silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. Katha Upanishad excerpt

    Don't take it on yourself. He's frustrated, you are not frustrating. It's been a valuable exchange, at least for me. I appreciate your contributions.
  2. Shaktipat

    no no no no no.
  3. Katha Upanishad excerpt

    Keep yellin' at folks from your porch old bob! yer winnin the interwebs!
  4. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Found one by him yesterday that really fits my current relationship with 'the news'. "If you don't read the news, you're uninformed. If you read the news, you're misinformed." M. Twain.
  5. Ancestry DNA

    Variations in individual sperm and eggs result in a roll of the dice as to how much of each influence is expressed in any given individual.
  6. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    On a not really but sorta, related note. I've always considered Batman to be a socio-pathic/psychopathic character. Kinda like drew without the cash or utility belt. Someone evidently agrees with me and designed this squirt gun years ago. kinda embraces the ultra creepiness of him braggin about his 'powers' here over the years.
  7. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Drew never made it to the high brow ways of KFC. He peddled his abstracted genitalia assaults at Mcy-D's
  8. Lower Dantian mentioned in a video game.

    Cool, I have a ps4 and love story based rpg's I'll check it out. I just finished a show yesterday and have the next month or so off, so it's time to play.
  9. Lower Dantian mentioned in a video game.

    Yea, I'm seeing references to concepts in cultivation popping up in unexpected places media-wise. I was pleasantly surprised at some of the energetic practices and concepts shared in the animated series The Avatar when watching it with my young son years ago. Someone on that writing crew was clearly part of a lineage and included some of the concepts in the characters and storylines. What platform is the game Berseria on?
  10. Ancestry DNA

    Wow that's fascinating isn't it? Have you considered doing your own? They can vary quite a bit from sibling to sibling.
  11. Easter

    We still hide eggs for our son. This morning I wandered over to a candle holder wondering what weird candle was in it, to discover an easter egg my wife hid there last night for him to find. Oh right! Easter eggs! My wife is pure awesome. Clever and loving is an awesome combination. She uses the big plastic eggs and fills them with little collectible miniatures and candy. Last year was minecraft and mnm's. This year it was mini twix/kitkat and dungeons and dragons miniatures. They are currently arrayed for battle on the sidebar table. We'll get the dice out later and see how it plays out. Happy Rebirth Bums.
  12. Co-written by Bruce Lee, who died before filming but would have starred otherwise.
  13. What are you listening to?

    This is about as close as I'm getting to anything to do with christianized easter...
  14. Easter

    Don't forget to pretend to eat his body and drink his blood... cringe
  15. Favorite Quotes from Buddha.

    So poignantly resonant... and the timing for me, stunning. Thank you for sharing! *bow*
  16. Its Time To End The War On Salt

    Miss you dearly old friend. Hear Hear!
  17. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    How... Russian
  18. man made stuff

  19. (Will Pay $) Seeking Scholars Of Daoism And Buddhism

    echo... echo... echo... echo...
  20. Title says it all. Could we add a Wow emoji?
  21. The Cool Picture Thread

    I think we should add a Wow Emoji to our reaction options at the Bums.
  22. 'Hard logic' on why everything has meaning

    In my experience our inner storyteller assigns meaning, based on bias and projection.