silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    you guys ok?
  2. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    whoa. uh... just an accidental post while reading.
  3. Asking for feedback

    Very impressive design and a very clever idea. I've been a collector of various card decks for many years. From games to occult. I'm curious if you're planning on making them available for purchase. I'd be interested if so.
  4. "You can't polish a turd"

    I stand corrected. They can indeed shine. lmao thanks for sharing mate. I dearly love Adam, he and I work in the same field and he's like a long lost brother.
  5. What are you listening to?

    Appreciate this share quite a bit. And the visualizer is amazing. Reminds me a bit of some of my favorite Duduk music.
  6. "You can't polish a turd"

    You can most definitely polish a turd. It just never gets shiny...
  7. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    The Tao of Physics: Fritjof Capra This book shifted my entire paradigm back in my 20's. Curious to see how it affects, 30 years later.
  8. simplify

  9. Thank you for your service, Thich Nhat Hanh

    He was and remains, a treasure. Very grateful for his presence and life. Blessed to have benefited from some of his insights. More and more as my life unfolds, it has been revealed that zen has accompanied me through every turn and step.
  10. People say nothing is impossible, but i do nothing regularly.
  11. Depression

    Grounds for immediate perma-ban on most other forums. Unconscionable behavior.
  12. Art is the realm of symbols and allegory to convey deep and multiple meanings and is often meant to be interpreted metaphorically, not literally.
  13. Story of Atlantis Part 1 - Ice Age and Deluge

    That is the Atlantis Resort, but it's in the Bahamas, not Dubai. I worked as a sculptor on that project for two years at a studio in NYC, while I transitioned out of acting. Mostly I worked on a series of large relief sculpted panels that line the shark tanks, depicting various scenes from Greek Mythos. It was an awesome project, that I recall fondly. The portion I'm describing was designed to represent the Minotaur's Labyrinth.
  14. I know the body can feel like a prison and death, a release. I spent many years semi-crippled with an inescapable and often blinding pain that was undiagnosable for a long time. This happened to me in the peak of life (late 20's early 30's). It ruined my hard martial arts career, ended my rock climbing, solo hiking, skiing and all other physical loves). I was often consigned to a chair, or walking with a cane/crutch on the 'good days'. But pain was a daily, minute by minute, inescapable companion. (Being immune to morphine and most pharma pain meds is a challenge). At some point toward the end of those years of crippling pain, I experienced a shift and this realization cracked through. If one has a body... There will be discomfort, there may be pain. This does not mean I must suffer. Such a gift as that... I'd honestly not wish on an enemy, but my gratitude for it abides to this day. (I have since recovered and wrote about it here in more detail years ago) I experience deep empathy for those who suffer chronic pain (and am familiar with your situation from past sharing). My story was a direct sharing of my experience as a young child regarding the OP's question. I did not intend to imply this was or should be everyone's experience. Much Love Bluesnake.
  15. What are you listening to?

    These two playing concurrently on loop. This one at 15% volume and this one on full volume
  16. For the Buns

    This is what came to my mind.
  17. Rookie lifeguard saves kangaroo from rough surf

    Right on Lillian and Carissa! Thanks for sharing mate!
  18. To me, Agni's fire burns within every aspect of creation... each at its own level.
  19. What are you listening to?

    Wow. Stunning music and imagery. Thanks for sharing mate!
  20. Do right and wrong / good and evil exist

    Oh my... Yea, we're done here mate.