silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. dbl post?

    double dutch bus
  2. simplify

  3. simplify

  4. The legacy of Ayn Rand

    the drawn bow settles in balance...
  5. dbl post?

    double entendre
  6. dbl post?

    double blind
  7. dbl post?

    dbl enlightenment!
  8. TM is not real meditation, it is more like hypnosis

    It still surprises me that those along spiritual paths, can ever say with any emphatic certainty that there is 'one' method that is 'the way'. This applies in reverse to all potential methods that don't resonate with a person, that they thus decry as not having any value for anyone. Such certainty in my own experience had usually been a marker of where I have more work to do within my own sphere.
  9. Forums Outdated

    perhaps I am just old and resisting change, but if it's change for the sake of change, I'll pass in favor of keeping things simple and if it ain't broke... don't fix it. If it's change for benefit and I just can't see that benefit... please disregard these words as those of an old man sitting on his porch.
  10. simplify

  11. What are you listening to?

    That is just brutal... at least change is constant, it has to turn to Fall sometime soon.
  12. What are you listening to?

    Nice choice... if the external weather won't change... may as well change the internal atmosphere.
  13. The origin of mankind

    There is one race of humans. While we display many characteristics, we are one race. afterthought edit: and we share one breath... perhaps the origin of man is breath
  14. The legacy of Ayn Rand

    Altruism in action right now on a state wide scale... Southern Louisiana in the midst of the flood; not trained first responders, nor paid emergency personnel... but a spontaneous mass movement of regular people with flat bottom boats, going door to door, spending their own money on gas to save strangers, not checking to see if who lives in the houses are black, white, latino, or asian... just helping. Tens of thousands of people massing food and clean water and sleeping bags and donating their own personal property, at their own expense, not being reimbursed by the state, nor the function of the self... but selfless actions to benefit others in need. I know it's nearly impossible to account for the merit of spirit, when all you have ever experienced are the seemingly all encompassing senses of your body and hence all you believe to be real is mud and skin and wood and bits of atoms bumping together randomly to create life. But I tell you, there is no where you can point in the universe, nor in your imagination, that is bereft of spirit. And if you find yourself in this most dire and poor of perceptual circumstances, you have my profound love, for you are in the midst of suffering that I find unimaginably unendurable.
  15. The legacy of Ayn Rand

    on second thought... na
  16. Methods to dissolve emotional blockages

    I really appreciate ho'oponopono practice... for those hardest of things which just. keep. returning. but really it all boils down to simple release. just let go. let it be, let it go. breath.
  17. Where do I start?

    If you have any connection at all to your bagua teacher stick with them! In person instruction by a qualified teacher with whom you share a real connection, is beyond platinum value in my experience.
  18. The Book that changed your Perspective of Life?

    so, so many too many to ever fully list but the most potent and immediate that come to mind the king james bible tao te jing talmud the cave the origin tales of many of the north american precolumbian cultures mabyn of the mabinogion yellow emperor's classic of medicine prometheus rising the power of now tibetan book of the dead the grand inquisitor the origin of satan nag hammadi as a child specifically the king james bible the hobbit the giving tree I was also exposed to george carlin at the age of 8 or so. He had a very potent impact as an example of a rare type of adult to me.
  19. the dao of time

    "Take a moment and imagine that there is no time. Take a moment to just let go of tomorrow. What if letting go of suffering wasn't possible tomorrow--that today, even right now, was all you had, and you had nothing else but today? All of a sudden, you would look at your whole existence through completely different eyes. See if you can feel what it is to exist only now. See what its like to completely take tomorrow, and yesterday, out of the picture." ~Adyashanti Falling into Grace “I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” ~JRR Tolkien “How did it get so late so soon?” ~Dr Seuss
  20. muddiest waters left undisturbed by 'process' rest in clarity
  21. following the breath

    sink the body on exhale release on the inhale
  22. Some Olympic Statistics

    I tried the pole vault once... ONCE. that is a truly awesome feeling and also mostly a terrifying one to me...
  23. The origin of mankind

    I don't have any popcorn... but I prefer beer anyways... now... let's have at that theory!
  24. following the breath

    such a potent threshold I repeatedly resonate with upon the very depth of exhalation in the extreme it's something of an obsession for the present, but that won't last and transition will flow... but wow, the resonance of it!