silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. visiting

    become the life where you don't need to escape from it, into vacations... when home is within I thrive, when without, merely survive
  2. I would like to delete my account

    well I'm thoroughly bummed my son is currently gummed my wife has an amazing bum and.... if you don't like the bums i'd say 'good on ya mate! you appear suffer from some seriously awesome first world problems that are solvable with less than a click!'
  3. The origin of mankind

    I frequently notice that what happens among the crew is far more entertaining than what transpires in front of the camera. The biz is the only place I've felt remotely out odded by my workmates. I had a cubicle job for one year just after college... what a perverse hell! It served me well though, knew going in that I wouldn't be there longer than a year and that I'd not be pursuing anything in that environment again. The plethora of ridiculously intelligent, well read, highly creative and mostly, awesomely insane folks to walk the earth tend to gravitate to the biz and it still rends my mind on a regular basis that I can bring up nearly any topic, no matter how fringe and am met with either attentive curiosity, or frequently with knowledge that meets or exceeds my own. Usually, in any other social, familial etc setting, I'm met with the blank fearful stare of .... (um... you talk weird and if you use another big word to describe a strange concept... i'mma get pissed off, or scared and walk away). I don't know any producers on any kind of personal level. One of my last interactions with a producer went like this... Me: Isn't this amazing? Getting paid to make high level art and not have to wear pants? Producer: This isn't art. It's commerce... and put on some pants.
  4. The origin of mankind

    mmm that brings back memories of gravity bongs and all night gaming scenarios...
  5. and those who were seen dancing were thought insane by those who could not hear the music
  6. Vulnerability

    There is such strength in vulnerability. A pity it has been cast in such aspersion and so thoroughly and successfully exclaimed as weakness and fear in the cultures of the patriarchies. Indeed it is, in my estimation, fear which keeps one from the strength of vulnerability... such irony.
  7. The origin of mankind

    I'd wait in line for that one.
  8. what is next?

    Be where you are and fully present in what you are doing. Not sure why that text didn't make it under the quote in the response above.
  9. what is next?

  10. Truth and Progress

    muddiest waters left undisturbed by 'process' rest in clarity. in releasing all that is not essentially my self, what remains?
  11. The origin of mankind

    No... I should use the quote function in cases like this. As I was watching that gif, my son walked up and saw it and exclaimed as if from the fishes' perspective "You Ate My Mom! Take That!"
  12. The origin of mankind

    My son walked up and said... "YOU ATE MY MOM! TAKE THAT!"
  13. Truth and Progress

    I have not encountered any I found that my near manic seeking for decades, was the greatest obstacle of my own creation which kept me from being aware of self truth, in a manner much like the fish who is unable to perceive the water it swims through... but thankfully, that manic pursuit and constant herculean effort brought about a very natural and almost all consuming fatigue and crash of illusions. It was keenly painful and totally unavoidable, looking back. Almost like a pressure release valve built into the very fabric of a seeker. After all, a drawn bow settles in balance. Water flows downhill and settles in the lowest places. There is tao. In the shit and the mud. Finally all that ego searching and building a self up with stories and objects that reinforced the effort and created honor and weighty claims around the self induced illusory quest inevitably crashed into the dung of truths. The yang of the building wave of my seeking finally crested and its own weight brought about its yin release into balance and the resulting crash was the beautiful release. Such calm, clear, bouyant joyful loving beingness. Such gratitude replaced all that effort and strife. So humbling and liberating simultaneously. No effort required. No effort possible. It would have just created more ripples and hidden the raw, authentic truth. Just Be. My healing and authentic self, my connection to all was revealed in the release of all and in the subsequent, absolute acceptance of what is, at first out of sheer collapse and despair for a time, but eventually in simple being. Just breathing and being. Vajra. A realization of abiding clarity and bliss there all along, glowing, resonating, inside me all along was what I had been seeking. I wasn't aware of it, for all the interference of the effort and the trying and the seeking, the very seeking was impeding my experience of being. Seek what? Just be... it's fluid and it's never injured, despoiled, lost or broken. Spotless.
  14. what is next?

    chop wood and carry water...
  15. The origin of mankind

    sure could be... seems to me, truths encompass all, or they're not a reflection of truth. to me, it's an observation. vajra. no ism implied or required, but none excluded either. to me suffering is a crisis of perception
  16. The origin of mankind

    although, while pain seems inevitable, suffering is not.
  17. Should I convert to Taoism?

    I have no idea how any external source (book, person, or tradition) could ever effectively tell you (or anyone) what would be appropriate for how you express your view the world and in what manner you would adopt rituals and verbiage to reflect your perceptions of it... It's on you to interact with your inner and outer life and as I've found, throughout my life, my paradigm is not fixed but flows as well, so what was appropriate for me in my 20's is no longer the case in my late 40's. In the end though, there is no doubt to me what is in alignment with my authentic process and what is not. This inner compass is how I identify my Path. edit: to slay the usual grammar goblins
  18. Barclays Premiere League discussion

    I don't follow it regularly, but when I catch a match at the pub I enjoy it.
  19. The origin of mankind

    hmm... both I guess, not sure where I'd draw the line of demarcation betwixt them...
  20. The origin of mankind

    I love the pranks! You can always tell when you've messed up and people are pissed, because the pranks stop.
  21. How do you feel/sense chi?

    It sure is interesting and still surprises me whenever it arises. To me, it;s seemed to be sensations associated with the wei qi field, but I have no certainty of that. Some of the aspects of it seem incongruous with how that field has been explained to me so far by my teachers. The phrase I bolded really resonates though... with the sense I've long had that any concept or idea of me being a separate entity, is due to my perception of the energy patterns. And those which are based around my thoughts, emotions and physical form, seems to easily identify that pattern as a 'self'. Yet, within cultivation, that field extends, morphs, expands/contracts and interacts with other patterns in ways that defy any sense of separation in any meaningful manner. Shared presence is a great way of describing the sense of it. Patterns within patterns. Cycles. The smallest of scales mirroring the largest. As Above, So Below. As Within, Without.
  22. The origin of mankind

    lol... water buffalo 1.. production 0! I'm a Propmaker, in IATSE 44. I build scenery and certain special props, and am an occasional f/x sidekick. I really love it, the intense, immersive nature of the work while on a project and the subsequent freedom of having weeks off between projects allowing me to pursue some things beyond work that aren't feasible on a more traditional job/cubicle schedule. I most appreciate being able to see some amazing places and routinely doing something new. One of my highlight days was hanging, suspended in a harness from the helicopter pad atop one of downtown LA's taller buildings while doing a setup for a rooftop bar/fight scene.
  23. Is praying aligned with Taoism?

    Intention is intention to me. I'd say it all depends what you're praying about and for...
  24. How do you feel/sense chi?

    All sorts of feelings: Magnetic fields in front of the palms is very common. Puffy hands... hands that are two or three times thicker than usual. Cloud hands. As the hands move the sensation of mist or clouds streaming between the fingers and around the lower arms. Air flowing, out of the feet and palms. Water flowing under the skin, usually in the legs but all over the body at various times. Electrical pulsing and crackling in the feet. This occurred in the beginning but left off after a year or so. Almost immediately at the beginning of every form, a magnetic flow along the right side of my abdomen, leading from the MDT, downward to the LDT. This can sometimes stay and pulse throughout the form, or else it dies off after a couple of minutes and does not return. Warm waves emanating from the core during the final phases of any moving form. Expansion of individual parts of the body, face, arms, torso: feeling like they are 3-10 times larger than normal. Expansion of the entire body. Sense that the body is made of dense mist or fog.