silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. Animal chi

    cats give me the sense that they embody what I would call mindfulness and emptiness by turns...
  2. The origin of mankind

    synchronicity. Before logging on I was talking with my wife on our balcony and our conversation came to this point.... "I'm past any real committed discussion of any aspect of the over inflated importance of the differences between men and women any longer, it's got no gas left... and all the subsequent gender malice and over simplified gender roles our culture stuffs us into from birth that go along with it is so tired and played out, it's going to die out finally... this whole process of displaying and controlling our sexuality into rigid male and female separate roles superimposed by ideas... what a sad, laughable oversimplification... we are fluid beings, flowing verbs always in flux, nurturing and hunting by turns male and female both, embodied in the authentic expressions to the conditions of life. We always embody both male and female energy... always. All of us start out female for the love of life... Any more, duality as an opposing concept is ridiculous... there is the unified expression of human, which manifests as us... all of us completely and collectively... human is human, every tribe, nation and cult... it's just human in all the unified myriad reflections from nurturing to the hunt."
  3. Evangelical self defence

  4. On matters of Self Discipline...

    not sure about becoming anything but when embracing, or embodying the childlike I nurture any instinctual curiosity foster authentic presence (lack of pretense) embody full, undiluted expressions release into dilution of self in play/environment/moment
  5. On matters of Self Discipline...

    Perhaps it's a semantic thing, but I believe the idea is to be child-like, not childish. Very different states of being.
  6. Practices for a new journey

    You are pursuing your passion, I dare say you could be the one offering advice to many others my friend. May your path be full and rewarding!
  7. Magnetic Reconnection

    Nice! Thanks for sharing Mate!
  8. Greetings from Upper Michigan

    Hey there. I have spent time in Manistique where my Father lived some time ago. Beautiful up there... welcome to the bums.
  9. Is man's nature violent or peaceful?

    We are fluid verbs, not static nouns No thing is of any one essential nature, but an abiding flow between extremes of one unity that we express as duality. Given conditions will bring out attributes within the overall arching template of behaviors, depending on a person's upbringing, familial and social conditioning.
  10. Yes! This resonates poignantly. Release, of late, is my action. Abiding space... simple awareness resting without effort in the fluidity of the life process. Non impeding, abiding and empty. bliss
  11. The origin of mankind

    I keep returning to this... To claim an origin there must be a break... a before and after. Where is that I keep wondering... In a fluid, never static universe, where is the line of demarcation, the distinction point of human from cosmos, exactly? In what capacity are we separate that we could have some identifiable independent origin? Where to make the distinction between human and universe... flowing, fluid actionable body of human, fluid epoch of the same atoms which in my hands seemingly now and yet once within stars bursting in light and never a stopping point in between? The action of my thymus as intimately and unmistakably flowing still with the pulse of the supernovae. Simple, effortless, like acorns settling on soil.
  12. Absolute Self vs. Personal Self

    Your words and thoughts resonate so potently with my own Orion. Seeking, effort, desire... leave no space for being. To experience now is all but impossible in this... My operative term now and my mantra is release... At first I just released the anger, resentment and some of the painful old stories. Recently this release is opening up into the fluid action and feeling of every aware moment. Let go, just be. It's so ridiculously, intimately close... now, I find myself laughing raucously at the 'simplest' of moments... the effort itself was masking the truth, yet even untruth serves truth and so nothing is able to be truly hidden. Nothing is ever lost, broken, soiled, nor marred in any way. Obscured, masked by effort and seeking and wanting, but never apart. Always the source is and we do not even return to the source... how to return to that which one is incapable of leaving? one of the few absolutes i maintain at this fluid juncture... 'the one true impossibility is to ever be separated from 'it', by even a hundredth of a hair's width, for even a fraction of a millisecond... ever.' Release is my laughter and my love and my emptiness... let the fluid moment flow as we all flow... we are none of us nouns... but fluid verbs, flowing and roiling in that which is all in all.
  13. Language we trick ourselves with

    Great book. Incredible man. Only wish I'd encountered him a couple decades earlier in life...
  14. The origin of mankind

    Carly said she had some in her coffee
  15. simplify

    reciprocal transmissions
  16. .

    I have a two traditionally made Lakota Chanunpa Pipes, one of them for over 25 years now, picked it up on my honeymoon. In Southeastern Minnesota, they still carve the soft red pipestone in the traditional manner and grow the Kinni Kinnick, Cedar Sage and various other herbs, hand picked and dried in the traditional manner. Regularly, I will stand on the balcony under the sky and offer my gratitude and high thoughts to the sky people as I light the pipe and offer it to any of those I love who happen to be with me at the time. We pass it around and chat and share good conversation, or even better silence. Love and Blessings carried on the Wind.
  17. Tarkovsky Films

    Ha! Synchronicity! I was just talking and fawning over Tarkovsky to the crew in the truck on the drive back to the studio from our location today. Stalker and Solaris are two of my all time favorite films. That man was a genius storyteller.
  18. Check your Dentist !

    I'm fortunate. Both my Dentist and my General Practitioner Dr are energy workers and both have long standing Qi Gong practices.
  19. Dr. yang jwing-ming's best book to start ?

    Find a teacher, if at all possible. But also, I would suggest to read anything you can find on the topic and devour them repeatedly, let them set for a year and hit them up again, it's amazing to me what new things will leap out at me from a reread given new insights via practical experience. I wouldn't presume to know whether or not you'll find anything useful in Dr Yang's material, but I found his book Roots of Chinese Qi Gong to be clear, concise and basic years ago. Maybe start there. For the record, I highly value even books and lectures that don't shed light on great truth, especially over time as more material is gathered and compared to deepening experience in practice. It's all grist for the mill and nothing is wasted. Sometimes it's ever easier to identify what I am not, than to nail down exactly what I am...
  20. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    turns out... the leading cause of death... is life. ~Creighton Larson
  21. I find one of the universe's impossibilities is to ever, for even a fraction of a millisecond, be separated from tao... ever.
  22. Science Proves Meridians Exist

    It's been conclusively shown that electrical conductivity on meridian points is significantly higher than that of the skin just a millimeter off of those points...
  23. how to laugh at ones self

    Realized today that a strong contributing factor to my not taking myself so seriously, is my concerted effort over the last few years, based on strong, repeated observations, that I should stop taking much of what happens around me and to me, personally... It so often has absolutely nothing to do with me personally.
  24. how to laugh at ones self

    For me, it used to take a long time... and then I would cringe recalling my antics. Then, it still took a long time, but I would smile and chuckle sometimes at the 'seriousness' with which I took it all. Thankfully, of late, the full on laughter comes soon, sometimes before I even finish the sentences of my rants...
  25. simplify
