silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. simplify

  2. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    Daoist Internal Alchemy: Jerry Alan Johnson Chi Nei Tsang: Mantak Chia Daoist Nei Gong: Damo Mitchell Opening the Dragon Gate: Wang Liping
  3. open up... no longer seeking, releasing

  4. The Taoist Warrior

    Fun synchronicity. I read your post today and perused their site, then I see a billboard for their upcoming visit here in LA next Spring as I am driving to the location for the start of my 10 day Dragongate training. I will be getting tickets and taking the family.
  5. Do we live in the matrix?

    That is pure awesome! Thank you.
  6. Do we live in the matrix?

    I have long lived with the sense of eventually awakening in ´reality´ in much the same manner that I have become lucid in the dream state.
  7. What are you eating?

    Today: a big bowl of Ph'o a few mugs of Oolong and one big steaming bottle of sake...
  8. Where exactly do you "put you tongue on palate" ?

    I use position one. edit to clarify: For qi gong and walking, the tongue is placed in position one on the inhale and then drops to make contact with the lower teeth with the exhale. For stillness work, it is placed in position one and the teeth touch lightly for the duration of the sitting.
  9. I encountered it as a part of the intermediate level of Fire Hands from GM Zhou Ting-Jue.
  10. simplify

  11. simplify

  12. simplify

  13. simplify

  14. Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving and Columbus Day continually remind me of just how much disconnection abides and they serve to push my sorrow into the foreground. Ironically, this causes in me a reaction of less gratitude than I experience on the rest of the days. The idea of a single day devoted to 'giving thanks', is as superficial and ridiculous to me as a month devoted to 'black history' or a day devoted to 'stopping violence against ________', or a march to raise awareness about ______ cancer/disease. Be the change you want to see in the world.
  15. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw that read: Eat Healthy, Exercise... die anyway.
  16. Start asking the right questions first

    I don't know what constitutes a 'right' question, but something similar to this topic came up recently while in the depths of a long conversation with a friend about the nature of what we call choice. It was very compelling to me and the gist of it was that the answers we will usually arrive at, are heavily predetermined by the mindset of the question and the manner in which we frame the questions we ask in the first place. The very act of forming a question and the paradigm/personal perceptive filter of the questioner will in large part, determine the foundation to the approach of the ideas and concepts involved and thus have a major impact on the potential answers found. Again, I don't know about 'right' questions, but certainly after that discussion, I'm now looking more mindfully at 'how' I ask myself questions. The result is a bit unsettling really. Points often back to my repetitive nature of comfortable loops of behavioral patterns that reinforce what I'd like to already believe are things I 'know', or am comfortable with... It reminds me of one of Enstein's quotes, something to the affect of "we can't solve our problems with the same thinking that we used when creating them."
  17. Confessions of an Economic Hitman

    The following nine words are just words; agency, bank, central, complex, federal, industrial, intelligence, military, reserve yet they become menacing for me when assembled in the following order. central intelligence agency federal reserve bank military industrial complex menacing and saddening
  18. Before meditation practices

    I like to shake for a while.
  19. Qiqong practice and storms / thunderstorms ?

    I have always spent as much time outside during lightning and thunder as I could as far back as I can remember. And, while living in Brooklyn for seven years and having instant access to the rooftops, I would go and dance and work on hard forms on the roof during every thunderstorm. Here, we haven't had a thunderstorm in several years... sigh. None of my teachers have ever mentioned it, although it would have changed nothing as that is one of my great loves in life. Dancing nude amidst the wind, torrential rain and crackling lightning is one of the greatest things in life to me. One of my teachers routinely advised against practicing outdoors when it was foggy however. He was quite adament about it. His reasoning was that harmful pollutents in the air, bonded to the water particles and thus were brought into the lungs in high concentrations.
  20. What is the Ego?

    ego to me, isn't a thing, but a process
  21. off to the woods...

  22. What are you watching on Youtube?
  23. simplify

  24. What are you listening to?

    Most of the time I have to focus to get the words of most music with lyrics, unless it's of a more folk oriented vein, or similar where the mixing is focused on bringing the voice to the fore. Incidentally, in music in general, my least favorite instrument is the human voice, I often find it and the lyrics distracting to the experience. I much prefer instrumental music, or lyrics in foreign languages as I then am not obligated to follow a storyline and can just flow in the sounds.
  25. What are you listening to?

    Sure. What's your question?