silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. I'm in! Admin. kindly disregard my emails...

    Welcome to the Bums!
  2. Independence Day

    For me it's camping and stargazing, though again, not independently.
  3. FIFA World Cup 2014

    Does seem the best ways to get to a championship, to be skilled or be dirty...
  4. Independence Day
  5. Independence Day

    ugh... fast food
  6. Independence Day

    American technology hmm... computer chips. Jazz and Blues Cowboys wish we invented bacon....
  7. Independence Day

    I LOVE German food, but not independently
  8. Independence Day

    Independence from oil, fear and war would be neat... but not flowers... dependent on them always.
  9. Independence Day

    I find it implausible for any 'thing' to be independent...
  10. Death, Dying and Next---- Thoughts & Speculations

    The way I experience it... I have a palpable sense of the abiding nature of essence (reincarnation) which stems from two sources: first: my observation of nature... Everything around me is cyclical... it's Summer again, here in North America. The ice has melted, the animals are raising their young... again; as has happened endlessly for the present epoch... yet even in this repetition, this is a unique Summer. Like waves of the ocean, no two are the same, yet all are the ocean. My heartbeat... the way I walk... my breath. recently I've experienced greater depth of awareness of the cycles within my form, mind and emotional body. the cycles of intimacy and seclusion within my partnership and with my close friends life cycles through death repeating and yet not repeating, more like constantly yielding in unique expression... raw awareness... stillness... and second and ultimate kicker was experiencing consciousness untethered from my form. fortunately for me, this experience came first, when I was about four years old so I occupy the enviable position of having never experienced a fear of dying. the observations on nature came much later, some time after my exposure to the Tao.
  11. What can feminism do for men?

    I found this very thing in 1989. I've nurtured and cherished it ever since.
  12. How to build from the ground up?

    If you're truly starting at ground zero... my mantra is live teacher, in person teacher, teacher you resonate with...
  13. What are you listening to?

    Mr Winter has always held a special place in my odd little reality tunnel... he's one of the coolest vampires... ever. oh and he's passing good on that guitar too...
  14. What (?) Yin/Yang as Feminine/Masculine . . . (?)

    They're not opposite or opposing to me. They seem to be varied expressions of one thing. Human.
  15. Hi there (original isn't it?)

    Like your style. Welcome to the Bums!
  16. That Dark Side stuff

    funny how she keeps describing herself... projection syndrome/attention/manipulation darkside byebye now
  17. funniest thing about the 72 virgins to me is.... they never specify what gender they are...
  18. FIFA World Cup 2014

    Hockey does a better job on flopping than any other major sport. NBA has become unwatchable for me and Soccer/Football is close behind. I'm still chuckling thinking about that GIF Joeblast... classic!
  19. As tongue in cheek as this may appear... I honestly think this is a great layout of a valid modern perspective of the straw dog aspect of the Tao.
  20. Master speaks on the Tao: Life is not sacred

    Is Dolly's Silicone Sacred? I bet her fans/hubby think so...
  21. FIFA World Cup 2014

  22. Don't think... feel.

    Reading your analogy of signal to noise ratio really resonates with me on this and was part of the equation for sure.