silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. Elves & humans relationships in Iceland They take their elven folklore pretty serious even today in Iceland. This is going to their supreme court.
  2. Baby its cold outside

    I remember hearing my pee fall as ice while using my dad's buddy's outhouse on a winter fishing trip to the cabin. I remember my nose and eyelids freezing shut while waiting for the bus to school many mornings. I remember breaking a tooth on a candy bar that flash froze on the way home from the corner store, it was a Charleston Chew... I remember my best friend nearly dying the night he tried to get home with -75 windchill and blew a tire. I remember moving to Southern California where... Today it's 75 here and my son, that same best friend and I just left the gaming store, in our t-shirts and sunglasses...
  3. So I had huge energy sickness all night

    that was so awesome, I very nearly spit tea all over my monitor... great laugh... thanks!
  4. 1 2 3

    1,2,3,4, Jurassic 5 Awesome rap from elevated guys without a trace of hate, rage, misogyny, or misanthropic taint. Quali-T!!
  5. So I had huge energy sickness all night

    I've had similar revelations while reading the works of Damo Mitchell, Mantak Chia and Dr Yang Jwing-Ming. My teacher speaks only a few phrases in english and I have long breaks in between lessons as he's in China most of the time, so I'm grateful for these authors sharing road markers. It gives my monkey something to play with so 'I' can play on my own more freely.
  6. deleted

    If a thread deletes in the digital forest...
  7. ring the bell and be

  8. 1 2 3

    Ok you add a 0 and I'll add another 1 and we'll get... one of the most beautiful sequences of numbers in my not so humble opinion...
  9. jewelry

    I'm drawn to silver and a variety of specific crystals and minerals. Gold I see as something to invest in, not wear. Silver I wear consistently.
  10. Anyone else make/sell jewelry?

  11. Got Milk?

    No Cow juices for me... Reproductive enzymes from another mammals endocrine system... no thanks.
  12. Anyone else make/sell jewelry?

    I am highly skilled artisan and charge $500-1000 per 10 hours of labor for my services when freelancing depending on the piece. This is above cost of materials.
  13. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    One of the reasons I chose the heart's magnetic field for the analogy was that it is registered scientifically in consensus reality. As our instruments get more sensitive, perhaps a similar discovery will yield to the more subtle energies that those of us in cultivation experience first hand, but cannot share due to the subtle/personal nature of the experience. I sense the image of the cauldron may stem from exactly what you describe and the mind assigning a symbolic image of reference with which it can relate to...
  14. BKA's guide on how to pickup women.... and lizard people

    One of the most attractive things to me, is a person speaking passionately about what that they love and enjoy.
  15. BKA's guide on how to pickup women.... and lizard people

    If you look for the 'perfect' partner, in my opinion you will search and search. We all have faults. There is a balance to be certain, not all faults will be tenable in all relationships... however. My wife and I are mirrors for each other. We reflect back to each other, what is being 'put out there' by actions/reactions/emotional states etc... In this way, we have an invaluable tool to gauge how we are behaving that might be impossible alone. In our acceptance of each others' short comings and flaws, in our commitment to love and work together, we heal the sources of the underlying causes of pain body/hurtful/unthinking actions and grow deeper in respect and love. I think the most important thing to find/look for in a partner, is a desire to care for, show love and share life... all of it.
  16. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    In my experience the dan tiens work like generative fields. Similar to this picture of the magnetic field generated by the heart. As for filling it, the field can gain in density, which would equate to filling up for me, but it is in constant flux as energy flows into and out of the field according to natural function, with the forces of attention, emotion, natural 'external' conditions, affecting its density and size.
  17. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    After practice today I'd say, it's not filling, so much as it's releasing through the thresh-hold/resistance factor yielded by my current level of tension vs relaxation.
  18. BKA's guide on how to pickup women.... and lizard people

    Oh! Missed that point entirely In that case, what a bugger... I guess there's the route of 'grin and bear it' until the right fit comes along. Most of these situations being discussed recently in the thread are pretty situation specific and represent a small percentage of actual people and relationships in my experience. I acknowledge to have been surrounded by spiritually elevated, intelligent, aware women most of my adult life. I have hung out mainly with artists this time around. Perhaps that has something to do with it...
  19. BKA's guide on how to pickup women.... and lizard people

    No should. Attraction happens very naturally. Odd concept to me.
  20. BKA's guide on how to pickup women.... and lizard people

    Tim Curry rocks! Although my wife is into bald white guys.... Which just happens to be awesome in my case as I shave my head
  21. BKA's guide on how to pickup women.... and lizard people

    I find they are drawn to older partners...
  22. BKA's guide on how to pickup women.... and lizard people

    I find the title change very appropriate. lol BKA
  23. Daily timetable of the Quanzhen retreat

    I lived in a polyphasic sleep pattern back when I was attending University in my early 20's. Did it for several years, taking the summers off as I had more time and slept more 'normally'. I graduated with honors, found married and stayed with my wife and performed in dozens of professional stage productions. My wife, does not function well on less than eight hours of sleep. She's been that way the last 25 years I've known her and shared her bed. Sleep patterns are individual and sleep deprivation is one of the simplest, and most direct ways to achieve an altered state of perception, aside from breath control/sublimation/retention... Stop the fear mongering Isi, it's just consciousness...