silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. The truth and nothing but the truth

    So then... what is the truth?
  2. Saving Money on Taxes

    I don't mind paying taxes. Never have. I don't mind contributing to the culture from which I gain so much.
  3. The truth and nothing but the truth

    I seem to see two types of truth recently... Truths with a big T for me are experiential. They not things, but a process of which I am part. They can't be argued with and can't be broken, we break ourselves on them. They're not an idea, thought-form, or a word. These Truths seem very obvious and blunt, such as the Truth that touching fire is unpleasant. Ideas, spoken words, written words, thoughts, images are truths with a small t. These truths are relative to the people speaking, or thinking them and relative to the time, setting and the culture they are speaking, or thinking them in. 'I am a Norwegian', is an example. It's true relative to me, in this time, in this setting. But really, it's just an idea, supported by other ideas. These are grammatical truths and they are unfixed. Big Truth is a process that I am part of... small truth is a process that is a part of me... is sort of how I distinguish it. Any time I get into any discussion about truth though, I have to pay homage to one of my favorite humans of all time, Robert Anton Wilson. He often very succinctly quoted Husserl when refuting Naive Realism, or the great fallacy that we believe we see reality as it is and that we interpret what we see accurately. Neither is the case. All perception is based on gambles.
  4. Can the Tao be found in a 66 hours work week?

    This is akin to what I was talking about when I said, it's not possible to ever be separated from tao. At no point, in anything we do, ever, are we separate, or isolated. We are swimming in and manifesting tao with every breath, heartbeat, thought, struggle, nap, car ride, fight, love making session... It's so common and familiar, ineffable, untouchable and yet permeates every aspect of everything we interact with and every sub atomic particle of our innermost vibrations. Relax, let go. Enjoy the ride, if you can.
  5. Potential birth (rebirth) as an animal

    I've lived with several feline meditation masters. Learned much from them.
  6. Can the Tao be found in a 66 hours work week?

    Indeed, one cannot be separated from it.
  7. Horse stance

    I agree and have experienced similar. Inflexibility in the hips will cause that rotation in my torso as well.
  8. Joseph Campbell experts please?

    I recall him saying that our dreams are our private myths and that myths are public dreams. As well as a host of other profound and awesomely aware things. He was one outstanding lad! Love his books and his entire demeanor.
  9. Thousand-year-old medieval remedy kills MRSA

    That is outstanding! Love it.
  10. Can the Tao be found in a 66 hours work week?

    I've yet to encounter anything that wasn't spiritual. Tao in all. Never separated, never separate. All in one.
  11. no matter what I've read, or studied, or practiced... the most authentic way I can describe how I find myself in the moment "let go"
  12. criminals in hinduism who became saints?

    we are all murderers of truth at some point
  13. Photogenic loss

    Whoa, I have such empathy for your pain. That is a big sacrifice. That just makes me hurt inside, but I am a visual person and a massive picture hound having taken well over 100,000 personal photos and another 50k downloaded for inspiration, humor, etc. I try and never make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions/situations. Anything of that nature, I will myself to wait a bit and see how things pan out. Condolences for your loss.
  14. The Cool Picture Thread

  15. Dairy: Breast and Prostate Cancer

    I won't touch dairy any longer.
  16. What is your favorite Qigong System and Why?

    I play Fire Hands because when I do, I open up and shut down. Open up my sensations and my awareness of being and shut down my rational, thinking mind. This lasts for some time after formal practice of 'forms' are done. Now after years of dedication and building inertia, the process maintains itself even when I'm not 'waving my hands in the air'. Practice is now maintained with simple connection to breath and awareness of being. Practice is life.
  17. Is faith an illusion of the mind?

    My greatest expression of faith is in my interpretation of my perceptions. Human perception is based on gambles. Yet, humans have a very strong tendency to express or hold onto, a kind of faith that we perceive things accurately. Then we believe our subsequent interpretations, (which are based on cultural and familial programming), most of the time not even realizing any interpretations are being processed.
  18. non-acceptance

    I have much empathy for your experience roger In my world TRY stands for To Resist Yourself. My operative intent now is release and simple being.
  19. Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites

    better hope they never come and research you cuz your grandmother was an immigrant too... michael franti
  20. sometimes... often even... I call not to share some profound thought, or to get your deeply respected opinion on a matter of importance, but for a much more important reason... merely to hear the resonant tones of your voice... to connect with you... to hear you. sometimes... and likely, more often than I'm aware of... the words are almost meaningless and all I need, is the essential vibration that is you, speaking to me. is there any greater gift, than authentic connection? friend to friend, mind to mind, spirit to spirit? to share the connection of one's complete, undivided attention... might be as close as I can come to a reason for my existence. it's so good to hear your voice.
  21. Is faith an illusion of the mind?

    I get where you're coming from and I agree to a point... I offer this addition/distinction... They are concepts (illusory in nature), yet the affects of which on consciousness, are myriad and potent.
  22. I'm a Gong Freak and I admit it

    I can just imagine the resonance emanating outward... wow! My personal take on klang is 'penetrating sound', which can include either, or both, volume and resonant intensity of vibration (especially on the lower end bowls and gongs). I like what you said and also really appreciate the 'imperfections' in my bowl. Like water flowing over stone, the right break in the stream can be the catalyst for exceptional resonance and awareness of being. Transcendent.
  23. quiet heart kind heart sincere heart with these, all things become practice and cultivation is life without them, you are waving your arms in the air.
  24. Gigapixels of Andromeda

    wow pure awesome!