silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. Daily timetable of the Quanzhen retreat

    Well stated. That's a fine explanation, unless of course someone were purposely refusing to acknowledge it... One of the easiest and lowest vibrational practices to engage in, is purposely poo-pooing things outside your frame of comfort and experience. This dampens the heart field and reduces energy flow adding to blockages, it's another form of hard-core training that leads to all manner of health challenges and social discomfort... Eventually the system will respond and force you to reevaluate methods or health and relationships will suffer. We can break the laws of man all day, as they are mere ideas. We break ourselves on the laws of energy which are foundational and not optional.
  2. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    Interesting. I have no formal exposure to any systems of Magick, but have read a bit.
  3. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    Yea I'd be interested in hearing more about this as well. Since my return to formal practice several years ago, I get more action and sensation in the mdt than the lower. Lower was active minimally for a few weeks, then the middle seemed to light up after my yongchuan points opened up, with magnetic resonance and very pleasant vibrations. It's been this way since... Every once in a while there will be some sensations in the ldt, but the majority of my sensations come in other areas of the body, predominately the mdt, mingmen, hands, feet, face, temples, skin surface, under the skin. Everywhere but the ldt basically In any event, I continue with Form I daily, still focused on the ldt and the mdt lights up almost immediately and will hum softly for a few minutes until it settles down. I don't chase sensations, but keep a hand written journal which is one of the best ideas my teacher gave to me, being able to go back and consult in detail things that were happening years ago is invaluable. I then move on to Form II which is MCO and energy running through various circuits. I get the sense from what I've read and from my own experience that once the ldt is expanded and flowing/rotating well, the rest of the body begins to receive the increased flow automatically, so this has led to the mdt sensations as either blockage is released, (there have been some very strong emotional releases and realizations in the area of old emotional issues that has resulted in the heart chakra opening up some of late), or the mdt is expanding and increasing its flow/rotation. Hard to say, I just know that I'm experiencing greater health and releasing old garbage, so I continue...
  4. BKA's guide on how to pickup women.... and lizard people

    Some cats are just wired that way... I had a cat, whose name was Bodha and he went camping and hiking with us frequently. Sometimes on a harness but frequently just on his own, walking along with us as we'd hike. After some time, usually because the ground was messing with his feet, he'd start to bitch, so I'd put him in my hoodie. While he didn't love his harness, he understood there were some places where it was wear it or don't come along and he was ok with that and never fought it. He also loved to go up on the rooftops of the Brownstones in Brooklyn when we lived there. I'd say 'rooftop buddy!' and he'd come over and I'd set him on my shoulder as we'd climb up the fire escape. He could open doors and would turn lights on and off to suit his needs. He lived to 23, what a great friend.
  5. If a Time Travel Machine is Built in the Future, Then..

    Palpable power really sums up my first experience getting off the plane in NYC. It hit me like a wave and the waves just kept coming. My wife and I lived there for seven years. Had more than a few exceptional experiences there...
  6. If a Time Travel Machine is Built in the Future, Then..

    I experienced something while living in NYC that falls into the 'time bubble' category of strangeness. I was walking south through Manhattan one Fall afternoon, past city hall on my way to the Brooklyn Bridge. In the area in front of City Hall there is quite a bit of open space where the natural rolling hills hadn't been scraped, developed and covered with buildings, suddenly in the middle of walking and for a couple steps I was standing in pre-modern NYC and staring around me at the rolling hills covered in trees changing colors! Full hallucination, audio, olfactory, complete reality shift for about 5 breaths. No buildings, couple of walking paths, and trees in full fall colors slowly shedding leaves. I blinked and was surrounded by the 'now' again.
  7. BKA's guide on how to pickup women.... and lizard people

    This rings very true in my experience. People who are really passionate about something and acquire skill in it are quite attractive. Big time.
  8. New Year resolutions anyone?

    With things of this nature, I get pretty pissy when they remain all diaphanous and abstract... I really strive for something concrete that I can use daily, moment by moment to bring it into action in the now. Here's a game I've come up with for the remain silent portion of my list. Pythagorus' quote: Remain silent or say something better than silence, rang my bell pretty hard some time back and I've spent a fair amount of time sitting with this idea over the last two years. Recently this sitting brought forth a powerful realization about the impact of thoughts on my 'identity' and more importantly on the quality of my experience of life. Sitting with this distilled into an understanding that allows me to consciously put into practice in a very simple way, something I take as the core meaning of this teaching. Words are vibration. Vibration affects all things. Choose my words with greater care. The game is simple: Don't give in to the compulsion to endlessly discuss something I judge to be wrong, bad, fucked up, stupid, insipid, pedantic, childish, lame, harsh, evil... take note of it, but don't wallow in it, don't feed it. I would rather create conscious use of my words as a form of power to affect my life directly, in the now to express joy about that which I most love, cherish, admire, wish to emulate, hope for and dream about. Here's where the game part comes in... to help me remain mindful... I've taken to wearing a string of twelve small silver tonga bells around my neck like some European work horse; their soft tone at each small movement, reminding me to stay mindful of thoughts and words... that and I freaking jingle and it's kind of awesome to have a jingling, positive vibe viking walking around the world...
  9. So I had huge energy sickness all night

    I had this experience returning to formal instruction in Nei Gong and Qi Gong. Several things that were 'revealed' to me, I'd been doing instinctively for years... Intuition and being open to going with impulses. No doubt they would have tried to pump you full of something to kill the effect. Well meaning, but clueless. Stay grounded and enjoy the ride!
  10. BKA's guide on how to pickup women.... and lizard people

    I've never really asked anyone on a date. For me, the two women who really ignited love in me, there was no formal dating. Met my high school sweetheart while working on a show and we just started 'hanging out', one evening hanging out turned into my first love and lasted through high school. Met my wife the same way, on stage. When we met some 25 years ago and there was no choice. No asking out, no pursuit, by either of us. The attraction was so strong and intense, it was inescapable even when I refused to act on it for months. I was not interested in relationships at all then, wanted to focus on performance and studies. Pffft, just being around her took all choice away, within 3 months of spending time talking and hanging out, I knew I could spend my life with her. Years later, I asked her what her reaction was, the first time I kissed her... (months after we started hanging out daily). 'FINALLY!' lol If the attraction is there, the books, flowers, hell even bathing become accoutrements... lol
  11. (compassion) "...Thank you so much..."

    Well if the dog was this human, I'd step back out into the rain. Pluviophile through and through, no umbrellas for me. (wanders off muttering about free life falling from heaven unregulated....)
  12. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    That is just so appropriately oddly strange n funny...
  13. My purpose is to find my purpose

    Any purpose I can discern of late, is to: 1) Be 2) Love These two seem to co-arise...
  14. lower dantian theory by Damo Mitchell

    Conditioning the vessel for enhanced bandwidth... Such a beautiful analogy, I love this!
  15. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    or as a full gyroscope
  16. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    Relaxation allows for valves to open wider and channels to expand further. I can see feeling this and defining it as 'filling up' as the reservoirs and channels expand and flow through them increases. For me, it's not being full, so much as it's releasing constricting tension and opening up.
  17. Clearing nostrils for meditation?

    Good info thanks!
  18. Everyone needs a hobby :)

    Intense art!
  19. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    I am wary of 'transmissions'. They amount in my mind to 'shortcuts' which I feel are in the long scope, counter-productive. Like a child who skips crawling and goes straight to walking, will at some point revert at a later point to that lesson. Some things can't be skipped. I also feel pretty strongly that there are no accidents and that 'patterns of avoidance' of certain lessons, actually prolong the experience of that lesson, than just allowing it to flow naturally. When realization occurs, transformation of prior energy systems is instantaneous in my experience. Like a candle banishing the darkness of a thousand years. I seek out teachings. Those that resonate, remain. I welcome conversations, or lessons, but transmission makes me uncomfortable.
  20. Clearing nostrils for meditation?

    I've been noticing a circadian rhythm to my nostrils. One will constrict (with no seeming external condition) while the other is wide open. This will shift through the day every couple of hours, but frequently I'll notice that one nostril is active and the other passive. I assume this has to do with the subtle energy channels, but that is pure intuitive response on my part.
  21. The decline and eventual fall of the USA as world superpower?

    Chomsky is another hero of mine. <deep bow>
  22. Clearing nostrils for meditation?

    Nice explanation! I especially like what you say about not using sinuses to facilitate the movement of air. For years since moving to the Southwest, I suffered from harsh sinus conditions whenever the Santa Ana winds would blow. Three years into regular qigong practice and now, my sinus passages stay wide open, even in the face of my recent bout with the flu.
  23. Scientists achieve levitation using sound waves

    Dr Jarl, Swedish. He met a young Tibetan while studying at Oxford in the 1930's and ended up traveling to Tibet some years later by request to treat a high level lama. As a reward for his service, the Tibetans allowed him to witness one of their levitation techniques in a construction project nearby, raising heavy stones some several hundred feet up a cliff site to where a statue was being erected. Rather than a reward, it was something of a complete mind-job as you can imagine. Word is, Jarl returned with a camera to record the process and that film was confiscated by the British when he shared it later. Not the original article I read... but it's there. Another article attempting to bring some scientific perspective to the process. Coral Castle and Ed Leedskalnin also come to mind when this is mentioned. Although the Tibetans achieved their levitation via nine monks, some using voice, others horns tuned to certain pitches and others with drums of specific diameter. Ed was a 110lb guy working with home made tools alone, mostly at night. Fascinating stuff.
  24. New Year resolutions anyone?

    Remain silent, or say something better than silence... Compassion before Judgement... Increase Gratitude...