silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. There's been some interesting research into a probable cause of heart disease, linking certain types of microbes in the gut that excrete trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), a substance believed to promote atherogenesis. Among the treatments would be altering diet to inhibit the growth of the specific microbes. Won't it be great when scientific pursuit brings us back to using food as medicine? Instead of a cure, look to stop the cause.
  2. It would be so grand if we could rejuvenate our soil to higher brix values. Vegetation high in brix value does not get targeted by insects, as they are high in mineral content and are unappealing. These vegetables are brimming with phytochemicals that are vital for good immune function. One of the predatory quality checks held by nature, the low mineral content soil grows vegetation that appeals to insects. The insects clear out the vegetation and things get a chance to recalibrate to a higher mineral content. We'd require far fewer pesticides if we'd grow more in accord with nature and on a smaller scale. That is unfortunately just a pipe dream given the nature of conditions here and now. I've spent some time on water fasts and a couple of various detoxes and can relate to you on the emotional experiences related to various food types. Not to mention the state of intention/mind of the one who prepares what I eat, that can be really profound! I hadn't ever considered the emotional dampening affect of fat deposits. Huge impact on the ability to take in, move and express subtle energy. That really rang the bell for me. Thanks!
  3. Daily timetable of the Quanzhen retreat

    For me Antares, the tone of your repetitive assault and your lack of providing any real answers has provided Vitalii with more credibility by my perception.
  4. Daily timetable of the Quanzhen retreat

    calling someone a liar when they are lying is not breaking forum rules... it is stating a fact.
  5. Enlightened movies

    Kurosawa's Dreams: In particular the final short film: Village of the Waterwheels.
  6. Enlightened movies

    Woman in the Dunes: Sometimes only in captivity, can freedom be understood...
  7. Enlightened movies

    One of my all time favorite enlightenment films: A General betrayed flees to a monastery and finds the power of peace, only to be tested by those who won't let him go. Return to violence or remain in peace? Temptation of a Monk Followed by another great one: A ruthless warlord about to kill a girl, has a flash of enlightenment and finds his perception of reality shattered. The Warrior
  8. Getting Up at Sunrise

    The sunrises this time of year in LA are simply jaw dropping. Wispy cirrus clouds shot through with pink and lavender. My job is often outdoors and we start before dawn much of the year. This was my view for months while working on Star Trek some years back. Our location was one of the highest points overlooking LA. Pure view for about 320 degrees.
  9. Buddhist corpse ritual?

    I'm very curious about death. Never had any fear of it. Although some of the ways of dying aren't very appealing.
  10. Getting Up at Sunrise

    That triggers an awesome memory for me. Just before my wife and I moved to NYC from Minnesota, I went camping one last time on the shore of Superior. My last night, I stayed up to see the final sunrise from the cliffs near the campground. I was rewarded with a spiderweb, covered in dew, glimmering like crystal in the first rays of day. I haven't thought of that in years... Thanks MH!
  11. All This $earching... For What?

    Lost most of the desire to search for anything. I prefer being...
  12. Getting Up at Sunrise

    I've missed a mere handful of sunrises in the last decade. I veritably bathe in the dawning light.
  13. Universe Could be Hologram

    Human perception is a series of transducers facilitating the transformation of various wavelengths of energy into what we call our 'senses'. As above so below seems to apply in the case of the holographic universe. This theory grabbed me by the short hairs the first time I heard it and has never let go. I find in fascinating... then I let it go like a straw dog and grab a beer and watch the sunset.
  14. Fuck karma

    ripples on the river... illusions and filters... humans seem to operate on two misguided principles that: A:) we perceive the world as it is... and B:) we understand what we perceive Not much for grasping these days: at ideas, beliefs or dogma Rather I let go, release and become fully engaged now.
  15. Poll inspired by BKA's "karma" thread

    For me energy work came about instinctively and generates as a sort of compulsive need within me. I'm insatiably curious about the nature of reality/consciousness and obsessed with 'who am i'. Plus it feeeeelz zo good
  16. Fuck karma

    I sense Karma is like a river of conditions. We contribute to the conditions by action/reaction/intention. The river carries us. You can fight the current, or flow with it. River follows Tao.
  17. This sort of bums me out :(

    I remember one evening coming to the conclusion that the world is not about 'me'. So I stopped taking it personally. so much more space now to thrive...
  18. I've had a long term nagging suspicion that light is awareness/consciousness. So simple and beautiful, it boggles my mind into a lovely stupor when I sit with it.
  19. suffering

    Suffering is a crisis of perception. It's not real.
  20. Some folks live it seems, just to shit in other people's cornflakes. Ignore works wonders. And not just the ignore feature that hides the mess from view. The kind you kindle within and free yourself from the need to feed the trolls.
  21. Seeking seems to me a wedge, shaped by illusion that there is some separate I from the object sought. Decades of seeking... Now, I breathe... being.
  22. suffering

    recognition acceptance and liberation are simultaneous...
  23. suffering is a crisis of perception