silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. What are you listening to?

    Had never paid attention to the lyrics of that song before... whoa!
  2. Homemade Qi Gong

    At some point every form in use today was created by someone winging it. I regularly express myself via wuji and it suits me very well. Though something one of my teachers shared with me still resonates. calm heart quiet heart sincere heart without these, it's all just waving your hands in the air.
  3. I'd say we all have equal value, (and this includes for me, stones, trees, insects, animals, indeed all life and non-life), but different qualities in our unique expressions of self.
  4. a posed question?

    In my experience, no. It is an inseparable and fully infused aspect of life and non-life. There is nothing and nowhere that spirit is not, so for it to seek me out, or anything else out is not really possible to me, kind of like trying to bite your own teeth.
  5. I've never experienced casual, or disgusting sex. For me, it is, simultaneously, not important at all; while being among the most acutely raw, healing and opening experiences available.
  6. What Results Do People Here Have From Training?

    I inevitably value any potential teaching or practice on only one basic criteria. How does it affect my life in a practical, useful daily, moment to moment basis? That said, by far the most influential and beneficial result of my process is not something I have gained but what I've lost. First, I lost years of chronic physical pain. then, I released decades of emotional pain. recently and by far, most influentially... I lost my desire to punish, or lash out. All of these losses contribute to conditions which cause me to radiate gratitude, which reinforces responses and daily habits that in turn reinforce those conditions. It's become a self feeding loop that is hard to describe. My teacher just shrugs and calls it 'inertia'. In the last year, I've relaxed quite a bit on my prior tendency to get all fundamentalist about daily regimes, or any externals really, yet they are still a regular expression and contribution to my inertia (practice). Any longer, it's about awareness and self checks all throughout the day, to imbue authenticity. In motion, word, action, non-action. Authentic is perhaps the only thing I'm still trying to achieve or gain. Part of me hopes I'll not find it soon, as I'm having such a lovely game seeking without seeking...
  7. Requirement for Celibacy in Neigong Training

    Intimacy for me, stems from the energetic not the physical and for the physical to manifest, the underlying currents must be in open flow. While engaging with an aware, open partner, there is no loss, I liken it to musical notes... multiple notes maintain their inherent tones while creating a harmony which is greater than the individual tones. I like this analogy for the act of love in which the sum expression is far greater than the parts. edit: spelling goblins
  8. Requirement for Celibacy in Neigong Training

    with my experience in silent retreats... I have lost far more jing, with frivolous words over my lifetime than the moments of love I've shared with my partner. not even in the same ballpark
  9. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Wish I had come across him when I was 14 or so... could have saved staggering amounts of energy wasted on judgement and value obsessive thinking. What a gift that man's talks and writings are for me.
  10. What do i do with this thing?

    What a great idea! Here I've just been slapping myself with my hands, but I'm going to grab or make one of these... help with those hard, or impossible to reach areas. Thanks for posting!
  11. Self liberating the body

    everything is light
  12. The Dao is Sacred?

    I'm coming to have this sense, somewhere, that there are indeed no opposite things, merely expressions of vibration in varying extremes and called separate because of our perspective.
  13. i adore night walking barefoot
  14. The Cool Picture Thread

    my son has really strong liver energy. in first grade he came to me and said "I don't like the pledge of allegiance dad" "why not?" I asked. "because I don't think god is real and it doesn't make sense." "well, you may get shit from the school, your friends and maybe even your teachers" I said. "but you have my support and I'll never punish you for being who you are." for a while, he would say the pledge and just skip the god part. any more, he just stands quietly while it's recited.
  15. The Dao is Sacred?

    To me, Sacred is sort of nonsensical and useless term. It implies a value that is assigned by humans valuing one thing over another and relevant only to the person saying it and anyone who identifies with their cultural biases. As i experience life now, everything is vibration and everything affects everything else, so where does the sacred part come in? From our perspectives. For me, everything is sacred, and so nothing is... I just can't chase the 'special' any longer, nor am I interested in seeking for truth somewhere outside of me. It's tiring and leads to more searching. For now, I'm content with being, breathing and authenticity. Most words are like thoughts for me, they may engender great feeling, but the vast majority of them are not true, real, nor important, or even relevant; they are merely thoughts.
  16. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    I'm back to The Once and Future King.
  17. Enlightened movies

    the second one in particular has some outstanding sequences of dialogue on the nature of reality, consciousness and morality... really good stuff.
  18. I hear you. I'm sharing what brought me to that exact place.
  19. While directly implying it, I didn't necessarily mean your partner has to be a human. To answer this question of cultivating without a partner, I would recommend reading Rumi. The entire universe is our partner, our heart, our self. Or turn within, it's all there as well. Open to this and one can know ecstasy far beyond the body. Keep knocking, and the joy inside will eventually open a window and look out to see who’s there. ~Rumi You’ve been walking the ocean’s edge, holding up your robes to keep them dry. You must dive naked under, and deeper under, a thousand times deeper! ~Rumi
  20. everything affects everything else
  21. Saving the World & Solar Energy

    Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value. ~ Buckminster Fuller
  22. in my experience. most effective method is connection to partner nothing hidden nothing hindered energy flowing freely between in this way, a reciprocal cycle nothing lost, only shared