silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. Impossible to say until I'm in the moment. Hard to believe what you experienced though chegg, that is some hard core disconnect.
  2. This image/concept pretty much sums it up for me.
  3. Spiritual Light

    spiritual light to me means awareness
  4. Does Anyone Have Power?

    I disagree. I've spent a fair amount of time sublimating breath and residing in the body without breath in a state of deep relaxation. Indeed, in this process, I can go many more heartbeats with lungs 90% empty as opposed to lungs full of breath and it's bliss.
  5. Bias against New Age

    I'm curious about the seemingly hateful bias against anything labeled New Age. Our instincts, intuition and insight are as valid now as at any point in human history. More so in fact, since we are manifest and involved in the current exchange of energy patterns in the now as opposed to those who wrote the classic tomes of the past. Now certainly, human experience exists as an energetic pattern and certain truths are truthful over 1,000 or 10,000,000 years of experience, regardless of living in a jungle or a city, technological or primitive. But to completely discount and ignore new teachings or to inhibit or resist the desire to explore and discover new insights smacks of being a slave to an unchanging reality tunnel. Hard and inflexible is the way of death. Soft and pliant is the way of life. All things in nature change. Teachings included. One of the great things about open minded scientists or spiritualists... they change their perspective when new valid information becomes available. The Way of the Sage.
  6. snake handling

    he walked his path honor to the fallen not my path...
  7. Question on doing cleansing ceremony on roof

    We have some members who have experience in that realm. Check back.
  8. Very true! Although when it can, it's often quite profound, with broad implications and deep breadth of application.
  9. What's the saying... if you can't explain something simply, you don't really understand it? I'd say rex understands, well said rex...
  10. Does Anyone Have Power?

    Ok here's a couple powers I possess. I have the ability to neutralize toxins and purge them from my body while I sleep. I have the ability to transform my thoughts into physical reality through action.
  11. Loving my flaws, gratitude for the broken...

    Through my flaws in awareness and acceptance I discover what I cannot tolerate in myself and thus know what I'm not in so doing becoming more aware of that which remains which of course is that which I truly am
  12. What are you listening to?

    this is one of my favorite taoist songs
  13. What are you listening to?
  14. Art resonates the intention and the unintended state of the artist during the act of creation. It is a living thing for me.
  15. The images in this thread are awesomely mind numbing. They've all gone in my inspirational folder for random appearances on the screen saver. Love how they propel me.
  16. Yea some savvy folks gave a pretty good demonstration on this with a test in controlled situation. They replicated the winds in that area on a flat, moist surface, especially when it cools down pre-dawn to near freezing and found they could move stones of similar size.
  17. What are you listening to?

    I have an indoor fountain that runs continuously. this water flowing continual reminder of tao in motion
  18. It Is Not Dao

    F: All of em
  19. The decline and eventual fall of the USA as world superpower?

    wowowowowowowowow. wow. ouch.
  20. mind the gap... one of my favorite mind games...
  21. Bias against New Age

    Yea, those wooly hipsters, opened doors in the west that may have lain shut for who knows how long.
  22. Bias against New Age

    *deep bow*

    This kind of crap flowing out of our government just makes me see red. Systematic demise of the middle class at the hands of corporate oligarchy. Sick! Parasitic and without redeeming qualities!