silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. Scientists achieve levitation using sound waves

    Love this! Love more that the Tibetans have been doing this and much more for thousands of years.... Just goes to show, no matter which path, they all lead to source.
  2. Clearing nostrils for meditation?

    I love my neti pot!
  3. Inner Visualization

    My inner vision of late (last few years) involves mainly geometric patterns, intertwining, merging, flashing, pin-holing/expanding circles of colored light, oscillating inward and outward. Then more infrequently, there are the flash images that in a brief moment, convey complex movie like, storyline situations, some very mundane, familial and comfortable, others quite alien.
  4. The decline and eventual fall of the USA as world superpower?

    six words, otherwise innocuous but when coupled in a certain way, turn America into AmeriKa. Military Industrial Complex Federal Reserve Bank
  5. What does your Qi feel like?

    buzzing, static, magnetic spheres and small moving magnetic fields, shells around certain body parts, puffiness in the skin, clouds flowing over the skin, water flowing under the skin, wind flowing into and out of the hands come to mind...
  6. What I see

    semantics for entertainment on one level for sure... but a very relevant, relevancy of the forms within the 10,000 to make up the rest. no matter the path, from and to... one source.
  7. A sovereign God question

    Free the senses to be free of the senses.
  8. How to Kill Robotic Energy (for Martial Artists)

    Flow is now! Love this!
  9. Dude is seriously one of my heroes...
  10. What I see

    Harder for me to differentiate the pond and Marblehead. But I give benefit of the doubt... until the fish start typing.
  11. ring the bell and listen

  12. How to Kill Robotic Energy (for Martial Artists)

    I prefer sending out tidal waves of golden light that absolutely smother my focus in love. Topics of conversation shift, some folks leave, others come close. Remarkably effective.
  13. What I see

    Very nice. Love it. I've come to a similar point albeit from a very different perspective not being a materialist. I (insert idea/concept of what/who I am - still don't know for certain as still discovering) I would say I participate in an experience with something I identify as fish. Of which, there is one in what I call my home that seems to me to be blue and red and quite responsive whenever I walk by the tank. This however for me, is not proof of fish, or not fish, nor fish and not fish. It is proof of perception, which may or may not be illusion. ps. I'm no buddhist and only a partial taoist.
  14. What I see

    Ok I'll bite. Define have.
  15. What I see

    there is no fish
  16. Christmas / Holiday lists everyone? ;)

    time with my wife and son.
  17. What Qigong style is it?

    qigong, like language, adapts to its user. all things change. find what resonates with you and dive in!
  18. What I see

    there is no spoon
  19. The most disturbing element to me aside from the unknown affects in the long term of GMO food; is the impact of seed patents and the inevitable spreading of patented seeds to private farmers crops, which are then confiscated due to patent infringement. And if GMO is so beneficial, which I whole heartedly agree beats starving to death, I can't help but wonder why so many countries have outright banned them.
  20. dreamtime life

    I've had myriad lucid dreams, starting with one of my earliest memories in which I became lucid during a nightmare and experiencing an OBE. The dream scape has every bit the weight, value and impact on my sense of self and reality as any events that have occurred in physical reality. In many respects, waking life to me is like a collective dream state, where the impact of intention takes 'time' by our perception due to the vibrational level at which it is experienced. Dreams respond instantaneously to the slightest intention. This first experience dissolved any fear of death before I ever knew what death was... (I was four). It is directly related to my lifelong quest to seek out and explore altered states of consciousness. Currently I'm working on the MCO while dreaming. I've had several successes, mostly becoming aware while already engaged in the MCO, rather than becoming lucid and then beginning the cycle. In recent years, my lucidity experience has been more of the 'aware I'm dreaming' and just going for the ride while aware, rather than impacting the dream scape with direct intention. I view two categories of dreams, small and large. The small are rather mundane, set in very earth-like conditions. The large bend my sense of self and reality beyond words/emotions or even images. I'm endlessly fascinated by dreams...
  21. I dunno about boxers. I had an unfortunate instance when I was about 10. Walked in on Grandpa dressing himself. He was slowly reeling up his 7 inch testicles and placing them in his boxers like a basket. I walked around with my tighty whiteys pulled up around my belly button for weeks for fear that mine would stretch out too. Good times!
  22. Happy DongZhi!

    I love the Solstice! Happy rebirth of the Light!
  23. I still look down entire aisles of food in our conventional grocery store and see no real food. Rows of boxed, processed flour, wheat and sugar, artificially colored and preserved. In a pinch it will keep you going, but as a way of life, it's a slow form of poison. Farmers Market around here is massive and loaded with local organic at prices much better than the stores. Man I love those farmers!
  24. That is sad. Saddest for those who don't know enough to know better. No matter how often I'm exposed to it, the way our current establishment conducts itself still shocks me.