silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. sensory deprivation

    There's a restaurant in Los Angeles called Opaque that I want to take my family to soon. All the servers are blind. You enter into a dimly lit entry room where you place your entire order. Your server then leads you into the dining area which is pitch black and you eat your meal without the use of sight. Of course, this is pointless now in the days of everyone has a phone out for their meals... Hopefully they ban phones in the dining area.
  2. sensory deprivation

    could go to a local playground like we did and have your friends spin you on the whizz n puke like we used to
  3. I know how my teacher handled it. With tact and integrity and by being a moving target. Not being in one place for more than a few months or weeks offers some time to do the routine before going 'back into circulation'.
  4. sensory deprivation

    I used a simple large cardboard box to create a dark room for myself to induce third eye and open eye visions. I put the box in a closet, blacked out the windows in the room with two large blankets. Got in the box and had my wife put another blanket over the box and shut the closet door. I then sat there with eyes open in the pitch black until the show started. Should be able to get a suitably large box from any store that sells appliances, such as stoves and refrigerators. Happy Hunting!
  5. Yet everyone's definition of sage and sagely is not the same. Subjectivity is such a bugger in these matters, semantics, personal experience, personal definitions. It's in almost every thread where two opinions don't meet. Fortunately, no one is forced to get the book, read it, believe any of it, nor contact anyone in relation to it. That aside, it's a phenomenal book in my experience. edit: pun intended
  6. The decline and eventual fall of the USA as world superpower?

    True enough, nothing fair about public opinion, life, nor our, or anyone's culture.
  7. Here's another burning question

    Didn't the US and the Russians both have very well funded Remote Viewing Units throughout the cold war? Sounds like that follows this premise.
  8. Here's another burning question

    I recall a story a coworker told me about he and his girlfriend engaging in an intense circular breathing exercise while making love, while holding each others' eyes. At one point he told me, he was looking into his own face, from her perspective.
  9. Some things that I participated in are still hard for me to believe... and I was there. Specifically some related to my teacher. Such is the Way when dealing with events outside our paradigm. The Way is so much bigger than we can even imagine. Minds are tiny, fickle and so stone like sometimes... other times they are broad like galaxies... funny thing life... I strive to smile and laugh and heal.
  10. Just received my second copy today in the mail. Gave my last one away to a friend years ago and decided to reread it. It's one of my favorites.
  11. Full Lotus Position Tips

    Yea, this one has helped my wife and I with our hips and knees in a big way.
  12. SM - Importance of Tree gong

    Definitely beneficial to share that, thanks.
  13. Scottish Independence

    I once watched my cat ride a german sheperd across a field like a jockey riding a horse. She was latched onto his head, poor guy, never knew what was up. He got unknowingly a bit too close to her new litter of kittens one morning. She came trotting back an hour later.
  14. Surprisingly

    bad news has good legs... in every day, thousands and tens of thousands of things go right that we never even consider... so much more good than bad happening right now... we just call it boring, everyday life. every boring, regular day is stocked full of outstanding good stuff, it's just so common place, many look past it.
  15. TTB appreciation

    I second the thanks. This place is amazing.
  16. just sharing

    Good for you mate... and for everyone you come into contact with... Indeed to heal the earth, heal thyself.
  17. Petitionary prayer - we all do it!

    If you really want to do something, you'll find a way... if you don't... you'll find an excuse.
  18. Scottish Independence

    they usually are...
  19. Full Lotus Position Tips
  20. Surprisingly

    Yea, having sweat glands let us just run things into the ground as they died of heat exhaustion, then became lunch.
  21. paying it forward

    paying it forward is the only way in my experience... or rather, giving it/being it now... I still contend, the most valuable thing you can give anyone, is your full, undivided attention.
  22. Surprisingly

    so much common ground among all life... indeed, nothing is unrelated, it never could be.
  23. What are you listening to?
  24. what is a real beer and what is illusion?

    I don't know about the Bavarians or the Swabians, but I sure approve...
  25. What are you listening to?

    often revisited...