?

    Logged on to the Facebook thing... one of the first meme's I encountered was this one... (hums Police tune... synchronicity) “We are all visitors to this time and place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love and then we return home.” ~ Australian Aboriginal Proverb
  20. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Do not try to become anything. Do not make yourself into anything. Do not be a meditator. Do not become enlightened. When you sit, let it be. When you walk, let it be. Grasp at nothing. Resist nothing. ~ Ajahn Chah ~
  21. what is the point of existence?

    bored, cynical retiree, seeks to unburden hurting heart near end of days... a tragic unfolding, unbearable to witness most of the time. healing, when offered and encountered is rebutted with self same borderline abusive judgement that first caused symptoms decades ago...
  22. Indigenous Australians dreamtime knowledge

    I'd put my money on the Yorke Peninsula reference being even older. Nice article... thanks for sharing.
  23. Flowers coming out of each chakra?

    As I have experienced it, Chakras are vortexes of energetic shift and they have pathways front and back. I'd say you experienced a potent conscious experience of the an opening up of your system.
  24. How to get a strong energy field?

    sit under a waterfall for an hour every day for ten years...